MultiMPITest Project Status
Project File: MPI_CORE_COMPONENTS.xise Parser Errors:
Module Name: MultiMPITest Implementation State: New
Target Device: xc6slx100-3fgg484
  • Errors:
Product Version:ISE 12.3
  • Warnings:
Design Goal: Balanced
  • Routing Results:
Design Strategy: Xilinx Default (unlocked)
  • Timing Constraints:
  • Final Timing Score:
Current Warnings [-]
No Warnings Found
Detailed Reports [-]
Report NameStatusGenerated ErrorsWarningsInfos
Synthesis Report     
Translation Report     
Map Report     
Place and Route Report     
Power Report     
Post-PAR Static Timing Report     
Bitgen Report     
Secondary Reports [-]
Report NameStatusGenerated
ISIM Simulator LogOut of DateMon 3. Dec 14:50:28 2012
WebTalk ReportOut of DateFri 17. Aug 16:33:25 2012
WebTalk Log FileOut of DateFri 17. Aug 16:33:28 2012

Date Generated: 12/03/2012 - 14:51:10