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Mar 24, 2014, 3:36:07 PM (11 years ago)
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  • Publications/Wilfried Dron/JOURNAL - Scheduling Method for Network Lifetime Estimation of WSN/Scheduling Method for Network Lifetime Estimation of Wireless Sensor Network.tex

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    103103% *** CITATION PACKAGES ***
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    505 The network lifetime is a major constraint for the design of WSN's hardware and software.
     506The network lifetime is a major requirement for the design of WSN's hardware and software.
    506507%While several simulation tools are focused on power consumption estimation, the network lifetime has been estimated using an ideal battery model.
    507508While several simulation tools are focused on estimating power consumption, the lifetime is commonly computed using a simple ideal battery model.
    508 As a consequence, issues related with the use of a more realistic (non-ideal) battery model are not addressed yet.
    509 Considering the error that is made in node's lifetime estimation using an ideal battery model (up to 40\%), specifications-based models have been implemented to achieve more reliable predictions.
     509As a consequence, issues related to the use of a more realistic (non-ideal) battery model are not addressed yet.
     510Considering the error that is made in node's lifetime estimation using an ideal battery model (up to 40\%), specifications-based models were implemented to achieve more reliable predictions.
    510511In this context, we introduce four scheduling methods to address the challenges relative to such battery models.
    511 These methods aim to manage energy transactions between the wireless node model and a non-ideal battery model.
     512These methods manage energy transactions between the wireless node model and a non-ideal battery model.
    512513%In this context, we introduce four scheduling methods to manage the energy transactions between the wireless node model and a non-ideal battery model, allowing a more accurate network lifetime estimation to be achieved.
    513514Each of our methods is analyzed and compared through a typical temperature sensing application case.
    514515We conducted several simulations considering power consumption estimation, simulation performances, node lifetime estimation and scalability.
    515 Comparison of the obtained results highlights two methods, one more accurate but, rather slow, whereas the other is strongly scalable but less accurate.
     516Comparison of the obtained results highlights two methods, one more accurate, but rather slow, whereas the other is strongly scalable, but less accurate.
    542543It reflects the time while the network can operate properly according to application-defined constraints.
    543544%Even if almost every application defines its own constraints, the network lifetime cannot be estimated without being able to estimate the node's lifetime.
    544 Even if almost every application defines its own constraints, the network lifetime is estimated using the individual node's lifetime information.
     545Even if almost every application defines its own constraints, the network lifetime is estimated using the individual nodes' lifetime.
    545546Since some specific application requires the nodes to have a long lifetime~\cite{outdoor_gplatform} (\eg from several weeks to several years) and/or the network to count several dozen of nodes~\cite{wsn_trends}, it is common to use simulation and modeling tools to design such devices.
    554555It can be either based on experimental measurements or technical specifications.
    555556To remain consistent using such a model, electrical laws have to be applied.
    556 Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the way power transactions between battery and supplied components are acheived.
     557Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the way power transactions between battery and supplied components are achieved.
    557558In other words, the scheduling of the energy transactions trough the simulated time is crucial (\cf Fig.~\ref{archi_methods}).
    558559%As a consequence, the scheduling of the energy transactions among the battery and the electronic components models is important.
    564565In this context, we introduce four scheduling methods to schedule the energy transactions in a modeled wireless sensor network node.
    565566%We show that these methods are influencing the node lifetime estimation.
    566 We show that the way this scheduling is achieved impact significantly the lifetime estimation showing difference in the obtained results that reaches 11.7\%.
     567We show that the scheduling has a significant impact on the lifetime estimation, showing differences in the obtained results that reach 11.7\%.
    567568%Moreover, the simulation's performance is also impacted, bounding the uses of certain methods to small-sized networks or short lifetime modeling.
    568569As a side effect, the scheduling method also impacts the overall simulation performances, restricting the ability to simulate large scale and/or long time lasting networks.
    569571This article is structured as follows.
    570 The second section hold the background of this work.
     572The second section holds the background of this work.
    571573The scheduling methods principles are explained in the section 3.
    572 The fourth section address the implementation of these methods in OMNeT++ trough a WSN framework that is oriented toward power consumption estimation.
