/* * $Id: Queue_allocation.cpp 81 2008-04-15 18:40:01Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/Generic/Queue/include/Queue.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { namespace generic { namespace queue { #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Queue::allocation" void Queue::allocation (void) { log_printf(FUNC,Queue,FUNCTION,"Begin"); _component = new Component (_usage); Entity * entity = _component->set_entity (_name ,"Queue" #ifdef POSITION ,COMBINATORY #endif ); _interfaces = entity->set_interfaces(); // ~~~~~[ Interface : "" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { Interface * interface = _interfaces->set_interface("" #ifdef POSITION ,IN ,SOUTH, "Generalist interface" #endif ); in_CLOCK = interface->set_signal_clk ("clock" ,1, CLOCK_VHDL_YES); in_NRESET = interface->set_signal_in ("nreset",1, RESET_VHDL_YES); } // ~~~~~[ Interface "insert" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { Interface_fifo * interface = _interfaces->set_interface("insert" #ifdef POSITION ,IN ,WEST ,"Insertion of data" #endif ); in_INSERT_VAL = interface->set_signal_valack_in (VAL); out_INSERT_ACK = interface->set_signal_valack_out(ACK); in_INSERT_DATA = interface->set_signal_in ("data", _param->_size_data); } // ~~~~~[ Interface "retire" ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { Interface_fifo * interface = _interfaces->set_interface("retire" #ifdef POSITION ,IN ,EAST ,"Retire of data" #endif ); out_RETIRE_VAL = interface->set_signal_valack_out(VAL); in_RETIRE_ACK = interface->set_signal_valack_in (ACK); out_RETIRE_DATA = interface->set_signal_out ("data", _param->_size_data); } // ~~~~~[ Register ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _queue_control = new morpheo::behavioural::generic::queue_control::Queue_Control::Queue_Control(_param->_size_queue); _queue_data = new Tdata_t [_param->_size_queue]; // ~~~~~[ Component ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ifdef POSITION _component->generate_file(); #endif log_printf(FUNC,Queue,FUNCTION,"End"); }; }; // end namespace queue }; // end namespace generic }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo