#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import os import sys #TODO: recopier les fichiers d'entrees dans le script en fonction de l'appli selectionnee # Par exemple, tk14.O pour LU, img.raw pour ep_filter, etc. data_dir = 'data' log_init_name = 'log_init_' log_term_name = 'log_term_' nb_procs = [ 4 ] #nb_procs = [ 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 ] rerun_stats = True use_omp = False #apps = [ 'histogram', 'mandel', 'filter', 'radix_ga', 'fft_ga', 'kmeans' ] #apps = [ 'histogram', 'mandel', 'filter', 'radix_ga', 'fft_ga' ] all_apps = [ 'cholesky', 'fft', 'fft_ga', 'filter', 'filt_ga', 'histogram', 'kmeans', 'lu', 'mandel', 'mat_mult', 'pca', 'radix', 'radix_ga', 'showimg', ] # to come: 'barnes', 'fmm', 'ocean', 'raytrace', 'radiosity', 'waters', 'watern' apps = [ 'histogram', 'pca' ] config_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "config.py") if not os.path.isfile(config_name): help_str = ''' You should create a file named config.py in this directory with the following definitions: - apps_dir: path to almos-tsar-mipsel/apps directory - almos_src_dir: path to almos source directory (for kernel and bootloader binaries) - hdd_img_name: path to the hdd image to use *** Stopping execution ''' print help_str sys.exit() exec(file(config_name)) top_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..") scripts_path = os.path.join(top_path, 'scripts') almos_path = os.path.join(top_path, 'almos') arch_info_name = os.path.join(almos_path, "arch-info-gen.info") arch_info_bib_name = os.path.join(almos_path, 'arch-info.bib') hdd_img_file_name = os.path.join(almos_path, "hdd-img.bin") shrc_file_name = os.path.join(almos_path, "shrc") hard_config_name = os.path.join(almos_path, "hard_config.h") topcell_name = "top.cpp" #splash_app_dir = {} #splash_app_dir['barnes'] = 'apps/barnes' #splash_app_dir['fmm'] = 'apps/fmm' #splash_app_dir['ocean'] = 'apps/ocean/contiguous_partitions' #splash_app_dir['raytrace'] = 'apps/raytrace' #splash_app_dir['radiosity'] = 'apps/radiosity' #splash_app_dir['volrend'] = 'apps/volrend' #splash_app_dir['watern'] = 'apps/water-nsquared' #splash_app_dir['waters'] = 'apps/water-spatial' # #splash_app_dir['cholesky'] = 'kernels/cholesky' #splash_app_dir['fft'] = 'kernels/fft' #splash_app_dir['lu'] = 'kernels/lu/contiguous_blocks' #splash_app_dir['radix'] = 'kernels/radix' # #splash_ga_app_dir = {} #splash_ga_app_dir['radix_ga'] = 'apps/radix' #splash_ga_app_dir['fft_ga'] = 'apps/fft' def get_x_y(nb_procs): x = 1 y = 1 to_x = True while (x * y * 4 < nb_procs): if to_x: x = x * 2 else: y = y * 2 to_x = not to_x return x, y def gen_hard_config(x, y, hard_config): header = ''' /* Generated from run_simus.py */ #ifndef _HD_CONFIG_H #define _HD_CONFIG_H #define X_SIZE %(x)d #define Y_SIZE %(y)d #define NB_CLUSTERS %(nb_clus)d #define NB_PROCS_MAX 4 #define NB_TASKS_MAX 8 #define NB_TIM_CHANNELS 32 #define NB_DMA_CHANNELS 1 #define NB_TTY_CHANNELS 4 #define NB_IOC_CHANNELS 1 #define NB_NIC_CHANNELS 0 #define NB_CMA_CHANNELS 0 #define USE_XICU 1 #define IOMMU_ACTIVE 0 #define IRQ_PER_PROCESSOR 1 #endif //_HD_CONFIG_H ''' % dict(x = x, y = y, nb_clus = x * y) file = open(hard_config, 'w') file.write(header) file.close() def gen_arch_info(x, y, arch_info, arch_info_bib): old_path = os.getcwd() print "cd", scripts_path os.chdir(scripts_path) print "./gen_arch_info_large.sh", str(x), str(y), ">", arch_info output = subprocess.Popen([ './gen_arch_info_large.sh', str(x), str(y) ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] os.chdir(almos_path) file = open(arch_info, 'w') file.write(output) file.close() print "./info2bib -i", arch_info, "-o", arch_info_bib subprocess.call([ './info2bib', '-i', arch_info, '-o', arch_info_bib ]) print "cd", old_path os.chdir(old_path) def gen_sym_links(): old_path = os.getcwd() print "cd", almos_path os.chdir(almos_path) target = os.path.join(almos_src_dir, 'tools/soclib-bootloader/bootloader-tsar-mipsel.bin') link_name = 'bootloader-tsar-mipsel.bin' if not os.path.isfile(link_name): print "ln -s", target, link_name