/*------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | Tool : systemcass | | | | File : sc_port.cc | | | | Author : Buchmann Richard | | Taktak Sami | | | | Date : 09_07_2004 | | | \------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This file is part of the Disydent Project * Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Département ASIM * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie * * Home page : http://www-asim.lip6.fr/disydent * E-mail : mailto:richard.buchmann@lip6.fr * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Disydent is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "sc_port.h" #include "sc_signal.h" #include "sc_module.h" #include "entity.h" #include "global_functions.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif extern "C" { extern char unstable; char unstable = 0; // not in sc_core namespace because dynamic link support C linkage only int32 pending_write_vector_nb = 0; } using namespace std; namespace sc_core { const char * const sc_port_base::kind_string = "sc_port"; const char * const sc_signal_base::kind_string = "sc_signal"; unsigned int pending_write_vector_capacity = 512; pending_write_vector_t pending_write_vector = NULL; extern equi_list_t equi_list; const char * get_module_name(const tab_t * pointer) { const equi_t & eq = get_equi(pointer); return get_module_name(eq); } port2module_t port2module; // KIND STRING const char * const sc_inout_string = "sc_inout"; const char * const sc_in_string = "sc_in"; const char * const sc_out_string = "sc_out"; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_port_base // // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc_port_base::sc_port_base() { init (); } sc_port_base::sc_port_base(const char * name_) : sc_object(name_) { init (); } sc_port_base::sc_port_base(const sc_port_base & parent_) : sc_object (parent_.name ()) { init (); } void sc_port_base::init() { #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG if (modules_stack.empty()) { cerr << "Internal error : modules stack empty\n"; exit (9); } #endif const sc_module * last_module = sc_core::modules_stack.top(); port2module[this] = last_module; set_kind(kind_string); } const sc_module & sc_port_base::get_module() const { port2module_t::iterator i = port2module.find ((sc_port_base *) this); if (i == port2module.end()) { cerr << "Internal error : Modules contain ports. " "SystemCASS needs to identify the module that contains the following port : '" << name() << "'\n"; exit (17); } const sc_module * m = i->second; return *m; } static bool check_multiwriting2port_error_message = true; void sc_port_base::check_multiwriting2port() const { static std::map s; double t = sc_simulation_time(); if (t == 0) { return; } sc_port_base * port = (sc_port_base *) this; if ((s[port] == t) && (check_multiwriting2port_error_message)) { check_multiwriting2port_error_message = 0; if (use_port_dependency) { std::cerr << "Error at cycle #" << t << " : " "SystemCASS allows only 1 writing for each ports/signals.\n" << "Functions write several times into '" << name () << "'.\n"; } else { std::cerr << "Error : " "Multiwriting to port assertion works only " "when SystemCASS uses port dependency information " "(--p parameter).\n"; } sc_core::sc_stop(); exit (31072006); // 6 } else { s[port] = t; } } std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & o, const sc_port_base & p) { return o << p.name(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS : sc_signal_base // // The sc_signal primitive channel class. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sc_signal_base::init() { set_kind(kind_string); bind(*this); } sc_signal_base::sc_signal_base() { init(); } sc_signal_base::sc_signal_base(const char * name_) : sc_object(name_) { init (); } sc_signal_base::sc_signal_base(const char * name_, void *) : sc_object(name_) { // this overload is only used for SC_BIND_PROXY_NIL constant. // this signal should not be added to the signal list. } sc_signal_base::~sc_signal_base() {} /* * Signals copy */ #ifdef DUMP_SIGNAL_STATS typedef map counter_t; static counter_t counter; long long int unnecessary = 0; long long int total_assig = 0; #endif } // end of sc_core namespace extern "C" { void update() { #if defined(DUMP_STAGE) cerr << "Updating... "; #endif // stl vectors are too slow // memcopy is not better // signal table sorting doesn't give any better performance #if defined(DUMP_STAGE) cerr << "(" << pending_write_vector_nb << " internal pending writings) "; #endif unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < pending_write_vector_nb; ++i) { #define iter (sc_core::pending_write_vector[i]) #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG if (iter.pointer == NULL) { cerr << "Internal error : trying to apply a posted write from an unassigned signal/port\n"; exit (8); } #endif #ifdef DUMP_SIGNAL_STATS if (*(iter.pointer) == iter.value) { unnecessary++; } counter[iter.pointer]++; #endif *(iter.pointer) = iter.value; #undef iter } #ifdef DUMP_SIGNAL_STATS total_assig += pending_write_vector_nb; #endif pending_write_vector_nb = 0; #if defined(DUMP_STAGE) cerr << "done.\n"; #endif } } // end of extern "C" namespace sc_core { void print_registers_writing_stats (ostream & o) { #ifdef DUMP_SIGNAL_STATS o << "signal index / name / usage (>1%)\n"; o << setprecision(2); double t = sc_simulation_time(); if (t == 0) { o << "Warning : simulation too short.\n"; t = 0.01; } if (total_assig == 0) { return; } counter_t::iterator k; for (k = counter.begin(); k != counter.end(); ++k) { double usage = k->second / t * 100; if (usage <= 1) { continue; } o << k->first << " " << get_name (k->first) << " " << usage << "%\n"; } typedef map counter_module_t; counter_module_t counter_by_module; for (k = counter.begin(); k != counter.end(); ++k) { string module_name = get_module_name (k->first); counter_by_module[module_name] += k->second; } o << "module name / usage\n"; counter_module_t::iterator i; for (i = counter_by_module.begin(); i != counter_by_module.end(); ++i) { o << i->first << " " << (i->second * 100 / total_assig) << "%\n"; } cerr << "average of assignment number per cycle " << (total_assig / t) << "\n"; cerr << (unnecessary * 100 / total_assig) << "% of assignment are unecessary\n"; #else cerr << "Register usage not available.\n"; #endif } static bool is_bound(/*const*/ sc_port_base & port) { const tab_t * pointer = port.get_pointer(); //assert(pointer != NULL); if (pointer == NULL) { return false; // case : sc_in not bound } return has_equi(port); } static void check_port(/*const*/ sc_port_base & port) { if (!is_bound(port)) { cerr << "Error : '" << port.name() << "' port" " (" << port.kind() << ")" " is not bound.\n"; exit (29); } } void check_all_ports() { if (dump_stage) { cerr << "checking ports..."; } port2module_t::/*const_*/iterator i; for (i = port2module.begin(); i != port2module.end(); ++i) { /*const*/ sc_port_base * port = i->first; assert(port != NULL); check_port(*port); } if (dump_stage) { cerr << " done."; } } } // end of sc_core namespace /* # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4; # c-basic-offset: 4; # c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)); # indent-tabs-mode: nil; # End: # # vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4 */