Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of UsingMutekH/Sam7

Dec 22, 2009, 3:53:49 PM (15 years ago)
Nicolas Pouillon



  • UsingMutekH/Sam7

    v1 v1  
     2= Port status =
     4You may find more information about the status of the port on the [wiki:Arch/Simple/Sam7 Sam7 port page].
     6= Prerequisites =
     8We will use the sam7_ex256_demo application. It runs on a Olimex SAM7-EX256 development board.
     10We'll assume you have
     11 * a working sam7-ex256 board,
     12 * a running OpenOCD daemon connected to it,
     13 * the MutekH source-tree in `/path/to/mutekh`,
     14 * working gcc & binutils for ARM. Using `arm-unknown-elf` target is the default, but you may [wiki:Config/ToolChain#Useyourowntoolchain use your own toolchain]
     16= Using a demo application =
     18Demo application is located in [source:/trunk/mutekh/examples/sam7_ex256_demo] directory.
     20To compile this application, go to a new directory and type:
     22$ make \
     23           -f /path/to/mutekh/Makefile \
     24           CONF=/path/to/mutekh/examples/sam7_ex256_demo/config_sam7 \
     25           BUILD_DIR=$PWD \
     26           SRC_DIR=/path/to/mutekh
     29For more information about the meaning of the arguments, see BuildSystem.
     31= Got the kernel =
     33You should now have a tree of built objects on `obj-simple-arm` and two versions of the kernel:
     34 `kernel-simple-arm.out`::
     35   The ELF binary kernel, it can be used for GDB or other debugging purposes
     36 `kernel-simple-arm.bin`::
     37   This is the file you may flash to the Sam7 through openocd.
     39= Testing =
     41You may connect to the board through the first UART, 38400,8,n,1, and see:
     42 * A lua prompt asking for commands
     43 * Some messages when you touch the buttons or the joystick
     45On the lua prompt, you may try:
     46 `lcd_reblit()`::
     47   Will blit a default image to the LCD
     48 `lcd_blit_block(lba, x, y)`::
     49   Blits a 18x18 block from SD/MMC to the LCD at x,y. it is 18x18 because it fits in a 512-byte block of SD/MMC. Encoding is packed 12-bit RGB-444.
     50 `lcd_backlight(bool)`::
     51   Sets the backlight value (0/1)
     52 `lcd_invert(bool)`::
     53   Sets the backlight inversion mode (0/1)
     54 `lcd_set_contrast(n)`::
     55   Sets the contrast of LCD
     56 `block_hexdump(lba)`::
     57   Hexdump the SD/MMC block at lba
     58 `sd_mmc_rehash()`::
     59   Reinitialize the SD/MMC card, this can be used when switching cards
     61You may find other commands pressing the <TAB> key (yes, there is completion).