#ifdef VHDL /* * $Id: Component_vhdl_instance.cpp 95 2008-12-16 16:24:26Z rosiere $ * * [ Description ] * */ #include "Behavioural/include/Component.h" namespace morpheo { namespace behavioural { #undef FUNCTION #define FUNCTION "Component::vhdl_instance" void Component::vhdl_instance (Vhdl * & vhdl) { log_printf(FUNC,Behavioural,FUNCTION,"Begin"); uint32_t cpt = 0; std::map tab; // buffer all output { // for each interface std::list * list_interface = (_entity)->get_interfaces_list()->get_interface_list(); std::list::iterator j = list_interface->begin(); bool print_comment = false; if (not list_interface->empty()) { while (j != list_interface->end()) { // for each signal std::list * list_signal = (*j)->get_signal_list(); std::list::iterator k = list_signal->begin(); if (not list_signal->empty()) { while (k != list_signal->end()) { Signal * signal = (*k); // test if is connect with external interface or with an another component AND if this port is mapped. if ( (signal->get_direction() == OUT) and (signal->get_connect_from_signal () != NULL) ) { if (not print_comment) { vhdl->set_body ("------------------------------------------------------"); vhdl->set_body ("-- Output's Buffer"); vhdl->set_body ("------------------------------------------------------"); print_comment = true; } // Create name std::string signal_name = "signal_"+toString(cpt++); tab [signal ] = signal_name; tab [signal->get_connect_from_signal()] = signal_name; // Add a new signal and the affectation vhdl->set_signal (signal_name, signal->get_size()); vhdl->set_body (signal->get_name()+" <= "+signal_name+";"); } else { tab [signal ] = signal->get_name(); } ++k; } } ++j; } if (print_comment) { vhdl->set_body (""); vhdl->set_body ("------------------------------------------------------"); vhdl->set_body (""); } } } vhdl->set_library_work (_entity->get_name() + "_Pack"); // for each entity std::list * list_component = _list_component; std::list::iterator i = list_component->begin(); if (not list_component->empty()) { while (i != list_component->end()) { Entity * entity = (*i)->_entity; Tinstance_t instance = (*i)->_instance; if (instance & INSTANCE_LIBRARY) vhdl->set_library_work (entity->get_name() + "_Pack"); if (instance & INSTANCE_COMPONENT) { std::list list_port_map; // for each interface std::list * list_interface = entity->get_interfaces_list()->get_interface_list(); std::list::iterator j = list_interface->begin(); if (not list_interface->empty()) { while (j != list_interface->end()) { // for each signal std::list * list_signal = (*j)->get_signal_list(); std::list::iterator k = list_signal->begin(); if (not list_signal->empty()) { while (k != list_signal->end()) { // test if is connect with external interface or with an another component. Signal * signal_src = (*k); if (signal_src->presence_vhdl () == true) { Signal * signal_dest = signal_src->get_connect_to_signal(); std::string name_src = signal_src->get_name(); std::string name_dest; // // Test if destination signal is a interface port ? // if (_entity->find_signal(signal_dest) == false) // { // find if signal is already link std::map::iterator it = tab.find(signal_dest); if (tab.find(signal_dest) == tab.end()) { // Create name name_dest = "signal_"+toString(cpt++); tab [signal_src ] = name_dest; tab [signal_dest] = name_dest; // Add a new signal vhdl->set_signal (name_dest, signal_src->get_size()); } else { // find !!!! name_dest = (*it).second; tab [signal_src ] = name_dest; } // } // else // { // // Test if output // if (signal_dest->get_direction() == OUT) // { // // Take buffer's signal // map::iterator it = tab.find(signal_dest); // name_dest = (*it).second; // cout << " * OUT - name : " << name_dest << endl; // } // else // { // name_dest = signal_dest->get_name(); // cout << " * IN - name : " << name_dest << endl; // } // } vhdl->set_body_component_port_map (list_port_map, name_src , signal_src ->get_size(), name_dest, signal_dest->get_size() ); } ++k; } } ++j; } } vhdl->set_body_component ("instance_"+entity->get_name(),entity->get_name(),list_port_map); } ++i; } } log_printf(FUNC,Behavioural,FUNCTION,"End"); }; }; // end namespace behavioural }; // end namespace morpheo #endif