Feb 12, 2015, 2:59:20 PM (10 years ago)

reconf: improve unitary tests for dspin_router

2 edited


  • branches/reconfiguration/modules/dspin_router/caba/test/simple_segment_recovery_test/main.c

    r934 r942  
    2525    /* configure the routers around the blackhole (1, 1) to define a cycle-free
    2626     * contour */
     27    uint32_t val;
    2729    printf("router(0, 2): configuring as NW\n");
    28     assert(xcu_get_config(0, 2, 0) == BH_NONE);
    29     xcu_set_config(0, 2, 0, (REQ_SOUTH << 4) | BH_NW);     /* configure NW */
     30    assert(xcu_get_register(0, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     31    val = (REQ_SOUTH << 4) | BH_NW;
     32    xcu_set_register(0, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure NW */
    3134    printf("router(0, 1): configuring as W\n");
    32     assert(xcu_get_config(0, 1, 0) == BH_NONE);
    33     xcu_set_config(0, 1, 0, (REQ_LOCAL << 4) | BH_W);      /* configure W */
     35    assert(xcu_get_register(0, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     36    val = (REQ_LOCAL << 4) | BH_W;
     37    xcu_set_register(0, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure W */
    3539    printf("router(0, 0): configuring as SW\n");
    36     assert(xcu_get_config(0, 0, 0) == BH_NONE);
    37     xcu_set_config(0, 0, 0, (REQ_NORTH << 4) | BH_SW);     /* configure SW */
     40    assert(xcu_get_register(0, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     41    val = (REQ_NORTH << 4) | BH_SW;
     42    xcu_set_register(0, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure SW */
    3944    printf("router(1, 2): configuring as N\n");
    40     assert(xcu_get_config(1, 2, 0) == BH_NONE);
    41     xcu_set_config(1, 2, 0, (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_N);       /* configure N */
     45    assert(xcu_get_register(1, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     46    val = (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_N;
     47    xcu_set_register(1, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure N */
    4349    printf("router(2, 2): configuring as NE\n");
    44     assert(xcu_get_config(2, 2, 0) == BH_NONE);
    45     xcu_set_config(2, 2, 0, (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_NE);      /* configure NE */
     50    assert(xcu_get_register(2, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     51    val = (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_NE;
     52    xcu_set_register(2, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure NE */
    4754    printf("router(2, 1): configuring as E\n");
    48     assert(xcu_get_config(2, 1, 0) == BH_NONE);
    49     xcu_set_config(2, 1, 0, (REQ_SOUTH << 4) | BH_E);      /* configure E */
     55    assert(xcu_get_register(2, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     56    val = (REQ_SOUTH << 4) | BH_E;
     57    xcu_set_register(2, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure E */
    5159    printf("router(2, 0): configuring as SE\n");
    52     assert(xcu_get_config(2, 0, 0) == BH_NONE);
    53     xcu_set_config(2, 0, 0, (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_SE);      /* configure SE */
     60    assert(xcu_get_register(2, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     61    val = (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_SE;
     62    xcu_set_register(2, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure SE */
    5564    printf("router(1, 0): configuring as S\n");
    56     assert(xcu_get_config(1, 0, 0) == BH_NONE);
    57     xcu_set_config(1, 0, 0, (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_S);       /* configure S */
     65    assert(xcu_get_register(1, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) == BH_NONE);
     66    val = (REQ_WEST << 4) | BH_S;
     67    xcu_set_register(1, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0, val);     /* configure S */
    59     assert((xcu_get_config(0, 2, 0) & 0xF) == BH_NW);
    60     assert((xcu_get_config(0, 1, 0) & 0xF) == BH_W);
    61     assert((xcu_get_config(0, 0, 0) & 0xF) == BH_SW);
    62     assert((xcu_get_config(1, 2, 0) & 0xF) == BH_N);
    63     assert((xcu_get_config(2, 2, 0) & 0xF) == BH_NE);
    64     assert((xcu_get_config(2, 1, 0) & 0xF) == BH_E);
    65     assert((xcu_get_config(2, 0, 0) & 0xF) == BH_SE);
    66     assert((xcu_get_config(1, 0, 0) & 0xF) == BH_S);
     69    assert((xcu_get_register(0, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_NW);
     70    assert((xcu_get_register(0, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_W);
     71    assert((xcu_get_register(0, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_SW);
     72    assert((xcu_get_register(1, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_N);
     73    assert((xcu_get_register(2, 2, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_NE);
     74    assert((xcu_get_register(2, 1, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_E);
     75    assert((xcu_get_register(2, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_SE);
     76    assert((xcu_get_register(1, 0, XICU_CFG_REG, 0) & 0xF) == BH_S);
    6878    /* Test the recovered segment that has been migrated to the EAST cluster */
  • branches/reconfiguration/modules/dspin_router/caba/test/simple_segment_recovery_test/test.sh

    r934 r942  
    15 $SIMULATOR -DSOFT $SOFT -DISK /dev/null -FAULTY_ROUTER 0 1 1 2> /dev/null >> output/log
     15$SIMULATOR -DSOFT $SOFT -DISK /dev/null -FAULTY_ROUTER 0 1 1 > output/log 2>&1
    1616soclib-cleanup-terms &> /dev/null
    1717mv term0 output/term
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