os.symlink(target, link_name) target = os.path.join(almos_src_dir, 'kernel/obj.tsar/almix-tsar-mipsel.bin') link_name = 'kernel-soclib.bin' if not os.path.isfile(link_name): print "ln -s", target, link_name os.symlink(target, link_name) target = hdd_img_name link_name = 'hdd-img.bin' if not os.path.isfile(link_name): print "ln -s", target, link_name os.symlink(target, link_name) os.chdir(old_path) def compile_app(app_name, nprocs): #if app_name in splash2: # app_dir_name = os.path.join(splash2_dir, splash_app_dir[app_name]) #elif app_name in splash2_ga: # app_dir_name = os.path.join(splash2_ga_dir, splash_ga_app_dir[app_name]) #else: # app_dir_name = os.path.join(apps_dir, app_name) app_dir_name = os.path.join(apps_dir, app_name) old_path = os.getcwd() print "cd", app_dir_name os.chdir(app_dir_name) # Compilation process is different in splash and other apps #if app_name in splash2: # print "make clean" # subprocess.call([ 'make', 'clean' ]) # print "rm Makefile" # subprocess.call([ 'rm', 'Makefile' ]) # print "ln -s Makefile.soclib Makefile" # subprocess.call([ 'ln', '-s', 'Makefile.soclib', 'Makefile' ]) # print "make" # subprocess.call([ 'make' ]) #elif app_name in splash2_ga: # print "make clean" # subprocess.call([ 'make', 'clean' ]) # print "make" # subprocess.call([ 'make' ]) #else: # print "make clean" # subprocess.call([ 'make', 'clean' ]) # print "make TARGET=tsar" # subprocess.call([ 'make', 'TARGET=tsar' ]) print "make clean" subprocess.call([ 'make', 'clean' ]) print "make TARGET=tsar" subprocess.call([ 'make', 'TARGET=tsar' ]) # Creation/Modification du shrc de almos if (app_name == "boot_only"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/boot_onl\n" elif (app_name == "mandel"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/mandel -n%(nproc)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "filter"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/filter -l1024 -c1024 -n%(nproc)d /etc/img.raw\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "filt_ga"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/filt_ga -n%(nproc)d -i /etc/img.raw\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "histogram"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/histogra -n%(nproc)d /etc/histo.bmp\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "kmeans"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/kmeans -n %(nproc)d -p %(npoints)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs, npoints = 10000) # default npoints = 100000 elif (app_name == "pca"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/pca -n%(nproc)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "mat_mult"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/mat_mult -n%(nproc)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "showimg"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/showimg -i /etc/lena.sgi\n" elif (app_name == "barnes"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/barnes -n%(nproc)d -b%(nbody)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs, nbody = 1024) elif (app_name == "fmm"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/fmm -n%(nproc)d -p%(nparticles)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs, nparticles = 1024) elif (app_name == "ocean"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/ocean -n%(nproc)d -m%(gridsize)d\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs, gridsize = 66) elif (app_name == "radiosity"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/radiosit -n %(nproc)d -batch\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "raytrace"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/raytrace -n%(nproc)d /etc/tea.env\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "watern"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/watern -n%(nproc)d -m512\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "waters"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/waters -n%(nproc)d -m512\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "cholesky"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/cholesky -n%(nproc)d /etc/tk14.O\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "fft"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/fft -n%(nproc)d -m18\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "lu"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/lu -n%(nproc)d -m512\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) elif (app_name == "radix"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/radix -n%(nproc)d -k2097152\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) # test : 1024 ; simu : 2097152 elif (app_name == "radix_ga"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/radix_ga -n%(nproc)d -k2097152\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) # p = proc, n = num_keys elif (app_name == "fft_ga"): shrc = "exec -p 0 /bin/fft_ga -n%(nproc)d -m18\n" % dict(nproc = nprocs) else: assert(False) file = open(shrc_file_name, 'w') file.write(shrc) file.close() # Copie du binaire et du shrc dans l'image disque print "mcopy -o -i", hdd_img_file_name, shrc_file_name, "::/etc/" subprocess.call([ 'mcopy', '-o', '-i', hdd_img_file_name, shrc_file_name, '::/etc/' ]) print "mcopy -o -i", hdd_img_file_name, app_name, "::/bin/" subprocess.call([ 'mcopy', '-o', '-i', hdd_img_file_name, app_name, '::/bin/' ]) print "cd", old_path os.chdir(old_path) # end of compile_app print "mkdir -p", os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir) subprocess.call([ 'mkdir', '-p', os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir) ]) gen_sym_links() for i in nb_procs: x, y = get_x_y(i) nthreads = min(4, x * y) gen_hard_config(x, y, hard_config_name) gen_arch_info(x, y, arch_info_name, arch_info_bib_name) print "cd", top_path os.chdir(top_path) print "touch", topcell_name subprocess.call([ 'touch', topcell_name ]) print "make" subprocess.call([ 'make' ]) for app in apps: print "cd", top_path os.chdir(top_path) compile_app(app, i) # Launch simulation if use_omp: print "./simul.x -THREADS", nthreads, ">", os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) output = subprocess.Popen([ './simul.x', '-THREADS', str(nthreads) ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] else: print "./simul.x >", os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) output = subprocess.Popen([ './simul.x' ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # Write simulation results to data directory print "cd", scripts_path os.chdir(scripts_path) filename = os.path.join(data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(output) file.close() filename = os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir, app + '_' + log_term_name + str(i)) print "mv", os.path.join(top_path, 'term1'), filename subprocess.call([ 'mv', os.path.join(top_path, 'term1'), filename ]) if rerun_stats: start2_found = False end_found = False for line in open(filename): if "[THREAD_COMPUTE_START]" in line: start2 = line.split()[-1] start2_found = True if "[THREAD_COMPUTE_END]" in line: end = line.split()[-1] end_found = True assert(start2_found and end_found) print "cd", top_path os.chdir(top_path) # Relauching simulation with reset and dump of counters if use_omp: print "./simul.x -THREADS", nthreads, "--reset-counters %s --dump-counters %s >" % (start2, end), os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) output = subprocess.Popen([ './simul.x', '-THREADS', str(nthreads), '--reset-counters', start2, '--dump-counters', end ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] else: print "./simul.x --reset-counters %s --dump-counters %s >" % (start2, end), os.path.join(scripts_path, data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) output = subprocess.Popen([ './simul.x', '--reset-counters', start2, '--dump-counters', end ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # Write simulation results (counters) to data directory print "cd", scripts_path os.chdir(scripts_path) filename = os.path.join(data_dir, app + '_' + log_init_name + str(i)) file = open(filename, 'w') file.write(output) file.close() ## End of simulations