// Model of connected Huffman encoder and decoder. // The alphabet consists of the uppercase letters and the space. // The Huffman tree used by encoder and decoder is shown below. // All left branches are labeled 0, and all right branches are labeled 1. // // +-------------( )---------------+ // | | // | | // +-------( )------+ +------( )-----+ // | | | | // | | | | // +----( )----+ ( ) +--( )--+ ( ) // | | / \ | | / \ // | | | | | | | | // +--( )--+ ( ) [E] ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ] ( ) // | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ // | | | | | | | | | | | | // ( ) ( ) [S] ( ) ( ) [A] [I] [O] [R] [N] ( ) [T] // / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ // | | | | | | | | | | // [U] [P] [F] [C] ( ) [L] [H] ( ) [D] ( ) // / \ / \ / \ // | | | | | | // +----( ) [W] [G] [Y] ( ) [M] // | \ / \ // | | | | // ( ) ( ) [B] [V] // / \ / \ // | | | | // [Q] ( ) [K] [X] // / \ // | | // [Z] [J] // // As an example, the code of W is 001101. // // This tree is based on the following assumed frequencies. // // E 130 T 93 N 78 R 77 I 74 O 74 A 73 S 63 D 44 // H 35 L 35 C 30 F 28 P 27 U 27 M 25 Y 19 G 16 // W 16 V 13 B 9 X 5 K 3 Q 3 J 2 Z 1 // // That is, it is assumed that there are 130 Es for every thousand letters. // It is further assumed that there are 182 spaces for every 1000 letters. // // The encoder retrieves the code for each symbol from a map, and shifts it // out one bit at the time. The decoder is a finite state machine whose // state transition graph is obtained from the tree by adding acs from the // leaves back to the top of the tree. (To the second level nodes to be // precise.) Each node uses ten bits for its encoding. The code of the root // is 0. If a state is not a leaf of the tree, and its encoding is n, then // the encodings of its two children are 2n+1 and 2n+2. // Author: Fabio Somenzi module main(clk, addr,plain); input clk; input [4:0] addr; wire cipher; output [7:0] plain; wire[7:0] character; huffmanEnc encoder (clk, addr, cipher, character); huffmanDec decoder (clk, cipher, plain); // Latch data that we want to refer to in properties. /* reg ci; reg [7:0] ch; initial begin ci = 0; ch = 0; end always @ (posedge clk) begin ci = cipher; ch = character; end */ endmodule // main module huffmanEnc (clk, addr, cipher, character); input clk; input [4:0] addr; output cipher; output [7:0] character; reg [7:0] character; // This function is the map from symbols (ASCII space and uppercase // letters) to codes. Each code consists of from 3 to 9 bits. // Since the codes are of variable length, an additional // bit is used to mark the end of the symbol. This bit is the // leftmost 1. The code is sent out LSB first; hence, it is reversed // in this map. For instance, 0000010100 (the entry of the map for S) // says that the code for S is 0010. function [9:0] code; input [7:0] c; begin: _code case (c) 69: code = 10'b0000001010; // E 32: code = 10'b0000001011; // space 83: code = 10'b0000010100; // S 65: code = 10'b0000011110; // A 73: code = 10'b0000010001; // I 79: code = 10'b0000011001; // O 82: code = 10'b0000010101; // R 78: code = 10'b0000011101; // N 84: code = 10'b0000011111; // T 85: code = 10'b0000100000; // U 80: code = 10'b0000110000; // P 70: code = 10'b0000101000; // F 67: code = 10'b0000111000; // C 76: code = 10'b0000111100; // L 72: code = 10'b0000100110; // H 68: code = 10'b0000100111; // D 87: code = 10'b0001101100; // W 71: code = 10'b0001010110; // G 89: code = 10'b0001110110; // Y 77: code = 10'b0001110111; // M 66: code = 10'b0010010111; // B 86: code = 10'b0011010111; // V 81: code = 10'b0100001100; // Q 75: code = 10'b0101001100; // K 88: code = 10'b0111001100; // X 90: code = 10'b1010001100; // Z 74: code = 10'b1110001100; // J default: code = 10'b0; endcase // case(character) end endfunction // code // This function supplies the ASCII codes of the symbols. function [7:0] ROM; input [4:0] address; begin: _ROM if (address < 26) ROM = 65 + {3'b0, address}; else ROM = 32; end endfunction // ROM reg [9:0] shiftreg; initial begin character = ROM(addr); shiftreg = code(character); end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (shiftreg[9:1] <= 1) // added by Cecile 24.06.11 begin character = ROM(addr); shiftreg = code(character); // load a new code end else begin shiftreg = {1'b0, shiftreg[9:1]}; // shift right end end assign cipher = shiftreg[0]; endmodule // huffmanEnc // The output plain is 0 except for one clock cycle when a character has // been decoded. module huffmanDec (clk,cipher,plain); input clk; input cipher; output [7:0] plain; reg [9:0] state; wire leaf; wire [7:0] character; initial state = 0; // This function maps states to characters. All non-leaf states are // mapped to NUL. The leaf states are mapped to the ASCII code of the // corresponding symbol. function [7:0] map; input [9:0] state; begin: _map case (state) 9: map = 69; // E 13: map = 32; // space 17: map = 83; // S 22: map = 65; // A 23: map = 73; // I 24: map = 79; // O 25: map = 82; // R 26: map = 78; // N 30: map = 84; // T 31: map = 85; // U 32: map = 80; // P 33: map = 70; // F 34: map = 67; // C 38: map = 76; // L 43: map = 72; // H 59: map = 68; // D 76: map = 87; // W 89: map = 71; // G 90: map = 89; // Y 122: map = 77; // M 243: map = 66; // B 244: map = 86; // V 303: map = 81; // Q 305: map = 75; // K 306: map = 88; // X 609: map = 90; // Z 610: map = 74; // J default: map = 0; endcase // case(state) end // block: _map endfunction // map assign plain = map(state); assign leaf = plain != 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin state = (leaf ? 0 : {state[8:0],1'b0}) + (cipher ? 2 : 1); end endmodule // huffmanDec