-------------------------------------------------- Table of contents -------------------------------------------------- I - Directory II - Install III - Use a example -------------------------------------------------- I - Directory -------------------------------------------------- Documents : different document to explain the specific point in environnement IPs : my librairy of component Platforms : different plateforms to instance my Ips Softwares : different Software to map on a plateforms Tools : developement tools (compiler, simulator ...) -------------------------------------------------- II - Install -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- III - Use a example -------------------------------------------------- 1) Take variable : execute bash script "source environment.sh" 2) Go in software : "cd $SOC/Softwares/Debug/" 3) Compil application : "make" 4) Go in plateforms : "cd $SOC/Platforms/Debug/" 5) Compil plateforms : "make" 6) Run simulator : "bin/system.x 10000 $SOFT/Softwares/Debug/bin/soft.x"