9 years |
cfuguet |
Fixing indentation in the README file
9 years |
cfuguet |
Improving documentation of the reconfiguration/tsar_generic_iob
9 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improving dspin_router transition function.
9 years |
cfuguet |
Fixing some warnings for new compiler's versions
9 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: dspin_router
- improve the code readability of the …
9 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: when a local router in a cluster is faulty, the cores are kept …
9 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: remove useless register assignments when writing in the …
9 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: bugfix in reconf:vci_local_crossbar regarding the hardware …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce a scratchpad mode in the memory cache.
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
Add DSPIN router ports' index enumerate in the class definition.
10 years |
cfuguet |
add a new platform for the evaluation of the broadcast recovery …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: update the reconfiguration/tsar_generic_iob to comply with new …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: simplify the mechanism to transform a router in a black-hole.
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing a hardware barrier in the global-local interface …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: update simulation scripts and fix some minor bugs in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce a mechanism in the reconf:vci_xicu component to …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: several improvements in the dspin_router synthetic test platform
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve the recovery broadcast replication policy
- Improve …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce scripts to get transactions latency in the synthetic …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: pass the configuration_supported parameter to the routers in …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: modify the broadcast routing function to support holes in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: force the python version 2.7 in simulation scripts.
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: fix a bug on the PRIO register of the vci_xicu component
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: allow debugging of the vci_simple_rom component in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing a mechanism to deactivate the watchdog timer on …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: some improvements on tsar_generic_iob platform
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: mask the global bits of the configuration segment
- This …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use the reconf version of the dspin_local_crossbar
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: dont test the locality of global to local requests.
- This …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce the dspin_local_crossbar component in …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve reconf:tsar_generic_iob simulation scripts
10 years |
cfuguet |
improve debug messages
- replace the BDEV_DEBUG define by the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper: remove a wrong assert condition
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: don't use all cpus when simulating with omp.
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: consider the IRQ_PER_PROCESSOR constant when connecting XICU
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: merge commit 959 concerning parameters of the XICU
- All …
10 years |
cfuguet |
update arch.py to comply to the new genmap addPeriph() definition
10 years |
cfuguet |
Introduce a SocLib? platform implementing the FPGA mono cluster …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: add new mode to the dspin_router
- Modes are:
+ …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve unitary tests for dspin_router
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use of the NIC and CHBUFDMA is now optional
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: the disk image path can be passes as parameter to the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: using the reconfiguration version of the vci_local_crossbar in …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: the ELF file for the external ROM is now optional in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: add unitary test for the segment migration mechanism in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: vci_local_crossbar: locality of packets coming from the
global …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce a vci_local_crossbar which support the segment …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing the segment recovery mechanism in the dspin_router …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: update the onerun.py simulation script
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use the std::numeric_limits class for int max values
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve test scripts for tsar_generic_iob platform
- Now it …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: add external ROM in platform
- The external ROM, which can …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: erasing the CONFIG_LOCK register in the memcache interface
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: factorize the watchdog_timeout signal in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: reuse the UNC transactions' watchdog timer in the CC_TEST
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: implement the CC_TEST FSM in the cc_vcache_wrapper
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: (tsar_generic_iob) use SYNTHETIC mode in the NIC controller
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: merge vci_mem_cache trunk modifications (rev 912)
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: generate the linux device tree when running simulation script
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve platform configuration scripts for OpenMP
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use sc_uint<X> for the trdid instead of uint_X
- This way, …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: any router in any NoC can be faulty. Moreover, each NoC has …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: bugfix in vci_cc_vcache_wrapper concerning the watchdog timer
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve the random fault generation
- Improve portability …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: increase the maxcycles limit for the distributed boot simulations
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: merge from the trunk (r891) the CONFIG FSM bugfix
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: add script to simulate random faulty components in platform
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: remove vsegs for the replicated ROMs
- Vsegs definition in …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improve the onerun.py script in the tsar_generic_iob
- Now, …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: support multiple faulty routers in the platform
- Each …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use the watchdog timer for the uncacheable requests too.
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: add test for the recovery routing function on the dspin_router …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce a dspin_router_config.h interface file
- This …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: bind a config port of the xicu to the internal dspin_routers
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use a fixed-width integer for the dspin_router's blackhole_pos reg
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: use the reconf:vci_xicu in the tsar_iob_cluster platform.
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce a configuration function in the vci_xicu
- This …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce vci_xicu component
- A reconfiguration …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: fix class name mismatch with header #defines
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introduce the vci_tsar_config component
- This component …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: replace internal BH variable by an input port in the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: relax mesh size constraints
- The mesh number of rows and …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: merge modifications from the trunk/tsar_generic_iob (r874)
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing recovery_route function in the dspin_router
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: adding test platform for the vci_mem_cache test mechanisms
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: bugfix in vci_mem_cache's CC_SEND FSM genmoore function
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: adding the CC_TEST FSM as a client of the CLEANUP FSM
- Now …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: adding the CC_TEST FSM as one of the clients of the CC_SEND …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing TEST packet fields in the dhccp dspin params header
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing the CC_TEST FSM in the vci_mem_cache
- The …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing TEST packets for the coherence network
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: creating branch for the dspin_dhccp_param header file
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: erasing trailing spaces in vci_mem_cache header file
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: creating branch for the vci_mem_cache module
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing a FAULTY_MASK parameter in tsar_generic_iob
- …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: using a fixed processor's local ID width
- Modifying the …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: modification in softs/lib/io.h header file
- When …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: improving test recipe of unit tests' makefile
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing a -FAULTY_ROUTER argument in tsar_generic_iob …
10 years |
cfuguet |
reconf: introducing reconf branch of the soclib/dspin_router component …