pin2ucf Report File Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Created : Fri Feb 10 18:11:10 2012 Constraint Conflicts Information ================================ This section provides information on the constraint conflicts if pin2ucf were to write a ucf file using the provided design and the existing ucf file. There are 2 types of conflicts that can occur. 1. Multiple pins could be constrained on the same net 2. Same pin could have multiple nets pin2ucf provides a list each for both. Note:- "New NET" and "New PIN" indicates the Net and Pin locations found suitable by pin2ucf for pin locking, while "Old Net" and "Old PIN" indicates the Net and Pin locations already set by the user in the ucf file, which were left untouched by pin2ucf. Net name conflicts on the pins ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PIN Location New NET Old NET ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "No net name conflicts were found on pins" Pin name conflicts on the nets ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NET Name New PIN Old PIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "No pin name conflicts were found on nets" PinLocking Successful. Constraints written to UCF File