/*------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | Tool : systemcass | | | | File : sc_main.cc | | | | Author : Buchmann Richard | | Taktak Sami | | | | Date : 09_07_2004 | | | \------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This file is part of the Disydent Project * Copyright (C) Laboratoire UPMC/LIP6 * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie * * Home page : http://www-asim.lip6.fr/disydent * E-mail : mailto:richard.buchmann@lip6.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Disydent is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include // strcmp #include #include "internal.h" #include "global_functions.h" #include "sc_ver.h" #include "sc_module.h" #include "sc_signal.h" // pending_write_vector #include "dump_dot.h" #include "dump_used_options.h" #include "dump_used_env.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif // using namespace std; using namespace sc_core; // typedef list module_list_t; // namespace sc_core { bool check_port_dependencies = false; #ifdef CONFIG_DEFAULT_RUNTIME_COMPILATION bool dynamic_link_of_scheduling_code = true; #else bool dynamic_link_of_scheduling_code = false; #endif bool dump_netlist_info = false; bool dump_funclist_info = false; bool dump_stage = false; bool dump_all_graph = false; const char* dump_module_hierarchy = NULL; bool edit_schedule = false; bool keep_generated_code = false; bool nobanner = false; bool noinitialization = false; bool nosimulation = false; bool notrace = false; bool print_schedule = false; bool print_user_resources = false; char* save_on_exit = NULL; int scheduling_method = NO_SCHEDULING; bool use_sensitivity_list = false; bool use_port_dependency = false; static void print_splash_screen () { // Display once if (nobanner == false) cerr << get_splash_screen (); nobanner = true; } static void check_parameters () { if (dump_all_graph) { if (use_port_dependency) cerr << "SystemCASS will dump signal dependency graph.\n"; else cerr << "SystemCASS will dump module dependency graph.\n"; } if (!use_port_dependency && check_port_dependencies) cerr << "Warning : unable to check port dependencies.\n"; if (!use_port_dependency) { use_sensitivity_list = true; scheduling_method = CASS_SCHEDULING; } switch (scheduling_method) { case CASS_SCHEDULING : assert(use_port_dependency == false); break; case BUCHMANN_SCHEDULING : case MOUCHARD_SCHEDULING : if (!use_port_dependency) { cerr << "Error : " "The choosen scheduling needs port dependencies informations\n"; exit (31); } break; default : cerr << "Error : You need to choose one of the available scheduling :\n" << "- Almost static scheduling like CASS (use sensitivity list)\n" << "- Simple static scheduling (use port dependencies)\n" << "- Entirely static scheduling (use port dependencies)\n"; exit (33); } assert(use_port_dependency || use_sensitivity_list); } void apply_parameters (int &argc, char ** &argv) { #ifdef KEEP_GENERATED_CODE // supprimer scheduling-XXXXXX.cc keep_generated_code = true; #endif #ifdef DUMP_NETLIST_INFO dump_netlist_info = true; #endif #ifdef DUMP_FUNCLIST_INFO dump_funclist_info = true; #endif #ifdef DUMP_STAGE dump_stage = true; #endif #ifdef DUMP_COMBINATIONAL_LIST2DOT dump_all_graph = true; #endif #ifdef PRINT_SCHEDULE print_schedule = true; #endif #ifdef USE_PORT_DEPENDENCY use_port_dependency = true; #endif // parse the command line int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (argv[i][1] == '-') { switch (argv[i][2]) { case 'h' : print_splash_screen (); cerr << "Usage : " << argv[0] << " [--c] [--edit] [--d] [--f] [--h] [--i] [--k] [--modules filename] [--nobanner] [--nodynamiclink] [--nosim] [--notrace] [--s] [--t] [--tracestart n] [--usage] [--v] [--p|m|a] [others parameters processed by sc_main]\n" << "Thoses options are processed by SystemCASS library. All the remaining options are passed to sc_main.\n" << "sc_main function retrieves last parameters.