#ifndef morpheo_behavioural_Signal_h #define morpheo_behavioural_Signal_h /* * $Id: Signal.h 145 2010-10-13 18:15:51Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #ifdef SYSTEMC #include "systemc.h" #endif #include #include #ifdef VHDL #include "Behavioural/include/Vhdl.h" #endif #include "Behavioural/include/Parameters.h" #include "Behavioural/include/Direction.h" #include "Behavioural/include/XML.h" #include "Behavioural/include/Debug_signal.h" #include "Common/include/ErrorMorpheo.h" #include "Common/include/ToBase2.h" #include "Common/include/ToString.h" #include "Common/include/Debug.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { typedef enum {UNKNOW , BOOL , UINT8_T , UINT16_T , UINT32_T , UINT64_T } type_info_t; typedef enum {PORT_SYSTEMC_NO , // also, vhdl_no and testbench_no PORT_VHDL_YES_TESTBENCH_YES, PORT_VHDL_YES_TESTBENCH_NO , PORT_VHDL_NO_TESTBENCH_YES , PORT_VHDL_NO_TESTBENCH_NO , CLOCK_VHDL_YES , CLOCK_VHDL_NO , RESET_VHDL_YES , RESET_VHDL_NO } presence_port_t; class Signal { friend class Interface; // -----[ fields ]---------------------------------------------------- private : const std::string _name ; private : const direction_t _direction ; private : const presence_port_t _presence_port ; private : uint32_t _size ; private : Signal * _connect_to_signal ; // the actual implementaion, this signal link with one signal (but if signal is an output, it can be connect with many signal ...) private : Signal * _connect_from_signal ; // producter of signal. If NULL, then producteur is the current entity private : bool _is_allocate ; // Have allocate a sc_in or sc_out port private : void * _sc_signal ; // sc_in or sc_out associated at this signal private : void * _sc_signal_map ; // sc_out generated this signal private : bool _is_map_as_toplevel_dest ; private : bool _is_map_as_component_src ; private : bool _is_map_as_component_dest; private : type_info_t _type_info ; #ifdef VHDL_TESTBENCH private : std::list * _list_value ; #endif // -----[ methods ]--------------------------------------------------- public : Signal (std::string name , direction_t direction , uint32_t size , presence_port_t presence_port = PORT_VHDL_YES_TESTBENCH_YES); public : Signal (const Signal &); public : ~Signal (); public : std::string get_name (void); public : uint32_t get_size (void); public : void set_size (uint32_t size); public : void set_size_max (uint32_t size); public : Signal * get_connect_to_signal (void); public : Signal * get_connect_from_signal (void); public : direction_t get_direction (void); public : type_info_t get_type_info (void); public : void * get_sc_signal (void); public : bool presence_vhdl (void); public : bool presence_testbench (void); public : bool test_map (std::string name_interface, bool top_level, bool is_behavioural); //public : bool test_equi (uint32_t depth); public : void link (Signal * signal_dest, bool signal_dest_is_port); public : void connect (Signal * signal_dest); #ifdef SYSTEMC public :template T read (void) { switch (_direction) { case IN : {return read_in ();} case OUT : {return read_out ();} default : throw (ErrorMorpheo ("Signal \""+_name+"\" : direction unknow.\n")); } } public :template T read_in (void) { switch (_type_info) { case BOOL : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT8_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT16_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT32_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT64_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); default : throw (ErrorMorpheo ("Signal \""+_name+"\" : type unknow.\n")); } } public :template T read_out(void) { switch (_type_info) { case BOOL : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT8_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT16_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT32_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); case UINT64_T : return (static_cast *>(_sc_signal_map)->read()); default : throw (ErrorMorpheo ("Signal \""+_name+"\" : type unknow.\n")); } } #endif #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Signal::alloc" public : template void alloc (void * sc_signal) { log_printf(FUNC,Behavioural,FUNCTION,"Begin"); if (_type_info != UNKNOW) throw (ErrorMorpheo (toString(_("Signal \"%s\" : already allocate.\n"),_name.c_str()))); if (test(_size) == false) throw (ErrorMorpheo (toString(_("Signal \"%s\" : size is too small (%d bits) to the associate type (%d bits).\n"),_name.c_str(),_size,8*sizeof(T)))); _is_allocate = true; _sc_signal = sc_signal; _sc_signal_map = sc_signal; DEBUG_SIGNAL_ADD(sc_signal,_name); if (typeid(T) == typeid(bool )) _type_info = BOOL; else if (typeid(T) == typeid(uint8_t )) _type_info = UINT8_T; else if (typeid(T) == typeid(uint16_t)) _type_info = UINT16_T; else if (typeid(T) == typeid(uint32_t)) _type_info = UINT32_T; else if (typeid(T) == typeid(uint64_t)) _type_info = UINT64_T; else _type_info = UNKNOW; log_printf(TRACE,Behavioural,FUNCTION, "Allocation of %s (%s, 0x%.8x)", _name.c_str(),toString(_type_info).c_str(), static_cast(reinterpret_cast(_sc_signal_map))); log_printf(FUNC,Behavioural,FUNCTION,"End"); } public : void dealloc (void); #ifdef VHDL public : void set_port (Vhdl * & vhdl); # ifdef VHDL_TESTBENCH public : Signal * get_clock (void); public : Signal * get_reset (void); public : uint32_t get_reset_cycle (bool active_low); public : void set_signal (Vhdl * & vhdl); public : void get_name_vhdl (std::list * & list_signal); public : void testbench (void); public : void testbench_body (Vhdl * & vhdl , std::string counter_name , std::string reset_name ); public : void testbench_test_ok(Vhdl * & vhdl ); # endif #endif public : XML toXML (void); public : friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output_stream, morpheo::behavioural::Signal & x); }; }; // end namespace behavioural template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::presence_port_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::PORT_VHDL_YES_TESTBENCH_YES : return "Port is in VHDL's model and TestBench's model" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::PORT_VHDL_YES_TESTBENCH_NO : return "Port is in VHDL's model " ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::PORT_VHDL_NO_TESTBENCH_YES : return "Port is in TestBench's model" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::PORT_VHDL_NO_TESTBENCH_NO : return "Port is in none model " ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::CLOCK_VHDL_YES : return "Clock is in VHDL's model " ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::CLOCK_VHDL_NO : return "Clock is not in VHDL's model " ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::RESET_VHDL_YES : return "Reset is in VHDL's model " ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::RESET_VHDL_NO : return "Reset is not in VHDL's model " ; break; default : return ""; break; } } typedef enum {UNKNOW , BOOL , UINT8_T , UINT16_T , UINT32_T , UINT64_T } type_info_t; template<> inline std::string toString(const morpheo::behavioural::type_info_t& x) { switch (x) { case morpheo::behavioural::BOOL : return "bool" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::UINT8_T : return "uint8_t" ; break; case morpheo::behavioural::UINT16_T : return "uint16_t"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::UINT32_T : return "uint32_t"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::UINT64_T : return "uint64_t"; break; case morpheo::behavioural::UNKNOW : default : return "unknow" ; break; } } }; // end namespace morpheo #endif