    573 Finally, the two last sections hold respectively the simulation results and the discussion of these results.
     574The fourth section addresses the implementation of these methods in OMNeT++ through a WSN framework that is oriented towards power consumption estimation.
     575Finally, the two last sections hold respectively the simulation results and their discussion.
    586 The scheduling method for energy transactions have not been addressed yet, thus there is no previous work on that subject.
    587 However, there are related works that are dealing with the power consumption estimation issues for the wireless sensor network simulation.
    588 Since the node lifetime estimation relies on the battery models as well it is important to give a brief introduction to the battery behavior.
    589 In that purpose, this section holds a short background about the battery behavior before addressing the core-related works.
     588Scheduling methods for energy transactions have not been addressed yet, thus there is no previous work on that subject.
     589However, there are some related works that deal with the power consumption estimation issues for the wireless sensor network simulation.
     590Since the node lifetime estimation relies on the battery models as well, it is important to give a brief introduction to the battery behavior.
     591For that purpose, this section holds a short background about the battery behavior before addressing the core-related works.
    591593\subsection{Battery Behavior and Modeling} \label{sect:battery_desc}
    592 The batteries are electrochemical power sources.
     594The primary batteries are electrochemical power sources.
    593595In contrast with the wired power sources, the amount of energy that they carry is limited.
    594596This amount of energy is called \textit{nominal capacity} if the battery is new or \textit{residual capacity} (shorten to \textit{residual}) if it has been partially used.
    595597Considering a battery under use, its residual varies with the ambient temperature and the instantaneous current draw.
    596 In other words, the available amount of energy change over the time according to the aforementioned factors.
     598In other words, the available amount of energy changes over the time according to the aforementioned factors.
    597599The battery's \textit{nominal current} (set by the manufacturer) represent the ``normal operation'' current limit under continuous draw.
    598 The term \textit{effective capacity} stands for the battery's capacity that is really available given a set of condition (\eg specific instantaneous current draw and a temperature).
    599 Furthermore, their supply voltage varies as well with temperature and instantaneous current draw but also with the residual.
     600The term \textit{effective capacity} stands for the battery's capacity that is really available given a set of condition (\eg a specific instantaneous current draw and temperature).
     601Furthermore, the supply voltage varies as well with temperature and instantaneous current draw but also with the residual.
    600602As a consequence, a specific current draw can produce a drift in the battery's supply voltage value.
    601603According to the ohm law, this drift will change the current draw itself leading to a new drift.
    603605%All these assumptions were experimentally validated.
    605 A first study highlights the fact that the way in which the components are drawing the current has a strong influence in the \textsl{effective capacity}~\cite{battery_char}.
     607A first study highlights the fact that the way in which the components are drawing the current has a strong influence on the \textsl{effective capacity}~\cite{battery_char}.
    606608These observations were confirmed by a more recent work that characterized commercial Li-Ion batteries behaviors through real measurements~\cite{battery_char_new}.
    607 In this work, {K. Mikhaylov} and {J. Tervonen} observed again that the available capacity of the battery depends mainly on the instant current draw under constant temperature.
    608 Another article that focuses on remaining capacity measurements agrees on the same conclusion~\cite{remaining_capacity_measurement}.
     609In this work, {K. Mikhaylov} and {J. Tervonen} observed again that the available capacity of the battery depends mainly on the instantaneous current draw under constant temperature.
     610%Another article that focuses on remaining capacity measurements agrees on the same conclusion~\cite{remaining_capacity_measurement}.
     612Another article agrees on the same conclusion~\cite{remaining_capacity_measurement}.
    609613This last work addressed the specific case of determining the remaining battery capacity for a wireless sensor node using a method that consider the effective capacity and the instantaneous current draw instead of the voltage information.
    611 More battery centered work were achieved to reach a better understanding of the battery properties.
     615More battery centered work were conducted to reach a better understanding of the battery properties.
    612616Among them, another property known as \textit{relaxation effect} is explained in two articles written by L. Feeney and al.~\cite{battery_feeney,battery_model_feeney}.
