/* * 99 bottles of beer in ansi c * * by Bill Wein: bearheart@bearnet.com * */ #include "bottles.h" #include #include #include void chug(int beers); void bottles(int nb_beers) { register int beers; for(beers = nb_beers; beers; chug(beers--)) puts(""); puts("\nTime to buy more beer!\n"); } void chug(register int beers) { char howmany[8], *s; s = beers != 1 ? "s" : ""; printf("%d bottle%s of beer on the wall,\n", beers, s); printf("%d bottle%s of beeeeer . . . ,\n", beers, s); printf("Take one down, pass it around,\n"); if(--beers) sprintf(howmany, "%d", beers); else strcpy(howmany, "No more"); s = beers != 1 ? "s" : ""; printf("%s bottle%s of beer on the wall.\n", howmany, s); }