/*------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | Tool : systemcass | | | | File : gen_code.cc | | | | Author : Taktak Sami | | Buchmann Richard | | | | Date : 09_07_2004 | | | \------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This file is part of the Disydent Project * Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Département ASIM * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie * * Home page : http://www-asim.lip6.fr/disydent * E-mail : mailto:richard.buchmann@lip6.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Disydent is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #if defined(__linux__) #include #elif defined(WIN32) #include #elif defined(__MACH__) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif #include "internal.h" #include "gen_code.h" #include "sc_module.h" #include "sc_ver.h" #include "process_dependency.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define casc_cflags GENERATED_MODULE_CFLAGS // Enable CPP call, this is useful for typeinfo-enabled classes #define CPP_CALL using namespace std; namespace sc_core { static void PrintCall(std::ostream &, const method_process_t &); static void open_temp(std::ofstream &, char *); typedef void (*CASC_ENTRY_FUNC) (void *); typedef union { unsigned long long int integer; SC_ENTRY_FUNC pmf; CASC_ENTRY_FUNC pf; } fct; const char * get_pmf_type() { switch (sizeof(SC_ENTRY_FUNC)) { case 4: // G4 pointer-to-member-function style return "unsigned long int"; case 8: // PC pointer-to-member-function style return "unsigned long long int"; default: cerr << "Internal Error : Unsupported pointer-to-member-function" "(size: " << sizeof(SC_ENTRY_FUNC) << ").\n" "Please try --nodynamiclink option.\n"; exit(21072009); }; } static ostream & operator <<(ostream & o, const SC_ENTRY_FUNC & f) { register fct p; p.integer = 0; p.pmf = f; return o << "0x" << hex << p.integer << "ULL"; } static void PrintCall(std::ostream & o, const method_process_t & m) { SC_ENTRY_FUNC func = m.func; if (print_schedule) { o << " fprintf(stderr,\"evaluation de " << m.module->name() << "->" << m.name << "()\\n\");\n"; } o << " p.integer = " << func << ";\n"; #ifdef CPP_CALL o << " (((sc_module*)(" << m.module << "))->*(p.pmf)) (); /* " << m.module->name() << "->" << m.name << "() */\n"; #else o << " p.pf((void *)" << m.module << "); /* " << m.module->name() << "->" << m.name << "() */\n"; #endif } static bool is_exist(const char * temp) { ifstream o; o.open(temp, ios::in); if (o.is_open() == false) { return false; } if (o.peek() == -1) { return false; } return true; } static void open_temp(ofstream & o, char * temp) { /* srand (time (NULL)); int r = rand () % 1000; */ pid_t pid = getpid(); int r = -1; do { sprintf(temp, "%s/scheduling-%d-%x.cc", temporary_dir, pid, ++r); } while (is_exist(temp)); o.open(temp, ios::out); if (o.is_open() == false) { cerr << "Error : Unable to open a file to write scheduling code.\n"; exit(30032005); } #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG cerr << "opened temporary filename : " << temp << "\n"; #endif sprintf(temp, "scheduling-%d-%x", pid, r++); } static char * gen_transition(ofstream & o, method_process_list_t & transition_func_list) { // transitions o << "\ninline void transition(void)\n{\n"; if (transition_func_list.empty() == false) { o << " /* fonctions de transition */\n" << " register fct p;\n"; method_process_list_t::iterator mm; for (mm = transition_func_list.begin(); mm != transition_func_list.end(); ++mm) { PrintCall(o, **mm); } } o << "}\n"; } static char * gen_moore(ofstream & o, method_process_list_t & moore_func_list) { // Moore generations (sequential functions) o << "\ninline void moore_generation (void)\n{\n"; if (moore_func_list.empty() == false) { o << " /* fonctions de generation de Moore */\n" << " register fct p;\n"; method_process_list_t::reverse_iterator mm; for (mm = moore_func_list.rbegin(); mm != moore_func_list.rend(); ++mm) { PrintCall(o, **mm); } } o << " \n}\n"; } static char * gen_mealy(ofstream & o, strong_component_list_t & strongcomponents) { // Mealy generations (combinational functions only) o << "\nextern void mealy_generation (void)\n{\n"; if (strongcomponents.empty()) { return NULL; } o << " register fct p;\n" << "\n\n /* fonctions de mealy */\n"; #ifdef NO_STATIC_SCHEDULE o << "\n do {\n unstable = 0;\n"; #endif strong_component_list_t::iterator ss; for (ss = strongcomponents.begin(); ss != strongcomponents.end(); ++ss) { if ((*ss)->size() == 1) { /* un seul element dans le strong component */ method_process_t *m = (method_process_t *) (*((*ss)->begin())); PrintCall(o, *m); continue; } else { /* plusieurs elements dans le strong component */ #ifndef NO_STATIC_SCHEDULE o << "\n do {\n unstable = 0;\n"; #endif component_list_t::reverse_iterator rev_mm; for (rev_mm = (*ss)->rbegin(); rev_mm != (*ss)->rend(); ++rev_mm) { method_process_t * m = (method_process_t *) * rev_mm; PrintCall(o, *m); } #ifndef NO_STATIC_SCHEDULE o << " } while ( unstable );\n\n"; #endif } } #ifdef NO_STATIC_SCHEDULE o << " } while ( unstable );\n\n"; #else o << "\tunstable = 0;\n"; #endif } static char * gen_mealy(ofstream & o, ProcessDependencyList & mealy_func_list) { // Mealy generations (combinational functions only) o << "\nextern void mealy_generation (void)\n{\n"; o << " register fct p;\n" << "\n\n /* fonctions de mealy */\n"; ProcessDependencyList::iterator it; for (it = mealy_func_list.begin(); it != mealy_func_list.end(); ++it) { const method_process_t * m = *it; PrintCall(o, *m); } } char * gen_scheduling_code_for_dynamic_link(method_process_list_t & transition_func_list, method_process_list_t & moore_func_list, strong_component_list_t * strongcomponents) { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating C code for scheduling...\n"; } // open temporary file ofstream o; char base_name[PATH_MAX]; open_temp(o, base_name); if (!o.good()) { perror("scheduling: open file\n"); exit(-1); } o << "// generated by " << sc_version() << endl << "#include \n\n" << "#include \n\n" // << "#include \n\n" << "namespace sc_core {\n" << " typedef void (sc_module::*SC_ENTRY_FUNC)();\n" << " typedef void (*CASC_ENTRY_FUNC)(void *);\n"; const char * pmf_type = get_pmf_type(); o << " typedef union { " << pmf_type << " integer; SC_ENTRY_FUNC pmf; CASC_ENTRY_FUNC pf; } fct;\n"; gen_transition(o, transition_func_list); gen_moore(o, moore_func_list); if (strongcomponents != NULL) { gen_mealy (o, *strongcomponents); } o << " \n}\n"; o << "\n} // end of sc_core namespace\n"; o.flush(); o.close(); // add "cc" extension char file_name[PATH_MAX]; strncpy(file_name, base_name, PATH_MAX); file_name[strlen(base_name)] = '\0'; strcat(file_name, ".cc"); rename(base_name, file_name); if (edit_schedule) { run_schedule_editor(file_name); } if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating C code for scheduling done.\n"; } return strdup(base_name); } char * gen_scheduling_code_for_dynamic_link(method_process_list_t & transition_func_list, method_process_list_t & moore_func_list, ProcessDependencyList & mealy_func_list) { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating C code for scheduling...\n"; } // open temporary file ofstream o; char base_name[PATH_MAX]; open_temp(o, base_name); if (!o.good()) { perror("scheduling: open file\n"); exit(-1); } o << "// generated by " << sc_version() << endl << "#include \n\n" << "#include \n\n" << "namespace sc_core {\n" << " typedef void (sc_module::*SC_ENTRY_FUNC)();\n" << " typedef void (*CASC_ENTRY_FUNC)(void *);\n" << " typedef union { unsigned long long int integer; SC_ENTRY_FUNC pmf; CASC_ENTRY_FUNC pf; } fct;\n"; gen_transition(o, transition_func_list); gen_moore(o, moore_func_list); gen_mealy(o, mealy_func_list); o << "\n}\n"; o << "\n} // end of sc_core namespace\n"; o.flush(); o.close(); // add "cc" extension char file_name[PATH_MAX]; strncpy(file_name, base_name, PATH_MAX); file_name[strlen(base_name)] = '\0'; strcat(file_name, ".cc"); rename(base_name, file_name); if (edit_schedule) { run_schedule_editor(file_name); } if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating C code for scheduling done.\n"; } return strdup(base_name); } /* base_name est la base du nom du fichier C++ * casc_cflags est une string qui correspond à $(INCLUDE) d'un Makefile */ void compile_code(const char * base_name, const char * casc_cflags2) { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Compiling C/C++ code for scheduling...\n"; } char compil_str[512]; const char * compiler = getenv("CXX"); const char * systemc_dir = getenv("SYSTEMCASS"); const char * default_compiler = #ifdef CPP_CALL "g++"; #else "gcc"; #endif compiler = (compiler == NULL) ? default_compiler : compiler; if (systemc_dir == NULL) { systemc_dir = getenv("SYSTEMC"); if (systemc_dir == NULL) { cerr << "Error : set SYSTEMCASS or SYSTEMC environnement variable to the SYSTEMCASS directory.