/*------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | Tool : systemcass | | | | File : entity.cc | | | | Author : Buchmann Richard | | Taktak Sami | | | | Date : 09_07_2004 | | | \------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This file is part of the Disydent Project * Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Département ASIM * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie * * Home page : http://www-asim.lip6.fr/disydent * E-mail : mailto:richard.buchmann@lip6.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Disydent is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include"assert.h" #include"entity.h" #include"sc_port.h" #include"sc_signal.h" #include"sc_module.h" using namespace std; namespace sc_core { equi_list_t equi_list; equi_table_t equi_table = NULL; ostream& operator << (ostream &, const entity &); ostream& operator << (ostream &, const equi_t &); struct predic4entity2equi_t_t { bool operator()(const entity &e1, const entity &e2) const { return e1.interface < e2.interface; } }; typedef std::map entity2equi_it_t; ostream& operator << (ostream& o, const entity2equi_it_t &m) { entity2equi_it_t::const_iterator i; for (i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) { o << (i->first) << " : " << *(i->second) << "\n"; } return o; } entity2equi_it_t equi_map; const equi_list_t& get_equi_list () { return equi_list; } unsigned int max (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { return (a > b)?a:b; } static int get_signal_table_size (const equi_list_t &e) { // bug fix : remove the 0x0 equi from the list equi_list_t::const_iterator i; int capacity = 0; for (i = e.begin (); i != e.end (); ++i) { //cerr << i->begin()->object->name (); const entity &ent = *(i->begin()); int data_size = ent.data_size_in_bytes(); int number_of_part = ((data_size - 1) / sizeof(tab_t)) + 1; capacity += number_of_part; } return capacity; } int get_signal_table_size () { return get_signal_table_size (equi_list); } sc_port_base* get_out_port (const equi_t &eq) { equi_t::const_iterator i; for (i = eq.begin (); i != eq.end (); ++i) { const char *type = i->kind (); if ((type == sc_core::sc_out_string)||(type == sc_core::sc_inout_string)) return i->port; } /* cerr << "Internal error : can't find out port in " << eq << ".\n"; exit(32); */ return NULL; } static sc_port_base* get_localvar (equi_t &eq) { equi_t::iterator i; for (i = eq.begin (); i != eq.end (); ++i) { const char *type = i->kind (); if (strcmp (type, "sc_localvar") == 0) return i->port; } return NULL; } static sc_port_base* get_signal (equi_t &eq) { equi_t::iterator i; for (i = eq.begin (); i != eq.end (); ++i) { const char *type = i->kind (); if (strcmp (type, "sc_signal") == 0) return i->port; } return NULL; } equi_t& get_equi (const sc_interface &i) { return get_equi (i.get_pointer ()); } struct predic4tab_t2equi_t_t { bool operator()(const tab_t *t1, const tab_t *t2) const { return t1 < t2; } }; #define get_equi_SPEEDUP equi_t& get_equi (const tab_t *pointer) { // result variable equi_list_t::iterator i; #if defined(get_equi_SPEEDUP) typedef std::map tab_t2equi_it_t; static tab_t2equi_it_t tab2equi_map; ASSERT(pointer != NULL); // boost tab_t2equi_it_t::/*const_*/iterator it = tab2equi_map.find (pointer); if (it != tab2equi_map.end ()) { i = it->second; return *i; } #endif // for (i = equi_list.begin (); i != equi_list.end (); ++i) { const equi_t::iterator &j = i->begin(); const entity &e = *j; const sc_interface *f = e.interface; const tab_t *p = f->get_pointer (); if (p == pointer) { #if defined(get_equi_SPEEDUP) tab2equi_map[pointer] = i; #endif return *i; } } cerr << "Internal error : get_equi(" << pointer << ")\n"; exit (11); } #undef get_equi_SPEEDUP bool has_equi (/*const*/ sc_port_base &port) { entity e(port); entity2equi_it_t::/*const_*/iterator it = equi_map.find (e); if (it == equi_map.end ()) { return false; } return true; } static bool is_register (const equi_t &eq) { return eq.size () == 1; } static int count_level (const char *s, char c) { int i; int counter = 0; for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (s[i] == c) ++counter; } return counter; } const char* get_name (const equi_t& e) { equi_t::const_iterator top_iter = e.begin (); #ifdef DEBUG if (top_iter == e.end ()) { cerr << "Internal error : no signal in " << e << endl; exit (25); } if (top_iter->object == NULL) { cerr << "Internal error : no object bound to "; cerr << *top_iter; cerr << endl; exit (26); } if (top_iter->object->name () == NULL) { cerr << "Internal error : signal has no name.