/* -*- c++ -*- * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_BEGIN * * This file is part of SoCLib, GNU LGPLv2.1. * * SoCLib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. * * SoCLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with SoCLib; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_END * * Copyright (c) UPMC, Lip6, Asim * alain.greiner@lip6.fr april 2011 * * Maintainers: alain */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This component is a simplified disk controller with a VCI interface. // It supports only 32 or 64 bits VCI DATA width, but all addressable registers // contain 32 bits words. It supports VCI addresss lartger than 32 bits. // // This component can perform data transfers between one single file belonging // to the host system and a buffer in the memory of the virtual prototype. // The file name is an argument of the constructor. // This component has a DMA capability, and is both a target and an initiator. // The block size (bytes), and the burst size (bytes) must be power of 2. // The burst size is typically a cache line. // The memory buffer is not constrained to be aligned on a burst boundary, // but must be aligned on a 32 bits word boundary. // Both read and write transfers are supported. An IRQ is optionally // asserted when the transfer is completed. // // As a target this block device controler contains 9 32 bits memory mapped registers, // taking 36 bytes in the address space. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_BUFFER 0x00 (read/write) Memory buffer base address (LSB bits) // - BLOCK_DEVICE_COUNT 0x04 (read/write) Number of blocks to be transfered. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_LBA 0x08 (read/write) Index of first block in the file. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_OP 0x0C (write-only) Writing here starts the operation. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_STATUS 0x10 (read-only) Block Device status. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_IRQ_ENABLE 0x14 (read/write) IRQ enabled if non zero. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_SIZE 0x18 (read-only) Number of addressable blocks. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_BLOCK_SIZE 0x1C (read_only) Block size in bytes. // - BLOCK_DEVICE_BUFFER_EXT 0x20 (read_only) Memory buffer base address (MSB bits) // // The following operations codes are supported: // - BLOCK_DEVICE_NOOP No operation // - BLOCK_DEVICE_READ From block device to memory // - BLOCK_DEVICE_WRITE From memory to block device // // The BLOCK_DEVICE_STATUS is actually defined by the initiator FSM state. // The following values are defined for device status: // -BLOCK_DEVICE_IDLE 0 // -BLOCK_DEVICE_BUSY 1 // -BLOCK_DEVICE_READ_SUCCESS 2 // -BLOCK_DEVICE_WRITE_SUCCESS 3 // -BLOCK_DEVICE_READ_ERROR 4 // -BLOCK_DEVICE_WRITE_ERROR 5 // // In the 4 states READ_ERROR, READ_SUCCESS, WRITE_ERROR, WRITE_SUCCESS, // the IRQ is asserted (if it is enabled). // A read access to the BLOCK_DEVICE_STATUS in these 4 states reset // the initiator FSM state to IDLE, and acknowledge the IRQ. // Any write access to registers BUFFER, COUNT, LBA, OP is ignored // if the device is not IDLE. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SOCLIB_VCI_BLOCK_DEVICE_TSAR_H #define SOCLIB_VCI_BLOCK_DEVICE_TSAR_H #include #include #include #include "caba_base_module.h" #include "mapping_table.h" #include "vci_initiator.h" #include "vci_target.h" namespace soclib { namespace caba { using namespace sc_core; template class VciBlockDeviceTsar : public caba::BaseModule { private: // Registers sc_signal r_target_fsm; // target fsm state register sc_signal r_initiator_fsm; // initiator fsm state register sc_signal r_irq_enable; // default value is true sc_signal r_nblocks; // number of blocks in transfer sc_signal r_buf_address; // memory buffer address sc_signal r_lba; // first block index sc_signal r_read; // requested operation sc_signal r_index; // word index in local buffer sc_signal r_latency_count; // latency counter sc_signal r_words_count; // word counter (in a burst) sc_signal r_burst_count; // burst counter (in a block) sc_signal r_block_count; // block counter (in a transfer) sc_signal r_burst_offset; // number of non aligned words sc_signal r_burst_nwords; // number of words in a burst sc_signal r_go; // command from T_FSM to M_FSM sc_signal > r_srcid; // save srcid sc_signal > r_trdid; // save trdid sc_signal > r_pktid; // save pktid uint32_t* r_local_buffer; // capacity is one block // structural parameters std::list m_seglist; uint32_t m_srcid; // initiator index int m_fd; // File descriptor uint64_t m_device_size; // Total number of blocks const uint32_t m_words_per_block; // number of words in a block const uint32_t m_words_per_burst; // number of words in a burst const uint32_t m_bursts_per_block; // number of bursts in a block const uint32_t m_latency; // device latency // methods void transition(); void genMoore(); // Master FSM states enum { M_IDLE = 0, M_READ_BLOCK = 1, M_READ_BURST = 2, M_READ_CMD = 3, M_READ_RSP = 4, M_READ_SUCCESS = 5, M_READ_ERROR = 6, M_WRITE_BURST = 7, M_WRITE_CMD = 8, M_WRITE_RSP = 9, M_WRITE_BLOCK = 10, M_WRITE_SUCCESS = 11, M_WRITE_ERROR = 12, }; // Target FSM states enum { T_IDLE = 0, T_WRITE_BUFFER = 1, T_READ_BUFFER = 2, T_WRITE_BUFFER_EXT = 3, T_READ_BUFFER_EXT = 4, T_WRITE_COUNT = 5, T_READ_COUNT = 6, T_WRITE_LBA = 7, T_READ_LBA = 8, T_WRITE_OP = 9, T_READ_STATUS = 10, T_WRITE_IRQEN = 11, T_READ_IRQEN = 12, T_READ_SIZE = 13, T_READ_BLOCK = 14, T_READ_ERROR = 15, T_WRITE_ERROR = 16, }; // Error codes values enum { VCI_READ_OK = 0, VCI_READ_ERROR = 1, VCI_WRITE_OK = 2, VCI_WRITE_ERROR = 3, }; /* transaction type, pktid field */ enum transaction_type_e { // b3 unused // b2 READ / NOT READ // Si READ // b1 DATA / INS // b0 UNC / MISS // Si NOT READ // b1 accès table llsc type SW / other // b2 WRITE/CAS/LL/SC TYPE_READ_DATA_UNC = 0x0, TYPE_READ_DATA_MISS = 0x1, TYPE_READ_INS_UNC = 0x2, TYPE_READ_INS_MISS = 0x3, TYPE_WRITE = 0x4, TYPE_CAS = 0x5, TYPE_LL = 0x6, TYPE_SC = 0x7 }; protected: SC_HAS_PROCESS(VciBlockDeviceTsar); public: // ports sc_in p_clk; sc_in p_resetn; soclib::caba::VciInitiator p_vci_initiator; soclib::caba::VciTarget p_vci_target; sc_out p_irq; void print_trace(); // Constructor VciBlockDeviceTsar( sc_module_name name, const soclib::common::MappingTable &mt, const soclib::common::IntTab &srcid, const soclib::common::IntTab &tgtid, const std::string &filename, const uint32_t block_size = 512, const uint32_t burst_size = 64, const uint32_t latency = 0); ~VciBlockDeviceTsar(); }; }} #endif /* SOCLIB_VCI_BLOCK_DEVICE_TSAR_H */ // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4