/******************************************************************** * \file reset_tty.c * \date 5 mars 2014 * \author Cesar Fuguet * * Minimal driver for TTY controler *******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #ifndef SEG_TTY_BASE # error "SEG_TTY_BASE constant must be defined in the hard_config.h file" #endif static int* const tty_address = (int* const)SEG_TTY_BASE; enum tty_registers { TTY_WRITE = 0, TTY_STATUS = 1, TTY_READ = 2, TTY_CONFIG = 3, TTY_SPAN = 4, }; /////////////////////// int reset_getc(char *c) { if (ioread32( &tty_address[TTY_STATUS] ) == 0) return 0; *c = ioread32( &tty_address[TTY_READ] ); return 1; } ///////////////////////////// void reset_putc(const char c) { if (c == '\n') { iowrite32(&tty_address[TTY_WRITE], (unsigned int) '\r'); } iowrite32(&tty_address[TTY_WRITE], (unsigned int) c); } /////////////////////////////////// void reset_puts(const char *buffer) { unsigned int n; for ( n=0; n<100; n++) { if (buffer[n] == 0) break; reset_putc(buffer[n]); } } ///////////////////////////////// void reset_putx(unsigned int val) { static const char HexaTab[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char buf[11]; unsigned int c; buf[0] = '0'; buf[1] = 'x'; buf[10] = 0; for ( c = 0 ; c < 8 ; c++ ) { buf[9-c] = HexaTab[val&0xF]; val = val >> 4; } reset_puts(buf); } ///////////////////////////////// void reset_putd(unsigned int val) { static const char DecTab[] = "0123456789"; char buf[11]; unsigned int i; unsigned int first = 0; buf[10] = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { if ((val != 0) || (i == 0)) { buf[9-i] = DecTab[val % 10]; first = 9-i; } else { break; } val /= 10; } reset_puts( &buf[first] ); } ///////////////// void reset_exit() { register int pid; asm volatile( "mfc0 %0, $15, 1": "=r"(pid) ); reset_puts("\n!!! Exit Processor "); reset_putx(pid & 0x3FF); reset_puts(" !!!\n"); while(1) asm volatile("nop"); // infinite loop... }