# # $Id: Makefile.flags 136 2009-10-20 18:52:15Z rosiere $ # # [ Description ] # #-----[ Simulator ]---------------------------------------- SIMULATOR_SYSTEMC ?= systemc SIMULATOR_VHDL ?= modelsim # 4 simulators for systemC : # systemc - supported - SystemC 2.2.0 # systemcass - supported - SystemCASS # systemcass_deps - not yet supported - Systemcass, and use port dependency information instead of sensitivity list # modelsim - not yet supported - Co simulation SystemC/VHDL with Modelsim # 1 simulator for VHDL # modelsim - supported #-----[ Flags ]-------------------------------------------- MORPHEO_FLAGS = -DSYSTEMC \ -DDEBUG=DEBUG_TRACE \ -DVHDL \ -DSTATISTICS # -DTRANSLATION \ # -DDEBUG_SIGNAL \ # -DVHDL_TESTBENCH \ # -DVHDL_TESTBENCH_ASSERT \ # -DPRINT_COLOR \ # -DPOSITION \ # -DDEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK \ # Flags : # DEBUG={level} - Print Debug Message # SYSTEMC - To generate a systemc's model # VHDL - To generate a vhdl's models # VHDL_TESTBENCH (need SYSTEMC) - In the simulation, generate two testbench's file (input and ouput) to validate the vhdl's model # VHDL_TESTBENCH_ASSERT (need VHDL_TESTBENCH) - In the simulation, generate in testbench's file an serie of assert # POSITION - To generate a position's files (it's input of viewer) # STATISTICS (need SYSTEMC) - In the simulation, generate a statistics's file # TRANSLATION - Translate message # PRINT_COLOR - Print with colors