How To Use SystemCASS ===================== -- in 4 steps -- --------------------- 1) Have the right models and the right top-level ------------------------------------------------ Models should be described as finite state machines. See details in SystemCASS documentation. SOCLIB models work fine. 2) Compile ---------- You need to set the include path. For example : g++ -c -I/users/outil/systemc/systemcass/systemcass/latest/include 3) Link ------- You need to set the library path, specify the library and enable the shared library loader. For example : g++ -o main.x main.o -L/users/outil/systemc/systemcass/systemcass/latest/lib-SLA4x -lsystemc -rdynamic 4) Execution ------------ Set SYSTEMCASS environment before executing the simulator. For exemple : export SYSTEMC=/users/outil/systemc/systemcass/systemcass/latest