    613 As mentioned, when a strong current is drawn from the battery, its \textsl{effective capacity} decrease.
     617As mentioned, when a strong current is drawn from the battery, its \textsl{effective capacity} decreases.
    614618In other words, its actual available energy is lower than the nominal value.
    615619This assumption is valid for a current draw that remains the same until the end of the battery life.
    616 If, for instance, the current draw decrease to a value that is beyond the battery's ``nominal current'', the battery will ``recover'' some capacity.
    618 To summarize, there are strong evidences that explain the limitations of ideal battery model.
    619 While this model is extremely flexible and fast thanks to the fact that it is not dependent on any phenomena, it is highly inaccurate and does not reproduce the behavior of a real battery.
     620For instance, if the current draw decrease to a value that is beyond the battery's ``nominal current'', the battery will ``recover'' some capacity.
     622%To summarize, there are strong evidences that explain the limitations of ideal battery model.
     623To summarize, the aforementioned evidences clearly established the limitations of the ideal battery model.
     624While this model is extremely flexible and fast thanks to the fact that it is not dependent on any electrical or electrochemical effects, it is highly inaccurate and does not reproduce the behavior of a real battery.
    621626\subsection{Simulation and Modeling Environments}
    626631The most noticeable are Power-TOSSIM~\cite{powertossim_ws} and mTOSSIM~\cite{mtossim}.
    627632Power-TOSSIM enables the power consumption to be computed after the simulation ends.
    628 In contrast, mTOSSIM go further allowing the lifetime to be estimated.
     633In contrast, mTOSSIM goes further, allowing the lifetime to be estimated.
    629634It does so using a super-capacitor to model the power supply of the nodes.
    630 The super-capacitor behavior is very different from battery behavior (\cf Section~\ref{sect:battery_desc}).
     635The super-capacitor behavior is very different from the battery behavior (\cf Section~\ref{sect:battery_desc}).
    631636As a consequence, this model cannot be used to estimate the lifetime of nodes equipped with batteries.
    638643Regarding the more general simulation environments, there are several network simulators like NS-2/3~\cite{ns2_ws}, OMNeT++~\cite{omnet_ws}, WSNeT~\cite{wsnet} or IdeaOne~\cite{ideaone}.
    639 Some of them are able to estimate power consumption thanks to extension called \textit{frameworks}.
     644Some of them are able to estimate power consumption thanks to extensions called \textit{frameworks}.
    640645However, the goal of these environments is to deal with network modeling issues more than network lifetime estimation.
    641 The OMNeT++ simulator is less concerned than the other environments since its flexibility allows new features to be integrated more easily as described in many surveys \cite{sim_survey_0,sim_survey_1,sim_survey_2,sim_survey_3} or in dedicated report from A. Varga and R. Hornig~\cite{omnet_overview}.
    642 As a consequence, several~\textit{power-aware} framework were developed over the previous years.
     646The OMNeT++ simulator is less concerned than the other environments since its flexibility allows new features to be integrated more easily, as described in many surveys \cite{sim_survey_0,sim_survey_1,sim_survey_2,sim_survey_3} or in dedicated report from A. Varga and R. Hornig~\cite{omnet_overview}.
     647As a consequence, several~\textit{power-aware} frameworks were developed over the previous years.
    643648Energy Model~\cite{modeling_energy}, Pawis~\cite{pawis_fm_2} and Energy Framework~\cite{energy_fm} were thus introduced.
    644 Unfortunately a common short-coming of these framework is that none of them provides a non-ideal battery model.
    646 Nevertheless, this short-coming was partially covered in an extension of the Energy Framework.
    647 In their article, K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen were presenting a battery model~\cite{energy_fm_2} that was validated through measurement of real battery.
     649Unfortunately, a common short-coming of these frameworks is that none of them provides a non-ideal battery model.
     651Nevertheless, this short-coming was partially covered in an extension of the Energy Framework~\cite{energy_fm_2}.
     652In their article, K. Mikhaylov and J. Tervonen presented a battery model that was validated through measurements of real batteries~\cite{battery_char_new}.
