#include "window.h" using namespace std; using namespace morpheo::tools::viewer::parser; using namespace morpheo::tools::viewer::bdd; using namespace morpheo::tools::viewer::graphics; /*signals actions implementation*/ void Window::_open(){ //if no file open or if the file opened has been saved -> open other file, else -> ask for saving file if(!file_open || is_save){ wo = new QWidget(); wo_open = true; //the "open" window is open if(wa_open) wa->close(); QBoxLayout *open_box = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom,0); wo->setWindowTitle("open : file name"); wo->setFixedSize(500,500); wo->move(50,100); QDirModel *dir = new QDirModel(); QTreeView *tree = new QTreeView(wo); tree->resize(400,400); tree->setModel(dir); tree->setRootIndex(dir->index("./data/")); file_name = new QLineEdit(wo); QPushButton *ok_open = new QPushButton("ok",wo); connect(ok_open,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_open_end())); open_box->addWidget(tree); open_box->addWidget(file_name); open_box->addWidget(ok_open); wo->setLayout(open_box); wo->show(); } else{ wa_open = true; file_open = false; wa = new QWidget(); QBoxLayout *other_box = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight,0); wa->setFixedSize(500,60); wa->move(50,100); QLabel *label = new QLabel("do you want to save this file?"); QPushButton *yes_save = new QPushButton("yes",wa); QPushButton *no_save = new QPushButton("no",wa); if(current_name!=NULL) connect(yes_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_save())); else connect(yes_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_saveAs())); connect(no_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_open())); other_box->addWidget(label); other_box->addWidget(yes_save); other_box->addWidget(no_save); wa->setLayout(other_box); wa->show(); } } void Window::_open_end(){ current_name=file_name->text(); wo->close(); wo_open = false;//the "open" window is now closed if(!is_parse){ parse = new Parse(); is_parse=true; } if(parse->open_file( current_name.toStdString(),0)==-1) _open_error(); else{ paint = false; repaint(); _init_file(); } } void Window::_init_file(){ is_save = true; base = parse->getBaseV();//parse the base and open the file #ifdef DEBUG_ALL base->afficheBaseConsole(); #endif cpt_level = 0; tab[cpt_level] = ""; file_open = true; QList *liste_compo = base->getBaseP(); p = liste_compo->at(0); entity = p.getEntity(); current = QString::fromStdString(entity->getName()); c = new Coord(250,250,250,250); port_east = entity->getPortEast(c); port_west = entity->getPortWest(c); port_north = entity->getPortNorth(c); port_south = entity->getPortSouth(c); paint = true; repaint(); setMouseTracking(true); } void Window::_open_error(){ QMessageBox *error = new QMessageBox(this); error->setText("error : file doesn't exist or is not a valid format"); error->addButton("ok",QMessageBox::YesRole); error->show(); } void Window::_save(){ if(file_open){ if (wa_open) wa->close(); if(save_as || first_save || (current_name==NULL)){//if "save as" or if it's the first time the user click on save (new file) -> save as ws = new QWidget(); ws_open = true;//the "save" window is open QBoxLayout *save_box = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight,0); ws->setWindowTitle("save : file name"); ws->setFixedSize(300,60); ws->move(50,100); file_name = new QLineEdit(ws); QPushButton *ok_save = new QPushButton("ok",ws); connect(ok_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_saveAsOk())); save_box->addWidget(file_name); save_box->addWidget(ok_save); ws->setLayout(save_box); ws->show(); save_as = false; first_save = false; } else { status->showMessage("file " + current_name + " saved",900); is_save = true;//file saved } if(wa_open){ wa_open = false; _open(); } } else{ QMessageBox *mess = new QMessageBox(this); mess->setText("no file opened"); mess->addButton("ok",QMessageBox::YesRole); mess->show(); } } void Window::_saveAs(){ if (wq_open){//if "quit" window is open, close it wq->close(); wq_open = false; } save_as = true; _save(); } void Window::_saveAsOk(){ current_name = file_name->text(); ws->close();//close the "save" window ws_open = false; is_save = true; status->showMessage("file " + current_name + " saved",900); if(wa_open){ wa_open = false; _open(); } if(quit_demand)//if the user clicked on "quit" (but saved the file just before) -> quit the application _quit2(); } void Window::_close(){ paint = false; lname->setText(""); winfo->show(); file_open = false; repaint(); } void Window::_quit(){ //if the file is not saved -> ask to the user if he wants to save it. If yes -> save, else quit. if(file_open && !is_save){ wq_open = true; quit_demand = true; wq = new QWidget(); QBoxLayout *quit_box = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight,0); wq->setWindowTitle("save : file name"); wq->setFixedSize(500,60); wq->move(50,100); QLabel *label = new QLabel("do you want to save this file?"); QPushButton *yes_save = new QPushButton("yes",wq); QPushButton *no_save = new QPushButton("no",wq); connect(yes_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_saveAs())); connect(no_save,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(_quit2())); quit_box->addWidget(label); quit_box->addWidget(yes_save); quit_box->addWidget(no_save); wq->setLayout(quit_box); wq->show(); } else _quit2(); } void Window::_quit2(){ /*test if there are windows (other than the main window) opened*/ if(wq_open) wq->close(); if(wo_open) wo->close(); if(ws_open) ws->close(); if(wa_open) wa->close(); if(param_open) wparam->close(); if(info_open) winfo->close(); close(); }