/** * @author Cesar Armando Fuguet Tortolero * @date 24 May, 2015 * @brief This platform allows the validation of the reconfigurable routing * algorithm on the DSPIN router component. The platform has been * specifically designed to test the routing of broadcast packets. */ #include #include #include #include #include "dspin_router.h" #include "dspin_router_config.h" #include "dspin_packet_generator.h" #include "alloc_elems.h" #if _OPENMP #include #endif /* * Platform constant parameters */ #define X_WIDTH 4 #define Y_WIDTH 4 #define FIFO_DEPTH 2 #define NFLITS 8 #define LOAD 1000 #define BROADCAST_PERIOD 1 #define DSPIN_WIDTH 39 #define MAX_PACKETS 100 /* * Platform default values */ #define X_SIZE 5 #define Y_SIZE 5 static inline int cluster(int x, int y) { return (x << Y_WIDTH) | y; } static inline uint32_t configRouter(int reallocation_dir, int recovery_mode, int blackhole_pos) { return ((reallocation_dir & 0x7) << 5) | ((recovery_mode & 0x1) << 4) | (blackhole_pos & 0xF); } int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace soclib::caba; using namespace soclib::common; typedef DspinPacketGenerator DspinGeneratorType; typedef DspinRouter DspinRouterType; typedef DspinSignals DspinSignalType; #if _OPENMP omp_set_dynamic(false); omp_set_num_threads(1); #endif /* mesh size */ int xSize = X_SIZE; int ySize = Y_SIZE; /* (x,y) coordinates of the initiator router */ int xSrc = -1; int ySrc = -1; /* (x,y) coordinates of the faulty router */ int xFaulty = -1; int yFaulty = -1; /* simulation cycles */ size_t simCycles = 0; /* debug */ bool debug = false; /* synthetic generator load */ int load = LOAD; /* broadcast period */ int bcp = BROADCAST_PERIOD; /* maximum number of packets per generator */ size_t max = MAX_PACKETS; for (int n = 1; n < argc; n += 2) { if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-X") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc)) { xSize = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-Y") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { ySize = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-FX") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc)) { xFaulty = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-FY") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { yFaulty = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-SX") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc)) { xSrc = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-SY") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { ySrc = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-N") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { simCycles = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); assert(simCycles > 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-L") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { load = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); assert(load > 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-B") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { bcp = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); assert(bcp >= 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n], "-P") == 0) && ((n + 1) < argc) ) { max = strtol(argv[n + 1], NULL, 0); continue; } if ((strcmp(argv[n--], "-G") == 0)) { debug = true; continue; } } assert (xFaulty < xSize ); assert (yFaulty < ySize ); assert (xSrc < xSize ); assert (ySrc < ySize ); DspinGeneratorType ***dspinGenerator = new DspinGeneratorType**[xSize]; DspinRouterType ***dspinRouter = new DspinRouterType**[xSize]; for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { dspinGenerator[x] = new DspinGeneratorType*[ySize]; dspinRouter[x] = new DspinRouterType*[ySize]; for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { const bool BROADCAST_SUPPORTED = true; const bool CONFIGURATION_SUPPORTED = true; std::ostringstream routerStr; routerStr << "dspinRouter["<< x << "][" << y << "]"; dspinRouter[x][y] = new DspinRouterType(routerStr.str().c_str(), x, y, X_WIDTH, Y_WIDTH, FIFO_DEPTH, FIFO_DEPTH, BROADCAST_SUPPORTED, CONFIGURATION_SUPPORTED); if ((x == xFaulty) && (y == yFaulty)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->set_disable_mask(0x1F); } int ld = 0; const int SRCID = cluster(x,y); bool all = (xSrc == -1) || (ySrc == -1); if (all || (cluster(x,y) == cluster(xSrc,ySrc))) { ld = load; } if ((x == xFaulty) && (y == yFaulty)) { ld = 0; } if (simCycles > 0) { max = 0; } std::ostringstream generatorStr; generatorStr << "dspinGenerator["<< x << "][" << y << "]"; dspinGenerator[x][y] = new DspinGeneratorType(generatorStr.str().c_str(), SRCID, NFLITS, ld, 8, bcp, X_WIDTH, Y_WIDTH, X_SIZE, Y_SIZE, max); } } const int H = xSize - 1; const int Y = ySize - 1; sc_clock signal_clk("clk"); sc_core::sc_signal signal_resetn("signal_resetn"); DspinSignalType*** sDspinL = alloc_elems("sDspinL", xSize, ySize, 2); DspinSignalType*** sDspinH = alloc_elems("sDspinH", H + 2, ySize, 2); DspinSignalType*** sDspinV = alloc_elems("sDspinV", xSize, Y + 2, 2); sc_signal sConfigNONE("sConfigNONE"); sc_signal sConfigN("sConfigN"); sc_signal