    648653Unfortunately, this validation does not consider battery supply voltage variations due to the current draw.
    649654Furthermore, it neglects the internal resistance of the battery and the relaxation effect.
    653658%Moreover, the simulation case that was chosen was limited to a simple resistive model in which the supply voltage drifts were not considered.
    654659%As a result, it is difficult to re-use this work as a base for the network lifetime estimation.
    655661A last power-aware framework for OMNeT++ was introduced~\cite{newcas}.
    656 The battery model that is provided by the authors was build following technical specifications.
    657 Finally, the conclusion of their work states on the fact that using of the event driven technique together with their battery model results in erroneous battery lifetime estimations.
    658 To address this issue, they introduced a periodical scheduling method called \textit{Fixed Frequency Sampling} method.
     662The battery model that is provided by the authors was built following technical specifications.
     663%Finally, the conclusion of their work states on the fact that using of the event driven technique together with their battery model results in erroneous battery lifetime estimations.
     664Finally, the conclusion of their work states that the formal event driven technique used together with their battery model results in erroneous battery lifetime estimations.
     665%To address this issue, they introduced a periodical scheduling method called \textit{Fixed Frequency Sampling} method.
    660667%This latest framework was selected to implement the scheduling method because of its unique component oriented architecture and the several proposed models.
    664671\section{Scheduling Methods} \label{sec:schedul_meth}
    665 Our scheduling methods can be used in any structure that model one to N battery-supplied components.
    666 Modeling of the supply voltage and the instantaneous current draw is the only requirement that could limit their application.
    667 The architecture that is considered here is composed of one to N components model and a battery that supply them (\cf Fig.\ref{archi_methods}).
    668 A concrete application case is added as example after the general descriptions.
     672In this context, we introduce four scheduling methods to address the challenges relative to non-ideal battery models.
     674All along this section we are assuming the statement that the wireless sensor nodes are described using a model for each of the hardware component that they embeds.
     675In other words, the architecture that is considered here is composed of one to N components models and a battery that supply them (\cf Fig.\ref{archi_methods}).
     676Each component's model is assumed to have as many power modes as the modeled component has (\eg ON, OFF, POWER DOWN or SLEEP).
     677A specific instantaneous current draw is associated to each power mode.
     678Consequently, each power mode change results in a new instantaneous current draw.
     679Considering these statements, modeling of the supply voltage and the instantaneous current draw are mandatory to apply the following scheduling methods.
     681The ``end-of-life'' of the battery can be expressed in two ways: the total depletion of the battery (which is unlikely to happen in real experimental case) or reaching the cut-off voltage threshold.
     682The cut-off voltage threshold is the most robust approach.
     683Actually, the cut-off voltage is the voltage value under which the electronic components operation are not guaranteed.
     684However, the above descriptions are applicable in both cases.
     685%Our scheduling methods can be used in any structure that model one to N battery-supplied components.
     686%Modeling of the supply voltage and the instantaneous current draw is the only requirement that could limit their application.
     688This sections holds the description of our scheduling methods.
     689A concrete application case is added as an example after the general descriptions.
    669690% in order to expose the differences between every scheduling method.
    670691Integration of these scheduling algorithms is explained as the conclusion of the section.
    677698\textbf{Fixed frequency sampling method states graphic:}
    678699This graph shows the principle of the \ffs\xspace method.
    679 It appears that the battery update are triggered periodically (each \textit{T} second) after the step~5.
     700The battery update are triggered periodically (each \textit{T} second) after the step~5.
    685706The \textit{Fixed Frequency Sampling} method (shorten to \ffs) was introduced into prior work~\cite{newcas}.
    686707This method relies on a periodic update of the battery's parameters and the current drawn by the components.
    687 Figure~\ref{figure1} is a state chart that describe its algorithm.
     708Figure~\ref{figure1} is a state chart that describes its scheduling algorithm.
    688709First of all, the battery initiates the simulation by sending its supply voltage value to the component.
    689 This allow the components to turn into ON mode.
    690 Then, they sends back their averaged instantaneous current consumption over the previous period (which is null for the very first period).
