Here is a list of major contributors to the project (alphabetical order): * ''Ghassan Almaless'': former libvfs and fs drivers (rev < 1254) * ''Nicolas Ballabriga'': early minimalist libvfs & libunix (rev < 561) * ''Matthieu Bucchianeri'': libnetwork, device drivers, initial Doom port * ''Alexandre Becoulet'': hexo, mutek, ibmpc/x86 port, soclib/mips port, libc, libpthread, libtermui, fs & device drivers... * ''Sylvain Leroy'': devFS, VFS-Interface for NFS (libnetwork) (rev < 1254) * ''Nicolas Pouillon'': libsrl, libmwmr, libfdt, current libvfs, ppc and arm ports, many hexo changes, fs & device drivers... * ''Joel Porquet'': libelf, libdsrl, libm, many fixes... * ''Dimitri Refauvelet'': virtual memory and memory allocation The project has originally been developped by ''Alexandre Becoulet''.