1 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 | -- Company: |
3 | -- Engineer: |
4 | -- |
5 | -- Create Date: 04:35:05 10/15/2012 |
6 | -- Design Name: |
7 | -- Module Name: FIfo_mem - Behavioral |
8 | -- Project Name: |
9 | -- Target Devices: |
10 | -- Tool versions: |
11 | -- Description: |
12 | -- |
13 | -- Dependencies: |
14 | -- |
15 | -- Revision: |
16 | -- Revision 0.01 - File Created |
17 | -- Additional Comments: |
18 | -- |
19 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
20 | |
21 | library IEEE; |
22 | use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; |
23 | use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
24 | entity FIFO_LOGIC is |
25 | generic (N: integer := 3); |
26 | port (CLK, PUSH, POP, INIT: in std_logic; |
27 | ADD: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); |
28 | FULL, EMPTY, WE, NOPUSH, NOPOP: buffer std_logic); |
29 | end entity FIFO_LOGIC; |
30 | architecture RTL of FIFO_LOGIC is |
31 | signal WPTR, RPTR: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); |
32 | signal LASTOP: std_logic; |
33 | begin |
34 | SYNC: process (CLK) begin |
35 | if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then |
36 | if (INIT = '1') then -- initialization -- |
37 | WPTR <= (others => '0'); |
38 | RPTR <= (others => '0'); |
39 | LASTOP <= '0'; |
40 | elsif (POP = '1' and EMPTY = '0') then -- pop -- |
41 | RPTR <= RPTR + 1; |
42 | LASTOP <= '0'; |
43 | elsif (PUSH = '1' and FULL = '0') then -- push -- |
44 | WPTR <= WPTR + 1; |
45 | LASTOP <= '1'; |
46 | end if; -- otherwise all Fs hold their value -- |
47 | end if; |
48 | end process SYNC; |
49 | COMB: process (PUSH, POP, WPTR, RPTR, LASTOP, FULL, EMPTY) begin |
50 | -- full and empty flags -- |
51 | if (RPTR = WPTR) then |
52 | if (LASTOP = '1') then |
53 | FULL <= '1'; |
54 | EMPTY <= '0'; |
55 | else |
56 | FULL <= '0'; |
57 | EMPTY <= '1'; |
58 | end if; |
59 | else |
60 | FULL <= '0'; |
61 | EMPTY <= '0'; |
62 | end if; |
63 | -- address, write enable and nopush/nopop logic -- |
64 | if (POP = '0' and PUSH = '0') then -- no operation -- |
65 | ADD <= RPTR; |
66 | WE <= '0'; |
67 | NOPUSH <= '0'; |
68 | NOPOP <= '0'; |
69 | elsif (POP = '0' and PUSH = '1') then -- push only -- |
70 | ADD <= WPTR; |
71 | NOPOP <= '0'; |
72 | if (FULL = '0') then -- valid write condition -- |
73 | WE <= '1'; |
74 | NOPUSH <= '0'; |
75 | else -- no write condition -- |
76 | WE <= '0'; |
77 | NOPUSH <= '1'; |
78 | end if; |
79 | elsif (POP = '1' and PUSH = '0') then -- pop only -- |
80 | ADD <= RPTR; |
81 | NOPUSH <= '0'; |
82 | WE <= '0'; |
83 | if (EMPTY = '0') then -- valid read condition -- |
84 | NOPOP <= '0'; |
85 | else |
86 | NOPOP <= '1'; -- no red condition -- |
87 | end if; |
88 | else -- push and pop at same time - |
89 | if (EMPTY = '0') then -- valid pop -- |
90 | ADD <= RPTR; |
91 | WE <= '0'; |
92 | NOPUSH <= '1'; |
93 | NOPOP <= '0'; |
94 | else |
95 | ADD <= wptr; |
96 | WE <= '1'; |
97 | NOPUSH <= '0'; |
98 | NOPOP <= '1'; |
99 | end if; |
100 | end if; |
101 | end process COMB; |
102 | end architecture RTL; |