     710This allows the components to turn into ON mode.
     711Then, they send back their averaged instantaneous current consumption over the previous period (which is null for the very first period).
    691712The battery residual and the supply voltage are then updated according to the received current draw value.
    692 Finally, if there is enough energy in the battery, the next update is scheduled at $t+T$ time (\textit{T} being the ``sampling period'' expressed in second).
    693 If the battery is depleted, it sends a $0.0$V supply voltage that turns the components into OFF mode.
     713Finally, if there is enough energy in the battery, the next update is scheduled at $t+T$ time (\textit{T} being the ``sampling period'' expressed in seconds).
     714If the battery is depleted, the simulation stops (\eg by sending a $0.0$V supply voltage that force the components to turn into OFF mode).
     715%If the battery is depleted, it sends a $0.0$V supply voltage that turns the components into OFF mode.
    695717\subsection{Self Updating Event Driven method (SUED)}
    696 In contrast with the \ffs\xspace method, the \textit{Self Updating Event Driven} method takes into account every current draw changes instantaneously.
    697 The \sued\xspace scheduling method uses the same state chart as the \ffs\xspace method (\cf Fig.\ref{figure1}) except that it triggers additional battery updates as explained in the following.
     718In contrast with the \ffs\xspace method, the \textit{Self Updating Event Driven} method takes into account every current draw change instantaneously.
     719The \sued\xspace scheduling method uses the same state chart as the \ffs\xspace method (\cf Fig.\ref{figure1}), except that it triggers additional battery updates as explained in the following.
    698720When the simulation starts, the battery sends its supply voltage value to the components.
    699721The components send back their instantaneous current draw.
    703725When a component changes its power mode (\eg ON $\rightarrow$ POWER DOWN), the corresponding instantaneous current draw value is sent to the battery.
    704726Then, the regular updating process is interrupted.
    705 The battery residual and the supply voltage are updated for the time elapsed from the last battery's update using the latest stored current draw value.
    706 Finally, the just received instantaneous current draw value is stored and the regular updating process starts again by scheduling the next update at $t+T$.
     727The battery residual and the supply voltage are updated for the time elapsed from the last battery's update using the latest stored instantaneous current draw value.
     728Finally, this latest current draw value is replaced by the just received one and the regular updating process starts again by scheduling the next update at $t+T$ ($t$ being the actual simulated time expressed in seconds).
    712734\textbf{Fast event driven method state graphic:}
    713735This graph shows the principle of the \fed\xspace method.
    714 In this method, the battery update are triggered by each changes in the operating state of the components.
     736In this method, the battery update are triggered by each components' power mode change.
    719741\subsection{Fast Event Driven method (FED)}
    720742The \textit{Fast Event Driven} method is derived from the ``formal'' event driven simulation technique.
    721 As a consequence, the battery updates are triggered by each current draw changes.
    722 The sate chart depicted Figure~\ref{figure3} represent the behavior of this scheduling method.
     743As a consequence, the battery updates are triggered by each instantaneous current draw changes.
     744The state chart depicted in the Figure~\ref{figure3} represents the behavior of this scheduling method.
    723745The battery initiates the simulation by sending its supply voltage value.
    724 As a consequence, the components change their state from OFF to ON and send back their associated instantaneous current draw value.
    725 Alike the \sued\xspace method, this value is stored in the battery model.
    726 When the component changes its state again, this value will be updated.
    727 Before storing the just received value, a battery update is processed.
     746As a consequence, the components change their power modes (\ie from OFF to ON) and send back their associated instantaneous current draw value.
     747In the same way as the \sued\xspace method, this current draw value is stored by the battery model.
     748When a component changes its power mode again, this value is updated.
     749Before storing the just received value, a battery update is performed.
    728750%Actually, it will estimate and check its new residual value considering the time elapsed from the previous update.
    729 This update consist of checking and computing the new battery's residual considering the time elapsed from the previous update.
    730 Battery's supply voltage value is also updated but using the new instantaneous current draw value and the residual that has just been estimated.
     751This update consists of checking and computing the new battery's residual considering the time elapsed since the previous update.
