-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 12.3 Trace (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. d:\Xilinx\12.3\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64\unwrapped\trce.exe -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 3 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml MultiMPITest.twx MultiMPITest.ncd -o MultiMPITest.twr MultiMPITest.pcf Design file: MultiMPITest.ncd Physical constraint file: MultiMPITest.pcf Device,package,speed: xc6slx100,fgg484,C,-3 (PRODUCTION 1.12c 2010-09-15) Report level: verbose report Environment Variable Effect -------------------- ------ NONE No environment variables were set -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO:Timing:2698 - No timing constraints found, doing default enumeration. INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the unconstrained paths section(s) of the report. INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model. For the details of this model, and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions, please see the device datasheet. Data Sheet report: ----------------- All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) Setup/Hold to clock clkm ------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------------+--------+ |Max Setup to| Process |Max Hold to | Process | | Clock | Source | clk (edge) | Corner | clk (edge) | Corner |Internal Clock(s) | Phase | ------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------------+--------+ reset | 16.672(R)| SLOW | 0.529(R)| SLOW |clkm_BUFGP | 0.000| ------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+------------------+--------+ Clock clkm to Pad ------------+-----------------+------------+-----------------+------------+------------------+--------+ |Max (slowest) clk| Process |Min (fastest) clk| Process | | Clock | Destination | (edge) to PAD | Corner | (edge) to PAD | Corner |Internal Clock(s) | Phase | ------------+-----------------+------------+-----------------+------------+------------------+--------+ result<0> | 8.688(R)| SLOW | 4.230(R)| FAST |clkm_BUFGP | 0.000| result<1> | 9.023(R)| SLOW | 4.224(R)| FAST |clkm_BUFGP | 0.000| result<4> | 8.935(R)| SLOW | 4.334(R)| FAST |clkm_BUFGP | 0.000| result<5> | 12.060(R)| SLOW | 5.801(R)| FAST |clkm_BUFGP | 0.000| ------------+-----------------+------------+-----------------+------------+------------------+--------+ Clock to Setup on destination clock clkm ---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Source Clock |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall| ---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ clkm | 9.399| | | | ---------------+---------+---------+---------+---------+ Analysis completed Tue Aug 14 16:12:09 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace Settings: ------------------------- Trace Settings Peak Memory Usage: 420 MB