Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#40 new task

Add a topology description API — at Version 5

Reported by: Nicolas Pouillon Owned by: Nicolas Pouillon
Priority: major Milestone: Topology handling
Component: drivers Keywords:

Description (last modified by Nicolas Pouillon)



  • Abstract the low-level description APIs
  • Enumerate the platform
    • Component connection topology
    • IRQ routing
    • Memory configuration (Cacheability, latency, …)
  • Deduce the correct OS mapping
    • For memory allocators (region API)
    • Scheduler lists repartition
    • Shortest-path IRQ routing
    • SRL tasks/resources mapping


  • Explore the topology
    • Extract journey costs
  • Query the topology: Get nodes by a selector
    • Proximity (get all rams that are at less than 3 hops than cpu XX)
    • Properties (get all cpus of arch XX)
    • Properties (get all devices of type XX) -- maybe redundant with hexo's device_s tree

Optional features discussion

  • Do we need to handle loads accounting (NoC load, CPU, memory, …) here ? (i.e. something like "Ok, for now on I use an avg 1 MBps of NoC path from X to Y, then report to others)
    • NoC is tightly coupled to topology, this could be interesting
    • CPU is somewhat highly dynamic, even if we can sometimes predict, is it obvious here ?
    • Memory has its own allocators, do not duplicate
  • If we do not, we probably need a separate accounting library
    • Maybe a-la mem_alloc(), per resource
    • So we must duplicate topology for NoC accounting
  • We can also put this is model-specific calls

libTopology data model


It is a graph of nodes. Nodes are associated to an element of the architecture. Some node examples:

  • A routing element (DSPIN NoC (as a whole)), a local interconnect
  • A CPU+cache
  • A memory bank
  • An ICU
  • A device

Each node can be associated to a device -- There is at most 1 device per node, some nodes have no associated device (e.g. NoC has no dev)


struct topo_model_s; // forward decl. see below

struct topo_node_s
    const struct topo_model_s *model; /// model handling this node
    void *priv;                 /// model's private data
    struct device_s *dev;       /// associated device, if any

  The only creteria telling two ports are different is
  private must be different. For models not using private,
  an useless but different value must be set.
struct topo_port_s
    const struct topo_node_s *node;   // node owning the port
    void *private;              // port's private.

Needed APIs

Device to node bijection

struct device_s *topo_node_to_device(const struct topo_node_s *node);

struct topo_node_s *topo_device_to_node(const struct device_s *dev);

Topology exploration

There must be a high-level call to explore the path from a node to another. We will assume:

  • There is one such path
  • We do not cross address spaces during the exploration (route a data packet, cant transform it in an IRQ)
  • There is one address type for destination

High level call which does the routing and accumulates round-trip metrics:

error_t topo_journey_metrics(
    const struct topo_node_s *start,
    const struct topo_addr_s *dest,
    struct topo_metrics_s *result);

(round-trip is sufficient as there is roughly the same energy involved in reads and writes, and also gives the model the choice of what a round-trip involves (totally different for a noc and a bus))

An address is a destination valid for a type of routing exploration, most of the time it will be a bus address, but may be an IRQ number, an USB device no, …

enum topo_addr_type_e

struct topo_addr_s
    enum topo_addr_type_e type;
    union {
        struct {
            uintptr_t address;
        } bus;
        struct {
            size_t line_no;
        } irq;

Accumulated metrics describe the features of the walked path:

struct topo_metrics_s
    size_t hop_count;
    uint32_t latency;          /// cycles ? µs ?
    uint32_t max_byte_per_sec; /// capped max on path
    uint32_t power_per_byte;   /// overall consumption estimation

Selection function

enum topo_crit_val_e
    TOPO_CRIT_DROP,   /// Node is not interesting, stop recursion here in the graph
    TOPO_CRIT_RECURS, /// Node is not selected, but we can recurs through it
    TOPO_CRIT_SELECT, /// Node is selected, and may be recursed down

enum topo_cmp_e
    TOPO_CMP_LEFT  = -1, /// left better than right
    TOPO_CMP_EQ    = 0,  /// left equals right
    TOPO_CMP_RIGHT = 1,  /// right better than left

struct topo_select_item_s
    const struct topo_node_s    *node;
    struct topo_metrics_s metrics; // not a pointer !

  Selector function
  @param item Node/metrics to filter
  @param priv Selector private data
  @returns whether the node is interesting
typedef enum topo_crit_val_e topo_crit_func_t(
    const struct topo_select_item_s *item,
    const void *priv);

  Sort function
  @param left  Node/metrics to compare
  @param right Node/metrics to compare
  @param priv Sort private data
  @returns comparaison result
typedef enum topo_cmp_e topo_sort_func_t(
    const struct topo_select_item_s *left,
    const struct topo_select_item_s *right,
    const void *priv);

error_t topo_select(
    const struct topo_node_s *start,         /// Start node
    topo_crit_func_t *crit, const void *crit_priv, /// Criterium function, telling whether a node is eligible
    topo_sort_func_t *sort, const void *sort_priv, /// Sorting function, telling order of nodes
    size_t max_items,                   /// Maximal number of nodes to return
    struct topo_select_item_s *items);  /// Output nodes+metrics. Table must be allocated by caller and be able to contain @tt max_items

Needed calls in model-specific functions

 Initialize a topology node.
typedef void topo_model_init_func_t(struct topo_node_s *node, const void *param);

 Destroy a topology node. Reclaim all associated memory
typedef void topo_model_cleanup_func_t(struct topo_node_s *node);

 Compute routing and cost from this node to the next hop, routing
 towards a given destination

 @param node Node of our model where we are coming from
 @param input Input port in node. May be NULL on start node
 @param dest Destination address for the current address space
 @param metrics Metrics to update on the go
 @param peer_input Input port of the next hop
typedef error_t topo_model_journey_next_func_t(
    const struct topo_node_s *node,
    const struct topo_port_s *input,
    const struct topo_addr_s *dest,
    struct topo_metrics_s *metrics,
    struct topo_port_s *peer_input);

 Explore the topology graph. Each call to this function must return next
 valid port.

 @param node Current node
 @param input Port where we came from, exploration should not "go back" to this edge. May be NULL on recursion start
 @param metrics Metrics up to this node
 @param item Returned item for next recursion
 @param state Pointer to a void* where select_next can store its internal state.

 @tt *state is @tt NULL on first call for each node.

 Successive calls to select_next for a given node in a given exploration use the same @tt state value.

 @note As there is no warning for end of iteration, there is no way of calling @tt free(), so @tt *state should be a pointer to preallocated internal data.
typedef error_t topo_model_select_next_func_t(
    const struct topo_node_s *node,
    const struct topo_port_s *input,
    const struct topo_metrics_s *input_metrics,
    struct topo_select_item_s *item,
    void **state);

topo_model_s struct

struct topo_model_s
    topo_model_init_func_t *init;
    topo_model_cleanup_func_t *cleanup;
    topo_model_journey_next_func_t *journey_next;
    topo_model_select_next_func_t *select_next;

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)

Bringing the discussion here

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)
  • Fixing the recursion API, we needed the input port when walking
  • Adding a selection API. Should be ala SQL select
    • a filter
    • an order
    • a limit
  • Selection API still has to be modified
    • We still have to tell whether a node is better than another (a sorting function)

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)

Move selection function

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)

The node/model separation is exactly like the device/driver separation.

We should make topology a driver class. device <-> topo node bijection is then a subdevice handling.

We should merge this with device API rework ticket

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