     752Battery's supply voltage value is also updated, but using the new instantaneous current draw value and the residual that has just been estimated.
    731753Finally, this supply voltage value is sent to the component.
    733 Since the \fed\xspace scheduling method do not update the battery periodically, using this method can lead to node operating without energy.
    734 If there is no event that makes the current draw change such as power mode changing, the simulation can run even if the battery is totally depleted at a certain point.
     755Since the \fed\xspace scheduling method does not trigger updates of the battery periodically, using this method can lead to nodes operating without energy.
     756If there is no event that makes the current draw change (\ie power mode changes), the simulation can run even if the battery is totally depleted at a certain point.
    735757%As a consequence, another mechanism is required.
    736 A way to avoid this issue is to ``plan'' the end of the battery life assuming that there will be no more event.
    737 To be consistent, this end of life forecast has to be re-evaluated each time the current draw value changes.
     758%A way to avoid this issue is to ``plan'' the end of the battery life assuming that there will be no more event.
     759%The end of life of the battery has to be forecast
     760A way to avoid this issue is to forecast the battery's end-of-life (being either the full discharge of the battery or the discharge until the cut-off voltage value) assuming that there will be no more event.
     761To be consistent, this end-of-life forecast has to be re-evaluated each time the current draw value changes.
    738762In other words, the battery's end of life has to be re-planned each time that a battery update is triggered.
    740764\subsection{Self Adaptive method (SA)}
    741 The \textit{Self Adaptive} method is based on both a periodical update schedule and a event-driven like schedule.
     765The \textit{Self Adaptive} method is based on both a periodical update schedule and an event-driven like schedule.
    742766%Actually, the previously introduced method are sensitive to the time and/or to the current draw changes events.
    743767In addition, the \sa\xspace method is sensitive to the current draw value.
    744 Battery behavior observations allow us to make the following assumption: The discharge curve can be separated in two areas, a pseudo-linear area (before the \textit{nominal current} value) and a non-linear area (after the \textit{nominal current} value).
     768Battery behavior observations allow us to make the following assumption: the discharge curve can be separated in two areas, a pseudo-linear area (\ie before the \textit{nominal current} value) and a non-linear area (\ie after the \textit{nominal current} value).
    745769The border between these two areas is the \textit{nominal current draw} (\cf Sec.~\ref{sect:battery_desc}).
    746770As a consequence, the \sa\xspace scheduling method changes the way it triggers battery's and components updates according to the instantaneous current draw value.
    748772In the opposite case (the current draw is under the \textit{nominal current} value), these updates are triggered as if the \ffs\xspace scheduling method were used.
    750 On the one hand, this scheduling algorithm is able to enhance the accuracy of the estimation when it is necessary (when the battery model is strongly non-linear) and on the other hand, it is able to run the simulation faster when there is no need to (when the battery model is almost linear).
     774On the one hand, this scheduling algorithm is able to enhance the accuracy of the estimation when it is necessary (\ie in the strongly non-linear part of the battery's discharge curve) and on the other hand, it is able to run the simulation faster when there is no need to (\ie in the ``almost'' linear part of the battery's discharge curve).
    752776\subsection{Application example}
    753777The chosen application example is a single component that is supplied by a battery.
    754 The functional behavior of this component is not discussed here since the meaningful information is its current draw consumption.
    755 As a consequence, the power mode states are the only information that are considered.
     778The functional behavior of this component is not discussed here since the meaningful information is its instantaneous current draw consumption.
     779As a consequence, the power mode is the only information that is considered.
    756780The following mode sequence was arbitrarily chosen:
    762786All the graph are time aligned making the difference between each scheduling method easier to understand.
     792%\textbf{Application example of the scheduling methods:}
     793%This figure is a time graph that shows the application of each scheduling method to our application example.
     794%The \ffs\xspace method trigger battery update according to its sampling period \textit{T}.
     795%The \sued\xspace method trigger as well the update of the battery each \textit{T} seconds but also when a component changes its operating state.
     796%The \fed\xspace method only triggers battery updates on the components change.
     797%The \sa\xspace method use periodic update when precision is required and event driven updates when less precision is needed.