\n"; cerr << *top_iter; cerr << endl; } #endif int top_level = count_level (top_iter->object->name (),'.'); equi_t::const_iterator i; for (i = ++(e.begin ()); i != e.end (); ++i) { int current_level = count_level (i->object->name (),'.'); if (current_level < top_level) { top_iter = i; top_level = current_level; } } #if 0 cerr << "get_name of " << e; cerr << " return " << top_iter->object->name () << endl; #endif return top_iter->object->name (); } const char* get_name (const tab_t *pointer) { return get_name (get_equi (pointer)); } static const sc_module& get_module (const string &s) { instances_set_t::iterator i; for (i = instances_set.begin (); i != instances_set.end (); ++i) { if (strcmp ((*i)->name (), s.c_str ()) == 0) return **i; } cerr << "Internal error : get_module\n"; exit (27); } template static equi_list_t::iterator get_equi (T &e) { entity2equi_it_t::iterator it = equi_map.find (entity(e)); if (it == equi_map.end()) { // cerr << "Internal error : get_equi (T &)"; return equi_list.end (); } return it->second; } template static void add_equi (equi_list_t::iterator &x, T &y) { entity e(y); x->push_back (e); equi_map[e] = x; } template static equi_list_t::iterator new_equi (T &x) /* parameter is not 'const' because we need to modify pointer port/signal at end of elaboration step */ { equi_list_t::iterator it = equi_list.insert (equi_list.begin (),equi_t(1,entity(x))); equi_map[entity(x)] = it; return it; } // sort by number of connected ports bound to the signal static int operator<(const equi_t &e1, const equi_t &e2) { return (e1.size() < e2.size ()); } // sort by data size /* int operator<(const equi_t &e1, const equi_t &e2) { return (e1.begin()->data_size () < e2.begin()->data_size ()); } */ // random sort /* int operator<(const equi_t &e1, const equi_t &e2) { typedef std::map m_t; static m_t m; if (m[&e1] == 0) m[&e1] = rand (); if (m[&e2] == 0) m[&e2] = rand (); return m[&e1] < m[&e2]; } */ void sort_equi_list () { //load (); equi_list.sort (); //equi_list.reverse (); } #if defined(DUMP_SIGNALS_STATS) static unsigned int equi_real_size; #endif unsigned int get_sizeof_signals_table () { equi_list_t::iterator i; int table_size = 0; //cerr << "external table includes :\n"; for (i = equi_list.begin (); i != equi_list.end (); ++i) { if (get_out_port (*i)) continue; if (get_signal (*i)) continue; //cerr << get_name (*i) << " "; const entity &ent = *(i->begin()); int data_size = ent.data_size_in_bytes(); int number_of_part = ((data_size - 1) / sizeof(tab_t)) + 1; table_size += number_of_part; } return table_size; } void create_signals_table () { if (dump_stage) cerr << "Allocating signals table.\n"; //cerr << "\n"; unsigned int table_size = get_sizeof_signals_table (); equi_table = new tab_t[table_size]; //(0xCD); #if defined(DUMP_SIGNALS_STATS) equi_real_size = table_size; #endif #if defined(INIT_SIGNALS_TO_ZERO) memset (equi_table, 0, sizeof (tab_t) * table_size); #else memset (equi_table, 0xCD, sizeof (tab_t) * table_size); #endif } static void bind_equi_to_table (equi_t &e, tab_t * const pointer) { ASSERT(pointer != NULL); equi_t::iterator i; for (i = e.begin (); i != e.end (); ++i) { sc_interface *const inter = i->interface; inter->set_pointer (pointer); // We can't initialize data to zero there // because we can't write the right amount of bits. // It may produce some segmentation fault errors. // The pointer is aligned to 32 bits. } } void bind_to_table () { if (dump_stage) cerr << "Binding ports/signals to the table.