---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer:GAMOM /KIEGAING -- -- Create Date: 08:12:29 06/16/2011 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: EX1_FSM - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: Ce module est chargé de recevoir les instructions du programme MPI et -- de les exécuter (PUT) il coopère avec EX2 qui reçoit les instructions venant du NoC -- (GET) -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: 09/07/2012 -- Revision 0.03 - File updated -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; --use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library NocLib ; use Work.Packet_type.ALL; USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL; use NocLib.CoreTypes.all; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity EX1_FSM is -- parametres generiques du module : Port ( --instruction_available : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC; instruction_en : in std_logic:='0'; -- active le module instruction pid : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- id du processeur nprocs : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);-- nombre de processeur du MPSOC - 1 Result : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); -- le résultat de l'exécution de ce module AppInitReq :out STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- requête d'initialisation de l'application AppInitAck :in STD_LOGIC; -- Acquitement d'initialisation Initialized:in std_logic ; -- état de la Lib -- Accès au Fifo d'instructions priority_rotation : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; fifo_rd_en : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; fifo_empty : in STD_LOGIC; fifo_data_out : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- Accès au réseau sur puce switch_port_in_full : in std_logic; switch_port_in_data : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0):=(others=>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en : out STD_LOGIC:='0'; -- Accès à la mémoire RAM du PE ram_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); ram_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); ram_rd,ram_wr : out std_logic:='0'; ram_address : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=(others=>'Z'); dma_wr_request : OUT std_logic:='0'; dma_rd_request : OUT std_logic:='0'; dma_wr_grant : in STD_LOGIC; dma_rd_grant : in STD_LOGIC); end EX1_FSM; architecture Behavioral of EX1_FSM is -- definition du type etat pour le codage des etats des fsm type fsm_states is (fifo_select, fetch_packet_type, decode_packet_type, fetch_addresses, decode_packet_type2, read_status1,read_status2,execute_barrier1, execute_barrier2, execute_barrier3, execute_barrier4, execute_get1, execute_get2,execute_get3,execute_get4, execute_put1, execute_put2, execute_put3, execute_put4,execute_put5, execute_init1,execute_init2,execute_init3); -- machine a etat du module signal ex1_state_mach : fsm_states; -- les variables utilisées dans la fsm signal data_to_send : std_logic_vector(Word-1 downto 0); signal packet_type : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --signal dpid : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal pid_counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal packet_length : std_logic_vector(Word-1 downto 0); signal src_address : std_logic_vector(ADRLEN-1 downto 0); signal Wr_ok,rd_ok:std_logic:='0'; --signal res_address : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal dest_address : std_logic_vector(ADRLEN-1 downto 0); signal n : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal len : std_logic_vector(Word-1 downto 0); begin -- connection des signaux avec les ports ram_address <= src_address; -- processus de transistion entre les etats fsm_nst_logic : process(clk) variable tempval : std_logic_vector(Word-1 downto 0); begin if rising_edge(clk) then if reset = '1' then ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; else case ex1_state_mach is when fifo_select => if instruction_en='1' and fifo_empty ='0' then ex1_state_mach <= fetch_packet_type; else ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end if; --lecture du registre status de la mib MPI when read_status1 => if dma_rd_grant = '1' then -- fin du mpi_put ex1_state_mach <= read_status2; else ex1_state_mach <= read_status1; end if; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr,16)); when read_status2 => ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; when fetch_packet_type => if fifo_empty ='1' then ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; else packet_type <= fifo_data_out(7 downto 4); data_to_send <= fifo_data_out; ex1_state_mach <= decode_packet_type; end if; when decode_packet_type => if packet_type = MPI_PUT then packet_length <= fifo_data_out + 4; n <= "0000"; ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; elsif packet_type = MPI_GET then len <= fifo_data_out; n <= "0000"; ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; elsif packet_type = MPI_BARRIER_REACHED or packet_type = MPI_BARRIER_COMPLETED then packet_length <= "00000011"; -- = 3 pid_counter <= "0000"; ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier1; elsif packet_type = MPI_INIT then ex1_state_mach<=execute_init1; else -- packet non reconnu if fifo_empty = '1' then ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; else packet_type <= fifo_data_out(7 downto 4); --lire le prochain paquet data_to_send <= fifo_data_out; ex1_state_mach <= decode_packet_type;-- pas necessaire mais plus sure end if; end if; when fetch_addresses => if fifo_empty = '0' and n = 0 then src_address(15 downto 8) <= fifo_data_out; n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; elsif fifo_empty = '0' and n = 1 then src_address(7 downto 