    765 \begin{center}
    766 \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{method_global.pdf}
     805\subfigure[Fixed Frequency Sampling]{
     806        \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{time_FFS.pdf}
     807        \label{time_ffs}
     809\subfigure[Self-Updating Event-Driven]{
     810        \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{time_FFS.pdf}
     811        \label{time_sued}
     813\subfigure[Fast Event-Driven]{
     814        \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{time_FFS.pdf}
     815        \label{time_fed}
     817\subfigure[Self Adaptative]{
     818        \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{time_FFS.pdf}
     819        \label{time_sa}
    768824\textbf{Application example of the scheduling methods:}
    769825This figure is a time graph that shows the application of each scheduling method to our application example.
    770 The \ffs\xspace method trigger battery update according to its sampling period \textit{T}.
    771 The \sued\xspace method trigger as well the update of the battery each \textit{T} seconds but also when a component changes its operating state.
     826The \ffs\xspace method triggers battery update according to its sampling period \textit{T}.
     827The \sued\xspace method triggers as well the update of the battery each \textit{T} seconds but also when a component changes its power mode.
    772828The \fed\xspace method only triggers battery updates on the components change.
    773 The \sa\xspace method use periodic update when precision is required and event driven updates when less precision is needed.
    774 }
    775 \end{center}
     829The \sa\xspace method uses periodic update when precision is required and event driven updates when less precision is needed.
    778 Figure~\ref{time}a is the graph that represent the \ffs\xspace method application.
     834Figure~\ref{time_ffs} is the graph that represent the \ffs\xspace method application.
    779835The updates of the battery and the component's current draw changes are asynchronous.
    780836Moreover, the supply voltage updates are delayed by one period in comparison with the current draw updates.
    781837In other words, the supply voltage value that is used by the component to compute its draw is the one that has been estimated the previous period by the battery model.
    782 Figure~\ref{time}b represent the application of the \sued\xspace method.
     838Figure~\ref{time_sued} represent the application of the \sued\xspace method.
    783839In contrast with the \ffs\xspace method, it appears that the battery's updates are synchronized with the current draw changes.
    784840The periodical update is also observable while the component is in LOW POWER mode.
    785841Alike the \ffs\xspace method, the supply voltage updates are also delayed.
    787 The application of the \fed\xspace method is plotted in the graph Figure~\ref{time}c.
     843The application of the \fed\xspace method is plotted in the graph Figure~\ref{time_fed}.
    788844%The fact that the battery updates happen only in synchronization with the component's power mode changes is highlighted.
    789845The graph highlight that the battery updates happen only in synchronization with the component's power mode changes.
    790 The Figure~\ref{time}d illustrates the application of the \sa\xspace method.
     846The Figure~\ref{time_sa} illustrates the application of the \sa\xspace method.
    791847This method is sensitive to the current draw value in respect with the battery characteristics.
    792848The current drawn in ON mode is assumed as being over the \textit{nominal current} value and the current drawn in the POWER DOWN mode is assumed as being under.
    851907%Even if this abstraction of the real battery behavior is not perfect, it has the advantage of modeling both the \textit{effective capacity} and the \textit{relaxation} effects as well.
    853 The equation that is used to estimate the battery's residual $R$ at the $t+\Delta t$ instant is the following one:
     909The equation that is used to estimate the battery's residual $R$ at the $t+\Delta t$ time is the following one:
    855911R(t+\Delta t) = R(t) -  i_{eq}(t) \times \frac{\Delta t}{3600}
    10831139The sampling mechanism of the \sa\xspace method allows the battery model to react almost instantly to every current draw variation.
    10841140Finally, while the average voltage obtained using the \ffs\xspace, \sued\xspace and \sa\xspace methods are quite close, the supply voltage value obtained using the \fed\xspace method is higher (\cf Tab.~\ref{voltage_results}).
    1085 This highlights once again the fact that updates are driven by the components' power state changes.
     1141This highlights once again the fact that updates are driven by the components' power mode changes.
    10871143\subsection{Simulation performance} \label{sim_perfs}
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