#ifndef morpheo_behavioural_Component_h #define morpheo_behavioural_Component_h /* * $Id: Component.h 139 2010-07-30 14:47:27Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef VHDL #include "Behavioural/include/Vhdl.h" #endif //#include "Behavioural/include/Description.h" #include "Behavioural/include/Entity.h" #include "Common/include/ToString.h" #include "Common/include/Debug.h" #include "Behavioural/include/Usage.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { /* #ifdef DEBUG # define PORT_MAP(x,a,b,c,d) \ do \ { \ try \ { \ x->port_map(a,b,c,d); \ } \ catch (morpheo::ErrorMorpheo & error) \ { \ throw (ErrorMorpheo ("In file "+toString(__FILE__)+", at line "+toString(__LINE__)+"\n"+error.what ())); \ } \ } \ while (0) #else */ # define PORT_MAP(x,a,b,c,d) \ do \ { \ x->port_map(a,b,c,d); \ } \ while (0) // #endif #define COMPONENT_MAP(x,a,b,c,d) \ do \ { \ PORT_MAP(x,a,b,c,d); \ PORT_MAP(x,c,d,a,b); \ } \ while (0) typedef uint8_t Tinstance_t; #define INSTANCE_NONE 0x0 #define INSTANCE_LIBRARY 0x1 #define INSTANCE_COMPONENT 0x2 #define INSTANCE_POSITION 0x4 #define INSTANCE_ALL 0x7 class Component { typedef struct { public : Component * _component; public : Entity * _entity ; public : Tinstance_t _instance ; public : std::string _architecture; } Tcomponent_t; // -----[ fields ]---------------------------------------------------- private : const Tusage_t _usage; private : Entity * _entity ; private : std::list * _list_component; // -----[ methods ]--------------------------------------------------- public : Component (Tusage_t usage); public : Component (const Component & component); public : ~Component (); public : std::string get_name (void); public : Entity * set_entity (std::string name ,std::string type #ifdef POSITION ,schema_t schema #endif ); private : std::string get_entity (void); public : void set_component (Component * component #ifdef POSITION ,uint32_t pos_x ,uint32_t pos_y ,uint32_t size_x ,uint32_t size_y #endif ,Tinstance_t instance=INSTANCE_ALL ,std::string architecture="" ); private : std::string get_component (void); private : Entity * find_entity (std::string name); //private : Interface * find_interface (std::string name , // Entity * entity); #ifdef VHDL public : void vhdl_instance (Vhdl * & vhdl); #endif private : Signal * signal_internal (Entity * entity_productor, Signal * signal_productor, Entity * entity_consumer, Signal * signal_consumer); public : void port_map (std::string component_src , std::string port_src , std::string component_dest, std::string port_dest ); public : bool test_map (bool recursive=true); //private : bool test_map (bool recursive); public : void * get_sc_signal (std::string component, std::string port ); // public : void set_sc_signal (std::string component, // std::string port , // void * sc_signal); // public : bool test_equi (bool recursive=true); // private : bool test_equi (uint32_t depth, bool recursive); #ifdef POSITION public : void interface_map (std::string component_src , std::string port_dest, std::string component_dest, std::string port_dest ); public : XML toXML (void); public : void generate_file (void); #endif public : friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output_stream, morpheo::behavioural::Component & x); #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Component::set_sc_signal" public : template void set_sc_signal (std::string component, std::string port , void * sc_signal) { log_begin(Behavioural,FUNCTION); std::string name_entity = _entity->get_name(); Entity * entity = find_entity(component); if (entity == NULL) throw (ERRORMORPHEO (FUNCTION,"In component \""+name_entity+"\", the component \""+component+"\" is unknow.\n")); Signal * signal = entity->find_signal (port); if (signal == NULL) throw (ERRORMORPHEO (FUNCTION,"In component \""+name_entity+"\", the component \""+component+"\" have not the signal \""+port+"\".\n")); signal->alloc(sc_signal); log_end(Behavioural,FUNCTION); }; }; }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo #endif