\n"; equi_list_t::iterator i; int index = 0; for (i = equi_list.begin (); i != equi_list.end (); ++i) { sc_interface *out = get_out_port (*i); if (out) { bind_equi_to_table (*i, out->get_pointer ()); } else { sc_interface *reg = get_signal (*i); if (reg == NULL) reg = get_localvar (*i); if (reg) { bind_equi_to_table (*i, reg->get_pointer ()); } else { bind_equi_to_table (*i, &(equi_table[index])); index += (i->begin()->data_size_in_bytes() - 1) / sizeof(tab_t) + 1; } } } } ostream& operator << (ostream &o, const entity &e) { #if 0 o << "entity ("; if (e.object) o << e.object->name (); else o << "no object"; if (e.interface) o << ", pointer = 0x" << hex << e.interface->get_pointer (); else o << ", no interface"; o << ")"; #else ASSERT(e.object != NULL); o << e.object->name (); #endif return o; } ostream& operator << (ostream &o, const equi_t &e) { bool nb = 0; equi_t::const_iterator i; for (i = e.begin (); i != e.end (); ++i) { const entity &ity = *i; o << ((nb++)?" = ":"") << ity; } return o; } void print_table (ostream &o) { o << "Signal list\n" << "-----------\n"; equi_list_t::const_iterator i; for (i = equi_list.begin (); i != equi_list.end (); ++i) { const equi_t &eq = *i; #if 0 o << i->begin()->interface->get_pointer () << " : "; o << (*i); o << "\n"; #else o << "(" << get_name (eq) << ") <=> " << eq << ".\n"; #endif } } void print_table_stats (ostream &o) { #if defined(DUMP_SIGNALS_STATS) int nb_reg = 0; int nb_sig = 0; int real_size = 0; // count equi_list_t::const_iterator i; int num; for (num = 0, i = equi_list.begin (); i != equi_list.end (); ++num, ++i) { if (is_register (*i)) ++nb_reg; else ++nb_sig; } // print results o << "Statistics :\n"; o << "#registers : " << nb_reg << endl; o << "#signals : " << nb_sig << endl; o << "current table size : " << equi_real_size << endl; #endif } #ifdef DUMP_SIGNAL_STATS typedef map counter_t; static counter_t counter; long long int unnecessary = 0; long long int total_assig = 0; #endif const char* get_module_name (const equi_t &eq) { if (!is_register (eq)) { /* cerr << "get_module_name doesn't work yet upon non-register.\n"; const sc_port_base &port = *(i->port); const sc_module &module = port.get_module (); */ return "top_level"; } const entity &ent = *(eq.begin ()); #ifdef DEBUG if (ent.type != sc_core::entity::SIGNAL) exit(28); #endif // get module name from sc_signal used like a register const char *sig_name = ent.object->name (); const char *sep = strchr (sig_name,'.'); #ifdef DEBUG if (sep == NULL) { exit (30); } #endif int end_pos = sep - sig_name; string module_name (sig_name, end_pos); // can't return the char* pointer from string since it will be invalid. return get_module (module_name).name (); } static void merge_equi (equi_list_t::iterator &x, equi_list_t::iterator &y) { equi_t::iterator i; equi_t &y2 = *y; for (i = y2.begin(); i != y2.end(); ++i) { entity &e = *i; equi_map[e] = x; } x->merge (*y); equi_list.erase (y); } // sort by data size #ifdef DATASIZE_SORT int operator<(const equi_t &e1, const equi_t &e2) { return (e1.begin()->data_size () < e2.begin()->data_size ()); } #endif // random sort #ifdef RANDOM_SORT int operator<(const equi_t &e1, const equi_t &e2) { typedef std::map m_t; static m_t m; if (m[&e1] == 0) m[&e1] = rand (); if (m[&e2] == 0) m[&e2] = rand (); return m[&e1] < m[&e2]; } #endif #if defined(DUMP_SIGNALS_STATS) static unsigned int equi_real_size; #endif void bind (sc_signal_base &x) { #if 0 //defined(DEBUG) equi_list_t::iterator x_equi = get_equi (x); if ((x_equi != equi_list.end())) { cerr << "Internal error : Signal already in the table\n"; return; } #endif new_equi (x); } void bind (sc_port_base &x) { new_equi (x); } template static void test_before_bind (sc_port_base& p1,T& p2) { bool t1 = (p1.kind () != NULL); bool t2 = (p2.kind () != NULL); if (t1 && t2) return; if (t1 == true) cerr << "Trying to bind '" << p1.name() << "' to an unknown type.\n"; else if (t2 == true) cerr << "Trying to bind '" << p2.name() << "' to an unknown type.\n"; else cerr << "Binding failed. Please check the netlist description.\n"; exit (20040525); } template static void tbind (sc_port_base &x,T &y) { // ASSERT(x.get_pointer () != NULL); // x pointer may be NULL // ASSERT(y.get_pointer () != NULL); // y pointer may be NULL equi_list_t::iterator x_equi = get_equi (x); equi_list_t::iterator y_equi = get_equi (y); if ((x_equi != equi_list.end()) && (y_equi != equi_list.end())) { // 2 equipotentials are equals merge_equi (x_equi, y_equi); } else if ((x_equi != equi_list.end())) { // add y add_equi (x_equi,y); } else if ((y_equi != equi_list.end())) { // add y add_equi (y_equi,x); } else { // add a new equi x_equi = new_equi (x); add_equi (x_equi, y); } } void bind (sc_port_base& p1,sc_port_base& p2) { test_before_bind (p1, p2); tbind (p1, p2); } void bind (sc_port_base& p1,sc_signal_base& s1) { test_before_bind (p1, s1); tbind (p1, s1); } } // end of sc_core namespace