#!/usr/bin/env python from mapping import * ####################################################################################### # file : arch.py (for the tsar_generic_iob architecture) # date : may 2014 # author : Alain Greiner ####################################################################################### # This file contains a mapping generator for the "tsar_generic_iob" platform. # This includes both the hardware architecture (clusters, processors, peripherals, # physical space segmentation) and the mapping of all kernel objects (global vsegs). # This platform includes 6 external peripherals, accessible through two IO_Bridge # components located in cluster [0,0] and cluster [x_size-1, y_size-1]. # Available peripherals are: TTY, BDV, FBF, ROM, NIC, CMA. # # The "constructor" parameters are: # - x_size : number of clusters in a row # - y_size : number of clusters in a column # - nb_procs : number of processors per cluster # # The "hidden" platform parameters are: # - nb_ttys : number of TTY channels # - nb_nics : number of NIC channels # - fbf_width : frame_buffer width = frame_buffer heigth # - x_io : cluster_io x coordinate # - y_io : cluster_io y coordinate # - x_width : number of bits for x coordinate # - y_width : number of bits for y coordinate # - paddr_width : number of bits for physical address # - irq_per_proc : number of input IRQs per processor # - use_ramdisk : use a ramdisk when True # - peri_increment : address increment for replicated peripherals #################################################################################### ######################## def arch( x_size = 2, y_size = 2, nb_procs = 2 ): ### define architecture constants nb_ttys = 1 nb_nics = 2 fbf_width = 1024 x_io = 0 y_io = 0 x_width = 4 y_width = 4 paddr_width = 40 irq_per_proc = 4 use_ramdisk = False peri_increment = 0x10000 ### parameters checking assert( nb_procs <= 4 ) assert( (x_size == 1) or (x_size == 2) or (x_size == 4) or (y_size == 8) or (x_size == 16) ) assert( (y_size == 1) or (y_size == 2) or (y_size == 4) or (y_size == 8) or (y_size == 16) ) assert( nb_ttys == 1 ) assert( ((x_io == 0) and (y_io == 0)) or ((x_io == x_size-1) and (y_io == y_size-1)) ) platform_name = 'tsar_iob_%d_%d_%d' % ( x_size, y_size, nb_procs ) ### define physical segments ram_base = 0x0000000000 ram_size = 0x4000000 # 64 Mbytes xcu_base = 0x00B0000000 xcu_size = 0x1000 # 4 Kbytes dma_base = 0x00B1000000 dma_size = 0x1000 * nb_procs # 4 Kbytes * nb_procs mmc_base = 0x00B2000000 mmc_size = 0x1000 # 4 Kbytes rom_base = 0x00BFC00000 rom_size = 0x8000 # 32 Kbytes offset_io = ((x_io << y_width) + y_io) << (paddr_width - x_width - y_width) bdv_base = 0x00B3000000 + offset_io bdv_size = 0x1000 # 4kbytes tty_base = 0x00B4000000 + offset_io tty_size = 0x4000 # 16 Kbytes nic_base = 0x00B5000000 + offset_io nic_size = 0x80000 # 512 kbytes cma_base = 0x00B6000000 + offset_io cma_size = 0x1000 * 2 * nb_nics # 4 kbytes * 2 * nb_nics fbf_base = 0x00B7000000 + offset_io fbf_size = fbf_width * fbf_width # fbf_width * fbf_width bytes pic_base = 0x00B8000000 + offset_io pic_size = 0x1000 # 4 Kbytes iob_base = 0x00BE000000 + offset_io iob_size = 0x1000 # 4 kbytes ### GIET_VM specifics virtual segments ### define bootloader vsegs base addresses boot_mapping_vbase = 0x00000000 # ident boot_mapping_size = 0x00010000 # 64 Kbytes boot_code_vbase = 0x00010000 # ident boot_code_size = 0x00020000 # 128 Kbytes boot_data_vbase = 0x00030000 # ident boot_data_size = 0x00010000 # 64 Kbytes boot_buffer_vbase = 0x00040000 # ident boot_buffer_size = 0x00060000 # 384 Kbytes boot_stack_vbase = 0x000A0000 # ident boot_stack_size = 0x00050000 # 320 Kbytes ### define kernel vsegs base addresses kernel_code_vbase = 0x80000000 kernel_code_size = 0x00020000 # 128 Kbytes kernel_data_vbase = 0x80020000 kernel_data_size = 0x00060000 # 384 Kbytes kernel_uncdata_vbase = 0x80080000 kernel_uncdata_size = 0x00040000 # 256 Kbytes kernel_init_vbase = 0x800C0000 kernel_init_size = 0x00010000 # 64 Kbytes kernel_sched_vbase = 0xF0000000 # distributed in all clusters kernel_sched_size = 0x1000 * nb_procs # 4 kbytes per processor ### create mapping mapping = Mapping( name = platform_name, x_size = x_size, y_size = y_size, procs_max = nb_procs, x_width = x_width, y_width = y_width, paddr_width = paddr_width, coherence = True, irq_per_proc = irq_per_proc, use_ramdisk = use_ramdisk, x_io = x_io, y_io = y_io, peri_increment = peri_increment ) ### external peripherals (accessible in cluster[0,0] only for this mapping) iob = mapping.addPeriph( 'IOB', base = iob_base, size = iob_size, ptype = 'IOB' ) bdv = mapping.addPeriph( 'BDV', base = bdv_base, size = bdv_size, ptype = 'IOC', subtype = 'BDV' ) tty = mapping.addPeriph( 'TTY', base = tty_base, size = tty_size, ptype = 'TTY', channels = nb_ttys ) nic = mapping.addPeriph( 'NIC', base = nic_base, size = nic_size, ptype = 'NIC', channels = nb_nics ) cma = mapping.addPeriph( 'CMA', base = cma_base, size = cma_size, ptype = 'CMA', channels = 2*nb_nics ) fbf = mapping.addPeriph( 'FBF', base = fbf_base, size = fbf_size, ptype = 'FBF', arg = fbf_width ) pic = mapping.addPeriph( 'PIC', base = pic_base, size = pic_size, ptype = 'PIC', channels = 32 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 0, isrtype = 'ISR_NIC_RX', channel = 0 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 1, isrtype = 'ISR_NIC_RX', channel = 1 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 2, isrtype = 'ISR_NIC_TX', channel = 0 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 3, isrtype = 'ISR_NIC_TX', channel = 1 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 4, isrtype = 'ISR_CMA' , channel = 0 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 