Release 12.3 - ngc2edif M.70d (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Reading design MPI_NOC.ngc ... WARNING:NetListWriters:298 - No output is written to MPI_NOC.xncf, ignored. Processing design ... Preping design's networks ... Preping design's macros ... WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_address has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_address on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_address<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_address has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_address on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_address<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<4>_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_address has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_address on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_address<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<3>_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<2>_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<2>_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<2>_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<3>_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<1>_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<1>_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<1>_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_address has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_address on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out<4>_ram_address<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<4>_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<4>_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<4>_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<3>_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<3>_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<3>_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<1>_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<1>_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<1>_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<3>_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<3>_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<3>_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<2>_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<2>_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<2>_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<1>_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<1>_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<1>_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<4>_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<4>_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<4>_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in<2>_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in<2>_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in<2>_ram_data_in<7:0>. finished :Prep Writing EDIF netlist file MPI_NOC.edif ... ngc2edif: Total memory usage is 74396 kilobytes Release 12.3 - ngc2edif M.70d (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Reading design MultiMPITest.ngc ... WARNING:NetListWriters:298 - No output is written to MultiMPITest.xncf, ignored. Processing design ... Preping design's networks ... Preping design's macros ... WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Signal_priority<7 : 1> on block Scheduler4_4 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Grant<16 : 1> on block Scheduler4_4 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus fsm_nst_logic.tempval[7 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_264_OUT[7 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Mmux_ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_255_OUT_rs_lut[5 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex2_state_mach__n0513<7 : 4> on block EX2_FSM_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Madd_NEXT_STATE_DECODE.iptr[15]_GND_133_o_add_114_OUT_lut[2 : 0] on block load_instr_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_request[4 : 1] on block CORE_MPI_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Ex1_Result[2 : 0] on block CORE_MPI_NO3 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus fsm_nst_logic.tempval[7 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_264_OUT[7 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Mmux_ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_255_OUT_rs_lut[5 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex2_state_mach__n0513<7 : 4> on block EX2_FSM_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Madd_NEXT_STATE_DECODE.iptr[15]_GND_133_o_add_114_OUT_lut[2 : 0] on block load_instr_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_request[4 : 1] on block CORE_MPI_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Ex1_Result[2 : 0] on block CORE_MPI_NO2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Mmux_ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_255_OUT_rs_lut[5 : 0] on block EX1_FSM_NO1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex2_state_mach__n0513<7 : 4> on block EX2_FSM_NO1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_request<4 : 1> on block CORE_MPI_NO1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_grant<4 : 1> on block CORE_MPI_NO1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Ex1_Result<2 : 0> on block CORE_MPI_NO1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Mmux_ex1_state_mach[4]_X_235_o_wide_mux_255_OUT_rs_lut[5 : 0] on block EX1_FSM is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus ex2_state_mach__n0513<7 : 4> on block EX2_FSM is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_request<4 : 1> on block CORE_MPI is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus dma_wr_grant<4 : 1> on block CORE_MPI is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Ex1_Result<2 : 0> on block CORE_MPI is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[1]_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[1]_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[1]_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[1]_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[1]_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[1]_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[2]_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[2]_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[2]_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[2]_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[2]_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[2]_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[3]_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[3]_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[3]_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[3]_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[3]_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[3]_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[4]_instruction has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[4]_instruction on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[4]_instruction<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_in[4]_ram_data_out has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_in on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_in[4]_ram_data_out on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_in[4]_ram_data_out<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_rd has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_rd on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_rd<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_wr has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_wr on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[1]_ram_address_wr<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[1]_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[1]_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_rd has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_rd on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_rd<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_wr has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_wr on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[2]_ram_address_wr<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[2]_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[2]_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_rd has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_rd on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_rd<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_wr has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_wr on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[3]_ram_address_wr<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[3]_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[3]_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_data_in has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_data_in on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_data_in<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_rd has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_rd on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_rd<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_wr has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_wr on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[4]_ram_address_wr<15:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:305 - Port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_PushOut has a mismatched property name MPI_Node_Out on block MPI_NOC. WARNING:NetListWriters:303 - Unable to preserve the ordering for port bus MPI_Node_Out[4]_PushOut on block MPI_NOC using the data MPI_Node_Out[4]_PushOut<7:0>. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_out<5 : 2> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_wr<12 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_rd<2 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_in<7 : 1> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus pPutGet.adresse_rd<12 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus pe_ram_do<5 : 2> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus RunState[3]_X_559_o_wide_mux_190_OUT<12 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_wr[15]_sram_addr_wr[15]_mux_105_OUT<12 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_in[7]_sram_data_in[7]_mux_107_OUT<7 : 1> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Result<3 : 0> on block PE_2 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_out<5 : 2> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_wr<12 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_rd<2 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_in<7 : 1> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus pPutGet.adresse_rd<12 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus pe_ram_do<5 : 2> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus RunState[3]_X_541_o_wide_mux_190_OUT<12 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_addr_wr[15]_sram_addr_wr[15]_mux_105_OUT<12 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus sram_data_in[7]_sram_data_in[7]_mux_107_OUT<7 : 1> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. WARNING:NetListWriters:306 - Signal bus Result<3 : 0> on block PE_1 is not reconstructed, because there are some missing bus signals. finished :Prep Writing EDIF netlist file MultiMPITest.edif ... ngc2edif: Total memory usage is 103668 kilobytes