10 years |
cfuguet |
bugfix in vci_block_device_tsar:
- fix: writes on the BUFFER …
10 years |
cfuguet |
improve debug messages
- replace the BDEV_DEBUG define by the …
10 years |
alain |
10 years |
cfuguet |
trunk: modify vci_block_device_tsar controller
- The block device …
10 years |
porquet |
vci_block_device: display IRQ once when in debug mode and close …
10 years |
porquet |
vci_block_device_tsar: fix debug messages
11 years |
alain |
Cosmetic: improving comments.
11 years |
alain |
11 years |
cfuguet |
Improvement in vci_mem_cache component:
- No need to pass x_self …
11 years |
alain |
Bug fix in the M_WRITE_BLOCK state, detected by C.Devigne.
11 years |
alain |
Fixing a bug in target FSM when using 64 bits data width.
11 years |
alain |
Compliance with mapping_table defined in release 2462
Introducing the …
12 years |
bouyer |
We can't read wdata after we sent cmdack, so read and store wdata when …
12 years |
meunier |
More memory cleaning for valgrind (generic_llsc_global_table, …
12 years |
alain |
Fixing a bug in the print_trace() function.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing the vci_iox_network modeling the external IO network.
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
cfuguet |
Modification in vci_block_device_tsar:
- Adding parenthesis in …
12 years |
alain |
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for several segments (required by tsar_generic_iob …
12 years |
alain |
Bug fix : VCI BE when DATA = 64 bits
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for VCI DATA 64 bits.
12 years |
alain |
Introducing support for physical addresses larger than 32 bits.
A new …
12 years |
lambert |
Bug fix in Vci_mem_cache :
* When line evicion in write fsm to …
12 years |
alain |
Removing a warning in constructor
12 years |
joannou |
Introducing vci_block_device_tsar component
copied from branches/v4/modules/vci_block_device_tsar_v4/caba:
12 years |
joannou |
Create TsarV4 branch from trunk as of now