= Summary = Building and running MutekH requires some development tools. Most should be available from your operating system packages. A script to easily get other specific tools installed is provided. = Required tools = == Repository access == The MutekH source code is available from its mercurial repository. You will need [http://mercurial.selenic.com/ mercurial] (>=1.5) to fetch the source: {{{ hg clone http://www.mutekh.org/hg/mutekh }}} MutekH rely on the [http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Subrepository Subrepository] feature of mercurial. Some external projects subrepositories require [http://subversion.tigris.org/ subversion] installed so they are fetched automatically. The [source:hg/.hgsub] file contains the external repositories list. If some source files are missing, ensure your mercurial version is not outdated or just perform additional checkouts by hand. == Toolchain == Building MutekH requires the following standard software packages: - The [http://gcc.gnu.org/ GNU Compiler Collection] (gcc) (>=4.4.2). - [http://www.gnu.org/software/make/ GNU make] (>=3.81). - A [http://www.perl.org/ perl] script interpreter (>=5.8). Some builds may require the following additional tools, depending on the target architecture and build configuration: - The [FlattenedDeviceTree flattened device tree] compiler (dtc): This tool comes with toolchains. - The heterogeneous linker found in [source:hg/tools/hlink], for heterogeneous platforms only. == Target simulation tools == You may need real hardware or a simulator to run MutekH (Arch/Emu target doesn't need one though): - [http://www.qemu.org/ Qemu] to run MutekH, available in most GNU/Linux distributions. - [http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ Bochs] an other x86 emulator, available in most GNU/Linux distributions. - [https://www.soclib.fr/ SoCLib] to experiment with various multiprocessor platforms (Mips, !PowerPc, Arm, ...). A precompiled SoCLib platform is available [https://www.mutekh.org/www/tools/ here] for test purpose. We suggest building your own platforms by installing SoCLib (see soclib:InstallationNotes). All this simulators can be with the [http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/ GNU debugger]. You may need extra tools to prepare bootable kernel images for some targets: - GNU mtools or mkisofs to create a x86 bootable disk images, available in most GNU/Linux distributions. - GNU grub or etherboot to boot compiled kernel images, included in boot image in [source:hg/tools/] directory. The [source:hg/tools/x86_cdrom.sh] and [source:hg/tools/x86_floppy.sh] scripts are available to easily create boot disk images. = Getting the tools = Some tools are readily available in most GNU/Linux distributions. Other tools require being build with a specific set of options and customized for a particular target. MutekH comes with a script to build and install these tools for you. Default install location is {{{/opt/mutekh}}} == Building tools from source == The [source:hg/tools/crossgen.mk tools/crossgen.mk] script is able to download, patch, build and install required specific tools for you. The following commands display help and default configuration: {{{ $ cd .../mutekh $ tools/crossgen.mk [display some help] $ tools/crossgen.mk config [display default configuration] }}} The following example shows how to get a little endian Mips cross-compiler installed under `~/mutekh`: {{{ $ tools/crossgen.mk TARGET=mipsel PREFIX=$HOME/mutekh toolchain }}} This script can install the following tools for you: - GNU Compiler Collection ({{{gcc}}}), - GNU Binutils, - GNU Debugger ({{{gdb}}}), - Device Tree Compiler ({{{dtc}}}), - Bochs x86 emulator, - Qemu processor emulator, - Modified GNU coreutils timeout command, used for testsuite ({{{testwrap}}}) == Precompiled tools binaries == Some precompiled toolchains are avaialble [https://www.mutekh.org/www/tools/ here] as static i386 Linux binaries for convenience and quick start purpose. It should work on any GNU/Linux i386 and x86_64 distributions. It was configured for installation in {{{/opt/mutekh}}}. We still recommend building your own up to date tools from source if you plan to work with MutekH. = Running the tools = When working with MutekH, be sure to add the `bin` and `lib` paths to your environment in order to use the tools: {{{ export PATH=/opt/mutekh/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mutekh/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH }}} if installed in `/opt/mutekh`, or: {{{ export PATH=$HOME/mutekh/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/mutekh/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH }}} if installed in `~/mutekh`.