\n"; exit(-1); } } char target_name[128]; char source_name[128]; sprintf(target_name, "%s.lo", base_name); sprintf(source_name, "%s.cc", base_name); if (keep_generated_code) { char lg_cde[256]; sprintf(lg_cde, "mkdir -p %s", generated_files_dir); system(lg_cde); sprintf(lg_cde, "cp %s/%s %s/", temporary_dir, source_name, generated_files_dir); if (dump_stage) { cerr << "$ " << lg_cde << "\n"; } system(lg_cde); sprintf(lg_cde, "(cd %s ; indent %s)", generated_files_dir, source_name); if (dump_stage) { cerr << "$ " << lg_cde << "\n"; } system(lg_cde); } /* ******* */ /* COMPILE */ /* ******* */ const char * commandline_template = #if defined(CONFIG_OS_DARWIN) "(cd %s ;" " %s %s -DSCHEDULING_BY_CASC -I%s/include -fno-common -dynamic -o %s -c %s)" #elif defined(CONFIG_OS_LINUX) "(cd %s ; libtool --mode=compile %s %s -DSCHEDULING_BY_CASC -I%s/include -shared -o %s -c %s)" #else "(cd %s ;" " %s %s -DSCHEDULING_BY_CASC -I%s/include -dynamiclib -o %s -c %s)" #endif ; string cflags = casc_cflags; if (use_openmp) { cflags += " -fopenmp"; } sprintf(compil_str, commandline_template, temporary_dir, compiler, cflags.c_str(), systemc_dir, target_name, source_name); if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Executing command : " << compil_str << "\n"; } if (system(compil_str)) { perror("compil : system"); exit(-1); } /* **** */ /* LINK */ /* **** */ sprintf(target_name, "%s.la", base_name); #ifdef CONFIG_OS_LINUX sprintf(source_name, "%s.lo", base_name); sprintf(compil_str, "(cd %s ; pwd ; libtool --mode=link %s %s -module -shared -o %s %s -rpath /tmp)", /* -L. -L%s/lib-%s */ temporary_dir, compiler, casc_cflags, /*systemc_dir, target_arch, */ target_name, source_name); #else sprintf(source_name, "%s.o", base_name); sprintf(compil_str, "(cd %s ; pwd ; libtool -dynamic -o %s %s)", temporary_dir, target_name, source_name); #endif if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Executing command : " << compil_str << "\n"; } if (system(compil_str)) { perror("compil : system"); exit(-1); } system(compil_str); if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Compiling done.\n"; } } /* ******************************** * Function for static scheduling */ struct function_call { fct * function; void ** instance; int func_number; }; static function_call pf[3]; void get_function_call(function_call & pf, method_process_list_t & func_list) { pf.func_number = func_list.size(); pf.function = (fct *) malloc(sizeof(fct) * pf.func_number); pf.instance = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *) * pf.func_number); method_process_list_t::iterator mm; int i; for (mm = func_list.begin(), i = 0; mm != func_list.end(); ++mm, ++i) { const method_process_t * mp = *mm; pf.function[i].pmf = (mp->func); pf.instance[i] = (void *) (mp->module); } } void get_function_call(function_call & pf, ProcessDependencyList & func_list) { pf.func_number = func_list.size(); pf.function = (fct *) malloc(sizeof(fct) * pf.func_number); pf.instance = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *) * pf.func_number); ProcessDependencyList::iterator it; int i; for (i = 0, it = func_list.begin(); it != func_list.end(); ++it, ++i) { const method_process_t * mp = *it; pf.function[i].pmf = (mp->func); pf.instance[i] = (void *) (mp->module); } } void gen_scheduling_code_for_static_func(method_process_list_t & transition_func_list, method_process_list_t & moore_func_list, ProcessDependencyList & mealy_func_list) { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating scheduling...\n"; } get_function_call(pf[0], transition_func_list); get_function_call(pf[1], moore_func_list); get_function_call(pf[2], mealy_func_list); if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating scheduling done.\n"; } } void call_functions(function_call & fc) { int n = fc.func_number; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { #if 0 //defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) sc_module *m = (sc_module *) (fc.instance[i]); cerr << m->name() << endl; #endif fc.function[i].pf(fc.instance[i]); } } void call_functions_in_parallel(function_call & fc) { int n = fc.func_number; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { #if 0 //defined(CONFIG_DEBUG) sc_module *m = (sc_module *) (fc.instance[i]); cerr << m->name() << endl; cerr << "thread #" << omp_get_thread_num() << endl; #endif fc.function[i].pf(fc.instance[i]); } } void