-- Package File Template -- -- Purpose: This package defines the size of NoC ports and the number -- of hardware tasks to create with the Mpi HCL environment. -- The NoC_size parameter may vary from 2 to 16 -- The STATIC_HT parameter must be less or equal to the NoC_Size parameter -- The DYN_ALLOWED authorize the binding of HT template environment to all the Noc Ports library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; package Hcl_Arch_conf is -- Declare constants constant NOC_SIZE : integer :=4; --(2 to 16)indicates the number of NoC port to instantiate constant STATIC_HT : integer := 2;--(2 to NOC_SIZE)gives the the number of HT to Hardwire constant DYN_ALLOWED : std_logic:='1'; --allow the creation of dynamic hardware tasks -- Declare functions and procedure end Hcl_Arch_conf; package body Hcl_Arch_conf is end Hcl_Arch_conf;