0) <= fifo_data_out; n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; elsif fifo_empty = '0' and n = 2 then dest_address(15 downto 8) <= fifo_data_out; n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; elsif fifo_empty = '0' and n = 3 then dest_address(7 downto 0) <= fifo_data_out; n <= "0000"; ex1_state_mach <= decode_packet_type2; elsif fifo_empty='1' then ex1_state_mach <= fetch_addresses; --attendre les données manquantes else ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end if; when decode_packet_type2 => if packet_type = MPI_PUT then ex1_state_mach <= execute_put1; elsif packet_type = MPI_GET then ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; end if; -- execution du mpi put when execute_put1 => if dma_rd_grant = '1' then ex1_state_mach <= execute_put2; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_put1; end if; Wr_ok<='0'; when execute_put2 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 0 then data_to_send <= packet_length; n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_put2; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 1 then data_to_send <= dest_address(15 downto 8); n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_put2; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 2 then data_to_send <= dest_address(7 downto 0); n <= n +1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_put2; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 3 then packet_length <= packet_length - 4; ex1_state_mach <= execute_put3; Wr_ok<='0'; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_put2; end if; when execute_put3 => if unsigned(packet_length)>0 then if switch_port_in_full = '0' then packet_length <= packet_length - 1; src_address <= src_address + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_put3; Wr_Ok<='1'; else Wr_Ok<='0'; end if; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_put4; end if; when execute_put4 => if dma_wr_grant = '1' then -- fin du mpi_put ex1_state_mach <= execute_put5; n<="0000"; data_to_send<="00000001"; rd_ok<='1'; wr_ok<='0'; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_put4; end if; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr+4,16)); when execute_put5 => if n=0 then if dma_rd_grant='1' then n<=n+1; tempval:=Ram_data_in; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr+4,16)); tempval(5):='1'; -- SET du bit DSENT data_to_send<=tempval; end if; rd_ok<='1'; wr_ok<='0'; elsif n=1 then if dma_wr_grant = '1' then n<=n+1; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr+4,16)); end if; rd_ok<='0'; wr_ok<='1'; elsif n=2 then if dma_wr_grant = '1' then n<=n+1; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_put_adr+6,16)); end if; rd_ok<='0'; wr_ok<='1'; elsif n=3 then if dma_wr_grant = '1' then n<=n+1; -- SET du bit DSENT data_to_send<="00000001"; end if; rd_ok<='0'; wr_ok<='1'; elsif n=4 then n<="0000"; ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; rd_ok<='0'; wr_ok<='0'; end if; when execute_get1 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 0 then -- execution du mpi get data_to_send <= "00001000"; -- longueur du paquet sur le réseau ? n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 1 then data_to_send <= "0000"&pid; -- Rang source n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 2 then data_to_send <= len; n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 3 then data_to_send <= src_address(15 downto 8); n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 4 then data_to_send <= src_address(7 downto 0); n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 5 then data_to_send <= dest_address(15 downto 8); n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; elsif switch_port_in_full = '0' and n = 6 then data_to_send <= dest_address(7 downto 0); n <= n + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_get2; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_get1; end if; when execute_get2 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' then ex1_state_mach <= execute_get3; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_get2; end if; when execute_get3 => if dma_wr_grant = '1' then -- fin du post de mpi_get ex1_state_mach <= execute_get4; n<="0000"; data_to_send<="00000001"; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_get3; end if; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_get_adr+6,16)); when execute_get4 => if n=0 then if dma_rd_grant='1' then n<=n+1; tempval:=Ram_data_in; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr+4,16)); end if; elsif n=1 then n<=n+1; src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr+4,16)); elsif n=2 then if dma_wr_grant = '1' then n<=n+1; tempval(4):='0'; --RESET du bit DReceived tempval(1):='1'; -- SET du bit DReceiving data_to_send<=tempval; end if; elsif n=3 then n<="0000"; ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end if; -- execution du barrier when execute_barrier1 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' then ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier2; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier1; end if; when execute_barrier2 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' then ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier3; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier2; end if; when execute_barrier3 => if switch_port_in_full = '0' then ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier4; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier3; end if; when execute_barrier4 => if packet_type = MPI_BARRIER_COMPLETED and pid_counter < nprocs then pid_counter <= pid_counter + 1; ex1_state_mach <= execute_barrier1; else ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end if; when execute_init1 => if Initialized='1' then