Release 11.1 - xst L.33 (nt) Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. --> Parameter TMPDIR set to C:/Documents and Settings/GENERAL/Bureau/GENERIC_16_16/xst/projnav.tmp Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.17 secs --> Parameter xsthdpdir set to C:/Documents and Settings/GENERAL/Bureau/GENERIC_16_16/xst Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.17 secs --> ========================================================================= * HDL Compilation * ========================================================================= Compiling vhdl file "C:/Documents and Settings/GENERAL/Bureau/GENERIC_16_16/RAM_256.vhd" in Library work. Architecture behavioral of Entity ram_256 is up to date. Compiling vhdl file "C:/Documents and Settings/GENERAL/Bureau/GENERIC_16_16/FIFO_256_FWFT.vhd" in Library work. Architecture behavioral of Entity fifo_256_fwft is up to date. Compiling vhdl file "C:/Documents and Settings/GENERAL/Bureau/GENERIC_16_16/INPUT_PORT_MODULE.vhd" in Library work. Entity compiled. Entity (Architecture ) compiled. Total REAL time to Xst completion: 1.00 secs Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.83 secs --> Total memory usage is 120796 kilobytes Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of infos : 0 ( 0 filtered)