= Installation from the SVN repository = Check-out SystemCASS sources : {{{ svn co https://www.soclib.fr/svn/systemcass/sources }}} Go into the SystemCASS sources directory : {{{ cd sources/src }}} Specify the following definitions : {{{ export CXX=g++ export SYSTEMC=[path to OSCI's SystemC directory] export SYSTEMCASS=[path to SystemCASS binary directory] export ALLIANCE=[path to ALLIANCE directory] # OPTIONAL : PAT format support }}} Build the simulator : {{{ make all }}} Build the documentation : {{{ make docs }}} SystemCASS is now working. There is a debug library (libsystemc-d.a) and an optimized one (libsystemc.a). Some users would like to work on SystemCASS library. There is some regression test to help (useless for users, useful for developpers) : {{{ cd ../test_regression make test }}} Now you have everything installed, you may begin using SystemCASS.