ex1_state_mach<=execute_init2; end if; when execute_init2 => if dma_wr_grant = '1' then -- fin du mpi_init ex1_state_mach <= execute_init3; else ex1_state_mach <= execute_init2; end if; -- écriture dans le registre status reg. src_address<=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(core_base_adr,16)); when execute_init3 =>if AppInitAck='1' then ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end if; when others => ex1_state_mach <= fifo_select; end case; end if; end if; end process; -- sortie de la machine à etat ex1_fsm_action : process(ex1_state_mach, fifo_empty, switch_port_in_full, packet_length,pid, pid_counter, ram_data_in,AppInitAck, data_to_send, packet_type, wr_ok) variable status_reg : std_logic_vector(word-1 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); begin -- code fonctionnel case ex1_state_mach is when fifo_select => priority_rotation <='1'; -- on peut changer la priorité fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); AppInitReq<='0'; Result <=(others=>'0'); when read_status1 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); AppInitReq<='0'; Result <=(others=>'0'); when read_status2 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='1'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); AppInitReq<='0'; status_reg:=Ram_data_in; Result <=(others=>'0'); when fetch_packet_type => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= not(fifo_empty); switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); AppInitReq<='0'; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when decode_packet_type => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= not(fifo_empty); switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when fetch_addresses => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= not(fifo_empty); switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when decode_packet_type2 =>priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= data_to_send; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_barrier1 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= packet_type & pid_counter; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_barrier2 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= packet_length; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_barrier3 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= "0000" & pid; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_barrier4 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= "0000" & pid; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_get1 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= data_to_send; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_get2 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= data_to_send; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_get3 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_data_in;---??? switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '1'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='1'; Ram_data_out<=data_to_send; -- le résultat de l'exécution --result(1)<='1'; Result <=(2=>'1',others=>'0');--Get completed when execute_get4 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_Data_in; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '1'; Ram_rd<='1'; Ram_wr<='1'; Ram_data_out<=data_to_send; --"00000001"; Result <=(2=>'1',others=>'0'); --get completed when execute_put1 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= data_to_send; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_put2 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= data_to_send; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full); AppInitReq<='0'; Ram_rd<='1'; Ram_wr<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_put3 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_data_in; switch_port_in_wr_en <= not(switch_port_in_full) and wr_ok; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '1'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='1'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_put4 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_data_in;---??? switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '1'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='1'; Ram_data_out<=data_to_send; --"00000001"; -- le résultat de l'exécution --result(1)<='1'; Result <=(1=>'1',others=>'0');--put completed when execute_put5 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_Data_in; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='0'; dma_rd_request <= rd_ok; dma_wr_request <= wr_ok; Ram_rd<=rd_ok; Ram_wr<=wr_ok; Ram_data_out<=data_to_send; --"00000001"; Result <=(1=>'1',others=>'0'); --put completed when execute_init1 => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); AppInitReq<='1'; Result <=(others=>'0'); when execute_init2=> priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='1'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '1'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='1'; Ram_data_out<="00010000"; -- le résultat de l'exécution -- dans le registre status Result <=(others=>'0');-- when execute_init3=> priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= ram_Data_in; switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; AppInitReq<='1'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '1'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='1'; Ram_data_out<="00010000"; Result<=(0=>'1',others=>'0'); --le résultat de l'initialisation est écrit when others => priority_rotation <='0'; fifo_rd_en <= '0'; switch_port_in_data <= (others =>'Z'); switch_port_in_wr_en <= '0'; dma_rd_request <= '0'; dma_wr_request <= '0'; Ram_rd<='0'; Ram_wr<='0'; Ram_data_out<=(others=>'0'); AppInitReq<='0'; Result <=(others=>'0'); end case; end process; end Behavioral;