sConfigNW("sConfigNW"); sc_signal sConfigNE("sConfigNE"); sc_signal sConfigS("sConfigS"); sc_signal sConfigSW("sConfigSW"); sc_signal sConfigSE("sConfigSE"); sc_signal sConfigW("sConfigW"); sc_signal sConfigE("sConfigE"); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { dspinGenerator[x][y]->p_clk(signal_clk); dspinGenerator[x][y]->p_resetn(signal_resetn); dspinGenerator[x][y]->p_out(sDspinL[x][y][0]); dspinGenerator[x][y]->p_in(sDspinL[x][y][1]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_clk(signal_clk); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_resetn(signal_resetn); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_in[0](sDspinV[x][y + 1][1]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_out[0](sDspinV[x][y + 1][0]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_in[1](sDspinV[x][y][0]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_out[1](sDspinV[x][y][1]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_in[2](sDspinH[x + 1][y][1]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_out[2](sDspinH[x + 1][y][0]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_in[3](sDspinH[x][y][0]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_out[3](sDspinH[x][y][1]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_in[4](sDspinL[x][y][0]); dspinRouter[x][y]->p_out[4](sDspinL[x][y][1]); if ((xFaulty < 0) || (yFaulty < 0)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigNONE); continue; } if (x == (xFaulty + 1)) { if (y == (yFaulty + 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigNE); std::cout << "config NE" << std::endl; continue; } if (y == yFaulty) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigE); std::cout << "config E" << std::endl; continue; } if (y == (yFaulty - 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigSE); std::cout << "config SE" << std::endl; continue; } } if (x == xFaulty) { if (y == (yFaulty + 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigN); std::cout << "config N" << std::endl; continue; } if (y == (yFaulty - 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigS); std::cout << "config S" << std::endl; continue; } } if (x == (xFaulty - 1)) { if (y == (yFaulty + 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigNW); std::cout << "config NW" << std::endl; continue; } if (y == yFaulty) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigW); std::cout << "config W" << std::endl; continue; } if (y == (yFaulty - 1)) { dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigSW); std::cout << "config SW" << std::endl; continue; } } dspinRouter[x][y]->bind_recovery_port(sConfigNONE); } } srandom(3); sc_start(sc_core::SC_ZERO_TIME); signal_resetn = 0; /* initialize the configuration signals */ sConfigNONE.write(configRouter(0, 0, NORMAL)); // requests to the deactivated segment are dropped sConfigN.write(configRouter(REQ_SOUTH, 1, N_OF_X)); sConfigNE.write(configRouter(REQ_WEST, 1, NE_OF_X)); sConfigE.write(configRouter(REQ_WEST, 1, E_OF_X)); sConfigSE.write(configRouter(REQ_WEST, 1, SE_OF_X)); sConfigS.write(configRouter(REQ_NORTH, 1, S_OF_X)); sConfigSW.write(configRouter(REQ_EAST, 1, SW_OF_X)); sConfigW.write(configRouter(REQ_EAST, 1, W_OF_X)); sConfigNW.write(configRouter(REQ_EAST, 1, NW_OF_X)); /* initialize mesh boundary signals */ for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { sDspinV[x][0][0].write = false; sDspinV[x][0][1].read = true; sDspinV[x][ySize][0].read = true; sDspinV[x][ySize][1].write = false; } for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { sDspinH[0][y][0].write = false; sDspinH[0][y][1].read = true; sDspinH[xSize][y][0].read = true; sDspinH[xSize][y][1].write = false; } sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(5, SC_NS)); signal_resetn = 1; size_t n; if (debug) { for(n = 0; n < simCycles; ++n) { std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "##########################################" << std::endl; std::cout << "Simulation cycle " << n << std::endl; std::cout << "##########################################" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(1, SC_NS)); for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { dspinRouter[x][y]->print_trace(); dspinGenerator[x][y]->print_trace(); } } } } else { if (simCycles > 0) { sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(simCycles, SC_NS)); } else { const int period = 3000; for (n = 0; n < (max * 200); n += period) { if ((xSrc == -1) || (ySrc == -1)) { std::cout << "When using a packet limit, there must be one "; std::cout << "source only" << std::endl; std::exit(1); } sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(period, SC_NS)); uint32_t pkts = dspinGenerator[xSrc][ySrc]->get_sent_packets(); if (pkts >= max) break; } sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(period, SC_NS)); std::cout << "Simulated cycles: " << n + period << std::endl; } } for (int x = 0; x < xSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < ySize; ++y) { dspinGenerator[x][y]->print_stats(); } } return 0; } /* * vim: ts=4 : sw=4 : sts=4 : et */