\n" << "a : almost static scheduling (use sensitivity list instead of port dependency information)\n" << "c : print schedule at simulation time (stderr)\n" << "d : check port dependencies (stderr)\n" << "edit : edit schedule before simulation (run $EDITOR or vim by default)\n" << "f : print function list (stderr)\n" << "h : display help screen and exit (stdout)\n" << "i : print instances list, signals list and statistics if available (stderr)\n" << "k : dump generated scheduling code (generated_by_systemcass/scheduling-xx.cc)\n" << "m : Mouchard's static scheduling (use port dependency information instead of sensitivity list)\n" << "modules filename : dump module hierarchy graph into specified dot file (tons of bugs inside)\n" << "nobanner: do not print SystemCASS splash screen\n" << "dynamiclink: dynamically link the scheduling code\n" << "nosim : run until elaboration stage. Don't simulate\n" << "notrace : disable all tracing functions\n" << "p : entirely static scheduling (use port dependency information instead of sensitivity list)\n" << "s : print stage (stderr)\n" << "save_on_exit : save simulation state saved into file when SystemCASS exits (SOCVIEW format)\n" /* WARNING : we can't avoid destructors execution before saving */ << "t : dump either module graph, or signal dependency graph, signal order, and module evalutation order into dot files\n" << "tracestart n : start tracing functions at #n cycle\n" << "usage : print user time elapsed (sec), simulation cycles done (cycles), and simulator performance (cycles/second) (stderr)\n" << "v : print internal SystemCASS kernel options (stderr)\n"; noinitialization = true; nosimulation = true; continue; case 'v' : print_splash_screen (); cerr << get_used_options () << "\n"; cerr << get_used_env () << "\n"; continue; case 'u' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "usage") == 0) print_user_resources = true; else break; continue; case 'i' : dump_netlist_info = true; continue; case 'f' : dump_funclist_info = true; continue; case 's' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "save_on_exit") == 0) save_on_exit = argv[++i]; else dump_stage = true; continue; case 'c' : print_schedule = true; continue; case 'd' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "dynamiclink") == 0) dynamic_link_of_scheduling_code = true; else check_port_dependencies = true; continue; case 'e' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "edit") == 0) edit_schedule = true; else break; continue; case 'k' : keep_generated_code = true; continue; case 't' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "tracestart") == 0) { ++i; istringstream iss (argv[i]); iss >> trace_start; trace_start <<= 1; // trace_start = strtoll (argv[i],0,10) << 1; // trace_start = atoll (argv[i]) << 1; } else { dump_all_graph = true; } continue; case 'm' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "modules") == 0) { ++i; dump_module_hierarchy = argv[i]; continue; } else if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "m") == 0) { use_port_dependency = true; scheduling_method = MOUCHARD_SCHEDULING; continue; } break; case 'n' : if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "nobanner") == 0) { nobanner = true; } else if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "nodynamiclink") == 0) { dynamic_link_of_scheduling_code = false; } else if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "nosim") == 0) { nosimulation = true; } else if (strcmp (argv[i]+2, "notrace") == 0) { notrace = true; } else break; continue; case 'a' : use_sensitivity_list = true; scheduling_method = CASS_SCHEDULING; continue; case 'p' : use_port_dependency = true; scheduling_method = BUCHMANN_SCHEDULING; continue; default : break; } break; } } break; } // erase SystemCASS options from the command line and give it to the sc_main if (i != 1) { int j = 1; while (i < argc) { argv[j++] = argv[i++]; } argc = j; } #if 0 cerr << "The user command line length is " << argc << ".\n"; #endif } } // end of namespace using namespace sc_core; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { apply_parameters (argc, argv); print_splash_screen (); check_parameters (); if (noinitialization) { return 255; } int ret = sc_main(argc, argv); free (pending_write_vector); close_systemcass (); if (have_to_stop) { cerr << "'sc_stop' function was called. Exit code : 1\n"; return 1; } return ret; }