
Version 2 (modified by buchmann, 18 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to SystemCASS trac page

SystemCASS is a SystemC simulator cycle accurate, bit accurate.
This simulator is 15 times faster than OSCI's simulator (SystemC 2.1.v1).

Why SystemCASS is faster ?

During simulator initialization, SystemCASS builds a signal dependency graph according to the architecture to simulate. The scheduler relies on this graph to compute a fully statically scheduling.
SystemCASS is a evolution of CASS simulator developped by Frédéric Pétrot and Denis Hommais.


  • SystemCASS archive (11/05/2007)
  • SVN repository


img?[[img]] Ordonnancement statique versus événementiel (French) Fast Cycle Accurate Simulator To Simulate Event-Driven Behavior Fast Functional SystemC Simulator Using Static Scheduling

SystemCASS Team

Starting Points

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