5, isrtype = 'ISR_CMA' , channel = 1 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 6, isrtype = 'ISR_CMA' , channel = 2 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 7, isrtype = 'ISR_CMA' , channel = 3 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 8, isrtype = 'ISR_BDV' , channel = 0 ) mapping.addIrq( pic, index = 9, isrtype = 'ISR_TTY_RX', channel = 0 ) ### hardware components replicated in all clusters for x in xrange( x_size ): for y in xrange( y_size ): cluster_xy = (x << y_width) + y; offset = cluster_xy << (paddr_width - x_width - y_width) ram = mapping.addRam( 'RAM', base = ram_base + offset, size = ram_size ) rom = mapping.addPeriph( 'ROM', base = rom_base + offset, size = rom_size, ptype = 'ROM' ) mmc = mapping.addPeriph( 'MMC', base = mmc_base + offset, size = mmc_size, ptype = 'MMC' ) dma = mapping.addPeriph( 'DMA', base = dma_base + offset, size = dma_size, ptype = 'DMA', channels = nb_procs ) xcu = mapping.addPeriph( 'XCU', base = xcu_base + offset, size = xcu_size, ptype = 'XCU', channels = nb_procs * irq_per_proc, arg = 16 ) # MMC IRQ replicated in all clusters mapping.addIrq( xcu, index = 0, isrtype = 'ISR_MMC' ) # processors for p in xrange ( nb_procs ): mapping.addProc( x, y, p ) ### global vsegs for boot_loader / identity mapping mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_boot_mapping' , boot_mapping_vbase , boot_mapping_size , 'C_W_', vtype = 'BLOB' , x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_boot_code' , boot_code_vbase , boot_code_size , 'CXW_', vtype = 'BUFFER', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_boot_data' , boot_data_vbase , boot_data_size , 'C_W_', vtype = 'BUFFER', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_boot_buffer' , boot_buffer_vbase , boot_buffer_size , 'C_W_', vtype = 'BUFFER', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_boot_stack' , boot_stack_vbase , boot_stack_size , 'C_W_', vtype = 'BUFFER', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', identity = True ) ### global vsegs for kernel mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_kernel_code' , kernel_code_vbase , kernel_code_size , 'CXW_', vtype = 'ELF' , x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', binpath = 'build/kernel/kernel.elf' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_kernel_data' , kernel_data_vbase , kernel_data_size , 'C_W_', vtype = 'ELF' , x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', binpath = 'build/kernel/kernel.elf' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_kernel_uncdata', kernel_uncdata_vbase, kernel_uncdata_size, '__W_', vtype = 'ELF' , x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', binpath = 'build/kernel/kernel.elf' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_kernel_init' , kernel_init_vbase , kernel_init_size , 'CXW_', vtype = 'ELF' , x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'RAM', binpath = 'build/kernel/kernel.elf' ) ### global vsegs for external peripherals / identity mapping mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_iob', iob_base, iob_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'IOB', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_bdv', bdv_base, bdv_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'BDV', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_tty', tty_base, tty_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'TTY', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_nic', nic_base, nic_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'NIC', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_cma', cma_base, cma_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'CMA', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_fbf', fbf_base, fbf_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'FBF', identity = True ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_pic', pic_base, pic_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI', x = 0, y = 0, pseg = 'PIC', identity = True ) ### Global vsegs for replicated peripherals, and for schedulers ### name is indexed by (x,y), base address is incremented by (cluster_xy * peri_increment) for x in xrange( x_size ): for y in xrange( y_size ): cluster_xy = (x << y_width) + y; offset = cluster_xy * peri_increment mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_rom_%d_%d' %(x,y), rom_base + offset, rom_size, 'CX__', vtype = 'PERI' , x = x , y = y , pseg = 'ROM' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_xcu_%d_%d' %(x,y), xcu_base + offset, xcu_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI' , x = x , y = y , pseg = 'XCU' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_dma_%d_%d' %(x,y), dma_base + offset, dma_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI' , x = x , y = y , pseg = 'DMA' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_mmc_%d_%d' %(x,y), mmc_base + offset, mmc_size, '__W_', vtype = 'PERI' , x = x , y = y , pseg = 'MMC' ) mapping.addGlobal( 'seg_sched_%d_%d' %(x,y), kernel_sched_vbase + offset, kernel_sched_size, 'C_W_', vtype = 'SCHED', x = x , y = y , pseg = 'RAM' ) ### return mapping ### return mapping ################################# platform test ####################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': mapping = genmap( x_size = 2, y_size = 2, nb_procs = 2, nb_ttys = 1, nb_nics = 2, fbf_width = 128, x_io = 0, y_io = 0 ) # print mapping.netbsd_dts() print mapping.xml() # print mapping.giet_vsegs() # Local Variables: # tab-width: 4; # c-basic-offset: 4; # c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)); # indent-tabs-mode: nil; # End: # # vim: filetype=python:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4