static_mealy_generation() { call_functions(pf[2]); } void static_simulate_1_cycle(void) { call_functions(pf[0]); // transition update(); call_functions_in_parallel(pf[1]); // moore generation call_functions(pf[2]); // mealy generation } /* *************************************** * Function for quasi static scheduling */ unsigned int nb_func[2]; static method_process_t **func_list[2]; static strong_component_list_t quasistatic_list; unsigned long long busy_wait_f0, busy_wait_f1, busy_wait_up, busy_wait_ml; unsigned long long last_wait_f0, last_wait_f1, last_wait_up, last_wait_ml; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp threadprivate (nb_func, func_list) #pragma omp threadprivate (busy_wait_f0, busy_wait_f1, busy_wait_up,busy_wait_ml) #pragma omp threadprivate (last_wait_f0, last_wait_f1, last_wait_up,last_wait_ml) #endif static void Call(const method_process_t & m) { sc_module * mod = m.module; SC_ENTRY_FUNC func = m.func; // CASC_ENTRY_FUNC func = reinterpret_cast (m.func); // QM //cerr << "Exec " << mod->name() << "->" << m.name << endl; (mod->*func) (); } void quasistatic_mealy_generation() { strong_component_list_t::iterator ss; for (ss = quasistatic_list.begin(); ss != quasistatic_list.end(); ++ss) { if ((*ss)->size() == 1) { /* un seul element dans le strong component */ method_process_t * m = (method_process_t *) (*((*ss)->begin())); Call(*m); continue; } else { /* plusieurs elements dans le strong component */ do { unstable = 0; component_list_t::reverse_iterator rev_mm; for (rev_mm = (*ss)->rbegin(); rev_mm != (*ss)->rend(); ++rev_mm) { method_process_t * m = (method_process_t *) * rev_mm; Call(*m); } } while (unstable); } } } unsigned int expected_globaltime = 0; volatile unsigned int globaltime __attribute__ ((aligned (128))) = 0; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp threadprivate (expected_globaltime) #pragma omp shared (globaltime) #endif unsigned int num_omp_threads; void quasistatic_simulate_1_cycle(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_func[0]; ++i) { Call(*(func_list[0][i])); } #define USE_BUSY_WAIT 1 update(); #if USE_BUSY_WAIT expected_globaltime += num_omp_threads; if (__sync_add_and_fetch(&globaltime, 1) == expected_globaltime) { last_wait_up++; } __asm volatile("mfence"); while (globaltime < expected_globaltime) { busy_wait_up++; __asm volatile("lfence"); } #else #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp barrier #endif #endif for (i = 0; i < nb_func[1]; ++i) { Call(*(func_list[1][i])); } #if USE_BUSY_WAIT expected_globaltime += num_omp_threads; if (__sync_add_and_fetch(&globaltime, 1) == expected_globaltime) { last_wait_f1++; } __asm volatile("mfence"); while (globaltime < expected_globaltime) { busy_wait_f1++; __asm volatile("lfence"); } #else #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp barrier #endif #endif if (!quasistatic_list.empty()) { #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp master #endif { quasistatic_mealy_generation(); } #if USE_BUSY_WAIT expected_globaltime += num_omp_threads; if (__sync_add_and_fetch(&globaltime, 1) == expected_globaltime) { last_wait_ml++; } __asm volatile("mfence"); while (globaltime < expected_globaltime) { busy_wait_ml++; __asm volatile("lfence"); } #else #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp barrier #endif #endif } } void gen_scheduling_code_for_quasistatic_func(method_process_list_t & transition_func_list, method_process_list_t & moore_func_list, strong_component_list_t * mealy_func_list) { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating quasi static scheduling...\n"; } nb_func[0] = transition_func_list.size(); nb_func[1] = moore_func_list.size(); func_list[0] = (method_process_t**) malloc(sizeof (method_process_t*) * nb_func[0]); func_list[1] = (method_process_t**) malloc(sizeof (method_process_t*) * nb_func[1]); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_func[0]; ++i) { func_list[0][i] = (transition_func_list[i]); } for (i = 0; i < nb_func[1]; ++i) { func_list[1][i] = (moore_func_list[i]); } if (mealy_func_list != NULL) { quasistatic_list = *mealy_func_list; } if (dump_stage) { cerr << "Generating quasi static scheduling done.\n"; } } } // end of sc_core namespace /* # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4; # c-basic-offset: 4; # c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)); # indent-tabs-mode: nil; # End: # # vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4 */