-- Package File Template -- -- Purpose: This package defines supplemental types, subtypes, -- constants, and components library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; package CoreTypes is CONSTANT Word :POSITIVE:= 8; CONSTANT ADRLEN:POSITIVE:=16; CONSTANT LZFILL :std_logic_vector(2*Word-ADRLEN to 0):=(others=>'0');--indique le nombre de zero à utiliser pour completer le bus de données lorsque la longueur restante du bus d'adresse est inférueure à la largeur du bus de données CONSTANT IADR0 : NATURAL :=2; --Adresse basse de l'instruction CONSTANT IADR1 : natural :=3; CONSTANT CORE_BASE_ADR :natural range 0 to 65535:=4096; CONSTANT WIN_BASE_ADR :natural range 0 to 65535:=CORE_BASE_ADR+4; CONSTANT CORE_UPPER_ADR : natural range 0 to 255:=16; CONSTANT CORE_GET_ADR:natural:=CORE_BASE_ADR+526; CONSTANT CORE_PUT_ADR :natural:=CORE_BASE_ADR+516; CONSTANT core_INIT_ADR : natural:=CORE_BASE_ADR+512; CONSTANT CORE_WCREATE_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+536; CONSTANT CORE_WCOMPL_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+546; CONSTANT CORE_WPOST_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+556; CONSTANT CORE_WWAIT_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+566; CONSTANT CORE_WSYNC_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+576; CONSTANT CORE_SPAWN_ADR : natural := CORE_BASE_ADR+586; CONSTANT CORE_Rank2port_BASE :NATURAL:=52; CONSTANT CORE_RANK_ADR : NATURAL:=CORE_BASE_ADR+CORE_Rank2Port_Base; CONSTANT WIN0_ADR :natural :=CORE_BASE_ADR+4; CONSTANT WIN1_ADR :natural :=CORE_BASE_ADR+20; CONSTANT WIN2_ADR :natural :=CORE_BASE_ADR+36; CONSTANT WIN3_ADR :natural :=CORE_BASE_ADR+52; CONSTANT GETPORTID : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0001"; type Typ_PortIO is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector( Word-1 downto 0); type memory is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(word-1 downto 0); type Core_i is record Instr_ack :std_logic;-- signal la prise en compte de l'instruction Ready :std_logic;-- indique que la dernière fonction est terminée InitOk :std_logic; -- l'initialisation est terminée Hold_Req :std_logic;--Demande DMA RamSel :std_logic;-- indique le statut de la RAM (0 ->dispo 1->occupé par Core_MPI) IsMain : std_logic; -- indique si la librairie est principal Rank : natural range 0 to 15; --donne le rang du processus courant Spawned: std_logic; --indique que ce module a été activé par la bibliothèque end record; type Core_o is record Instr_en :std_logic; -- active une instruction MPI Hold_Ack :std_logic;-- Autorisation DMA MemBusy :std_logic;-- active le refus de DMA (1 -> ignoré la requête DMA de MPI HCL) Instruction :std_logic_vector (word-1 downto 0); -- fonction Mpi à exécuter end record; type core_s is record Rank : natural range 0 to 15; --donne le rang du processus courant IntState1 : natural range 0 to 255; --permet de stocker l'état des MAE interne dans les procédures IntState2 : natural range 0 to 255; WinId :natural range 0 to 255; --stocke le dernier Id utilisé par WinCreate GPost : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --etat de la fenêtre active GStart : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); tmem : memory(0 to 3); --petite mémoire tampon pour stocker les variables statiques des MVPs end record; type core_io is record I:core_i; --les entrées O:core_o; --les sorties S:core_s; --les signaux temporaires end record; type Core_io_old is record Instr_en :std_logic; -- active une instruction MPI Instr_ack :std_logic;-- signal la prise en compte de l'instruction Ready :std_logic;-- indique que la dernière fonction est terminée InitOk :std_logic; -- l'initialisation est terminée Hold_Req :std_logic;--Demande DMA Hold_Ack :std_logic;-- Autorisation DMA MemBusy :std_logic;-- active le refus de DMA (1 -> ignoré la requête DMA) RamSel :std_logic;-- indique le statut de la RAM (0 ->dispo 1->occupé par Core_MPI) IntState1 : natural range 0 to 255; --permet de stocker l'état des MAE interne dans les procédures IntState2 : natural range 0 to 255; Instruction :std_logic_vector (word-1 downto 0); WinId :natural range 0 to 255; --stocke le dernier Id utilisé par WinCreate IsMain : std_logic; -- indique si la librairie est principal Rank : natural range 0 to 15; --donne le rang du processus courant Spawned: std_logic; --indique que ce module a été activé par la bibliothèque end record; type typ_dpram_i is record data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Word-1 downto 0); end record; type typ_dpram_o is record clk_wr : STD_LOGIC; clk_rd : STD_LOGIC; we : STD_LOGIC; ena : STD_LOGIC; enb : STD_LOGIC; addr_wr: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ADRLEN-1 downto 0); addr_rd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ADRLEN-1 downto 0); data_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Word-1 downto 0); end record; type typ_dpram is record O : typ_dpram_o; I : typ_dpram_I; end record; type Typ_MPIPort_in is record instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Word -1 downto 