-------------------------------------------------- Table of contents -------------------------------------------------- I - Guide to create a new Document -------------------------------------------------- I - Guide to create a new Document -------------------------------------------------- To create a new document, you can follow this step : 1) Choose a Name to the document (for the next step, we use the name : "name_of_document") 2) In directory , create the file "name_of_document". Inside, write the type of document ("ppt" for a presentation or "doc" for a document (Type is defined in the head of Makefile)) 3) In directory , create the file "name_of_document". Inside, enumarate the supported language (by example, "fr" and "en") 4) In directory , create the file "name_of_document.sty" (or copy the file "Include/file_source.sty"). Give the information of review, title (same for each language), author, and author's email. 5) In directory , create a directory "name_of_document". Inside, create directory "common" (to stock all document independant of language) and a directory for each language enumerated in step 2. Inside, you must create a file "root.tex", it contend the root of you document. (in your exemple we are : /name_of_document/ /name_of_document/common/ /name_of_document/en/root.tex /name_of_document/fr/root.tex ) 6) All schema (.fig) can be stock in the directory