0); instruction_en : STD_LOGIC; packet_ack : std_logic; ram_data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (Word-1 downto 0); hold_ack : STD_Logic; --autorisation par l'application clk : STD_LOGIC; reset : STD_LOGIC; end record; type Typ_MPIPort_out is record ram_we : STD_LOGIC; ram_en : STD_LOGIC; ram_data_in : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (WORD-1 downto 0); ram_address_rd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ADRLEN-1 downto 0); ram_address_wr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (ADRLEN-1 downto 0); packet_received : STD_LOGIC; barrier_completed : STD_LOGIC; instruction_fifo_full : STD_LOGIC; PushOut : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (WORD-1 downto 0); hold_req : STD_Logic; --requete vers application end record; Type Ar_MPIPort_In is array (positive range <>) of Typ_MPIPort_in; Type Ar_MPIPort_out is array (positive range <>) of Typ_MPIPort_out; type ar_DpRam is array (natural range <>) of typ_dpRam; -- Declare constants -- constant : time := ns; -- constant : integer := ; -- -- Declare functions and procedure Component SWITCH_GEN is generic(number_of_ports : positive := 8); port( -- ports d'entree Port_in : in typ_portIO(1 to number_of_ports) ; -- -- port de sortie Port_out : out typ_portIO(1 to number_of_ports); -- -- signaux de controle cmd_in_en : in std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); data_in_en : in std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); data_out_en : in std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); fifo_in_full : out std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); fifo_in_empty : out std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); data_available : out std_logic_vector(number_of_ports downto 1); clk : in STD_LOGIC; reset : in STD_LOGIC); end component SWITCH_GEN; -- déclaration des fonctions utilisées FUNCTION all_ones(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --This function returns if the input vector has all ones and no zeros FUNCTION all_zeros(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic; --This function returns if the input vector has all zeros and no ones FUNCTION incr_vec(s1:std_logic_vector;en:std_logic) return std_logic_vector; --This function increments an std_logic_vector type by '1', without --using any arithmatic FUNCTION dcr_vec(s1:std_logic_vector;en:std_logic) return std_logic_vector; --This function decrements an std_logic_vector type by '1', without --using any arithmatic FUNCTION Rol_Vec(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; --renvoie un std_logic_vector de taille ADRLEN Function Stdlv (s1 : natural) return std_logic_vector; --renvoie un std_logic_vector de taille width Function Stdlv (s1 : natural;width:positive ) return std_logic_vector; function image(L: bit_vector) return String; function image(L: bit) return String; function image(L: std_logic_vector) return String; function image(L: std_logic) return String; function Hex_to_Ascii(l : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0))return std_logic_vector; -- function HexImage(L: unsigned) return String; -- function HexImage(L: signed) return String; -- function HexImage(L: std_ulogic_vector) return String; -- function HexImage(L: std_logic_vector) return String; -- function HexImage(L: bit_vector) return String; end CoreTypes; Package body CoreTypes is FUNCTION incr_vec(s1:std_logic_vector;en:std_logic) return std_logic_vector is --this function increments a std_logic_vector type by '1' VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low) ; VARIABLE tb : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low); BEGIN tb(s1'low) := en; V := s1; for i in (V'low + 1) to V'high loop tb(i) := V(i - 1) and tb(i -1); end loop; for i in V'low to V'high loop if(tb(i) = '1') then V(i) := not(V(i)); end if; end loop; return V; end incr_vec; -- end function FUNCTION dcr_vec(s1:std_logic_vector;en:std_logic) return std_logic_vector is --this function decrements a std_logic_vector type by '1' VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low) ; VARIABLE tb : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low); BEGIN tb(s1'low) := not(en); V := s1; for i in (V'low + 1) to V'high loop tb(i) := V(i - 1) or tb(i -1); end loop; for i in V'low to V'high loop if(tb(i) = '0') then V(i) := not(V(i)); end if; end loop; return V; end dcr_vec; -- end function FUNCTION all_ones(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic is --this function tells if all bits of a vector are '1' --return value Z is '1', then vector has all 1 bits --VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low) ; VARIABLE Z : std_logic; BEGIN Z := s1(s1'low); FOR i IN (s1'low+1) to s1'high LOOP Z := Z AND s1(i); END LOOP; RETURN Z; END all_ones; -- end function FUNCTION all_zeros(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic is --this function tells if all bits of a vector are '0' --return value Z if '1', then vector has all 0 bits --VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low) ; VARIABLE Z : std_logic; BEGIN Z := '0'; FOR i IN (s1'low) to s1'high LOOP Z := Z OR s1(i); END LOOP; RETURN not(Z); END all_zeros; -- end function FUNCTION Rol_Vec(s1:std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is --cette fonction fait roter un STD_logic d'un pas vers la gauche VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(s1'high downto s1'low) ; VARIABLE lb : std_logic :=s1(s1'left); BEGIN for i in V'left downto (V'right+1) loop V(i) := s1(i - 1) ; end loop; V(V'right):=lb; return V; end Rol_vec; Function Stdlv (s1 : natural ) return std_logic_vector is VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(ADRLEN-1 downto 0); begin V:=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(s1,ADRLEN)); return V; end stdlv; Function Stdlv (s1 : natural;width:positive ) return std_logic_vector is VARIABLE V : std_logic_vector(width-1 downto 0); begin V:=std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(s1,width)); return V; end stdlv; -- Start of heximage functions --function HexImage(L: bit_vector) return String is --begin --return(HexImage(imge(L))); --end function HexImage; -- --function HexImage(L: std_ulogic_vector) return String is --begin --return(HexImage(image(to_x01(L)))); --end function HexImage; --function HexImage(L: std_logic_vector) return String is --begin --return(HexImage(imge(to_x01(L)))); --end function HexImage; -- --function HexImage(L: signed) return String is --begin --return(HexImage(imge(L))); --end function HexImage; -- --function HexImage(L: unsigned) return String is --begin --return(HexImage(image(L))); --end function HexImage; -- End of heximage functions -- Start of an example image function function Hex_to_Ascii(l : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is variable he:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable val : unsigned(7 downto 0); begin val:= unsigned(X"0" & unsigned(l)); if val<10 then he:=std_logic_vector(val+48); else he:=std_logic_vector(val+55); end if; return he; end function; function image(L: bit) return String is variable bit_image: String(1 to 1) := bit'image(L); begin return(bit_image(1 to 1)); end function image; function image(L: std_logic) return String is variable bit_image: String(1 to 3) := std_logic'image(L); begin return(bit_image(1 to 1)); end function image; function image(L: bit_vector) return String is variable Lx: bit_vector(1 to L'length); variable RetVal: String(1 to L'length); begin Lx := L; for i in Lx'range loop RetVal(i to i) := image(Lx(i)); end loop; return(RetVal); end function image; function image(L: std_logic_vector) return String is variable Lx: std_logic_vector(1 to L'length); variable RetVal: String(1 to L'length); begin Lx := L; for i in Lx'range loop RetVal(i to i) := image(Lx(i)); end loop; return(RetVal); end function image; --*************************************************** --functions d'initialisation function init_memory(size : natural;val :std_logic_vector(Word-1 downto 0):=(others=>'0')) return memory is variable dt: memory(0 to size-1); begin for i in 0 to size-1 loop dt(i):=val; end loop; return dt; end function; function init_DpRam return typ_dpram is variable sram : typ_dpRam; begin sram.I.data_out :=(others=>'0'); sram.o.clk_wr :='0'; sram.o.clk_rd :='0'; sram.o.we :='0'; sram.o.ena :='0'; sram.o.enb :='0'; sram.o.addr_wr:=(others=>'0'); sram.o.addr_rd:=(others=>'0'); sram.o.data_in:=(others=>'0'); return sram; end function; function init_core_i return Core_i is variable coreI : Core_i; begin corei.Instr_ack :='0'; -- signal la prise en compte de l'instruction corei.Ready :='0';-- indique que la dernière fonction est terminée corei.InitOk :='0'; -- l'initialisation est terminée corei.Hold_Req :='0';--Demande DMA corei.RamSel :='0';-- indique le statut de la RAM (0 ->dispo 1->occupé par Core_MPI) corei.IsMain :='0'; -- indique si la librairie est principal corei.Rank :=0; --donne le rang du processus courant corei.Spawned:='0'; --indique que ce module a été activé par la bibliothèque return (corei); end function; function init_core_o return Core_o is variable coreO : Core_o; begin coreo.Instr_en :='0'; -- active une instruction MPI coreo.Hold_Ack :='0';-- Autorisation DMA coreo.MemBusy :='0';-- active le refus de DMA (1 -> ignoré la requête DMA de MPI HCL) coreo.Instruction :=(others=>'0'); -- fonction Mpi à exécuter return coreo; end function; function init_core_s return Core_s is variable coreS : Core_s; begin cores.Rank :=0; --donne le rang du processus courant cores.IntState1 :=0; --permet de stocker l'état des MAE interne dans les procédures cores.IntState2 :=0; cores.WinId :=0; --stocke le dernier Id utilisé par WinCreate cores.GPost :=(others=>'0'); --etat de la fenêtre active cores.GStart :=(others=>'0'); cores.tmem :=init_memory(4); --petite mémoire tampon pour stocker les variables statiques des MVPs return Cores ; end function; function init_core_io return Core_io is variable coreIO : Core_io; begin CoreIO.O:=init_core_o; CoreIO.I:=Init_Core_I; CoreIO.S:=Init_Core_S; return CoreIO; end function; end CoreTypes;