1 | We have conducted preliminary experiments to tests and compare the performance of our strategy with existing abstraction-refinement technique available in VIS. As our abstraction representation requires fairness constraints, we have chosen the \emph{incremental\_ctl\_verification} abstraction refinement technique as it supports CTL formulas and fairness constraints \cite{PardoHachtel98incremCTLMC} \cite{PardoHachtel97autoAbsMC}. |
2 | |
3 | We have executed and compared the execution time and the number of refinement iterations for two examples: VCI-PI platform consisting of Virtual Component Interface (VCI), a PI-Bus and VCI-PI protocol converter and a simplified version of a CAN bus platform consisting of 3 nodes and a CAN bus. The results have been obtained on a PC with an AMD Athlon dual-core processor 4450e and 1.8GB of RAM memory. |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | \begin{table*} [ht] |
7 | \hspace*{10mm} |
8 | \begin{tabular}{clccccc} |
9 | |
10 | \toprule |
11 | \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{VCI-PI}} & \emph{Number of} & \emph{FSM} & \emph{BDD} & \emph{Number of } & \emph{Analysis}\\ |
12 | \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Platform}} &\emph{BDD Variables} & \emph{Depth} & \emph{Size} & \emph{Reachable States} & \emph{Time (s)} \\ |
13 | \midrule |
14 | \midrule |
15 | & 1 Master-1 Slave & 308 & 599 & 33 442 & 3.64116e+06 & 41.49 \\ |
16 | Concrete & 2 Masters-1 Slave & 439 & 186 & 75 210 & 73282 & 14.36 \\ |
17 | Model & 4 Masters-1 Slave & 709 & 408 & 156 657 & 2.15076e+07 & 414.38 \\ |
18 | & 4 Masters-2 Slaves & 883 & 597 & 217 797 & 3.22215e+10 & 4064.09 \\ |
19 | \midrule |
20 | \midrule |
21 | Final & 1 Master-1 Slave & 197 & 2 & 76 & 5.03316e+07 & 0.01 \\ |
22 | Abstract & 2 Masters-1 Slave & 301 & 2 & 99 & 4.12317e+11 & 0.02 \\ |
23 | Model & 4 Masters-1 Slave & 501 & 2 & 147 & 3.45876e+18 & 0.03\\ |
24 | for $\phi_1$ & 4 Masters-2 Slaves & xx & 2 & xxx & xxx & xxxx \\ |
25 | \midrule |
26 | Final & 1 Master-1 Slave & 194 & 1 & 50 & 2.62144e+07 & 0 \\ |
27 | Abstract & 2 Masters-1 Slave & 298 & 1 & 73 & 2.14748e+11 & 0.01 \\ |
28 | Model & 4 Masters-1 Slave & 498 & 1 & 121 & 1.80144e+18 & 0.02 \\ |
29 | for $\phi_2$ & 4 Masters-2 Slaves & xxx & x & xxx & xxx & xxx \\ |
30 | \bottomrule |
31 | \bottomrule |
32 | \end{tabular} |
33 | |
34 | \caption{\label{StatsVCI_PI} Statistics on the VCI-PI platform} |
35 | \end{table*} |
36 | %\medskip |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | \begin{table*} [ht] |
40 | \hspace*{12mm} |
41 | \begin{tabular}{cccccc} |
42 | |
43 | \toprule |
44 | \textbf{CAN Bus} & \emph{Number of} & \emph{FSM} & \emph{BDD} & \emph{Number of } & \emph{Analysis}\\ |
45 | \textbf{Platform} &\emph{BDD Variables} & \emph{Depth} & \emph{Size} & \emph{Reachable States} & \emph{Time (s)} \\ |
46 | \midrule |
47 | \midrule |
48 | Concrete Model & 838 & 182 & 212550 & 2.87296e+08 & 167.9 \\ |
49 | \midrule |
50 | \midrule |
51 | Final Abstract Model for $\phi_1$ & xx & 2 & xxx & xxx & xxxx \\ |
52 | \midrule |
53 | Final Abstract Model for $\phi_2$ & xx & 2 & xxx & xxx & xxxx \\ |
54 | \bottomrule |
55 | \bottomrule |
56 | \end{tabular} |
57 | |
58 | \caption{\label{StatsCAN_Bus} Statistics on the CAN Bus platform} |
59 | \end{table*} |
60 | |
61 | |
62 | \begin{table} [h] |
63 | %\hspace*{-8mm} |
64 | \begin{tabular}{cccc} |
65 | |
66 | \toprule |
67 | \emph{Global} &\emph{Verification} & \emph{Refinement} & \emph{Verif.} \\ |
68 | \emph{Property} & \emph{Technique} & \emph{Iteration} & \emph{Time (s)} \\ |
69 | \midrule |
70 | \midrule |
71 | \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{\underline{1 Master - 1 Slave :}}} \\ |
72 | & Prop. Selection & 1 & 2.2 \\ |
73 | $\phi_1$ & Incremental & 0 & 18.1 \\ |
74 | & Standard MC & - & 14.9 \\ |
75 | \midrule |
76 | & Prop. Selection & 0 & 1.0 \\ |
77 | $\phi_2$ & Incremental & 467 & 168.0 \\ |
78 | & Standard MC & - & 14.9 \\ |
79 | \midrule |
80 | \midrule |
81 | \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{\underline{2 Masters - 1 Slave :}}} \\ |
82 | & Prop. Selection & 1 & 2.0 \\ |
83 | $\phi_1$ & Incremental & 0 & 1.3 \\ |
84 | & Standard MC & - & 1.5 \\ |
85 | \midrule |
86 | & Prop. Selection & 0 & 1.0 \\ |
87 | $\phi_2$ & Incremental & 0 & 15.3 \\ |
88 | & Standard MC & - & 14.6 \\ |
89 | \midrule |
90 | \midrule |
91 | \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{\underline{4 Masters - 1 Slave :}}} \\ |
92 | & Prop. Selection & 1 & 2.1 \\ |
93 | $\phi_1$ & Incremental & 0 & 6.8 \\ |
94 | & Standard MC & - & 175.5 \\ |
95 | \midrule |
96 | & Prop. Selection & 0 & 1.0 \\ |
97 | $\phi_2$ & Incremental & 0 & 7.5 \\ |
98 | & Standard MC & - & 195.1 \\ |
99 | \midrule |
100 | \midrule |
101 | \multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{\underline{4 Masters - 2 Slaves :}}} \\ |
102 | & Prop. Selection & 1 & xxx \\ |
103 | $\phi_1$ & Incremental & xxx & xxx \\ |
104 | & Standard MC & - & 2231.3 \\ |
105 | \midrule |
106 | & Prop. Selection & 0 & xxx\\ |
107 | $\phi_2$ & Incremental & N/A & >1 day \\ |
108 | & Standard MC & - & 12814.1 \\ |
109 | \bottomrule |
110 | \bottomrule |
111 | |
112 | \end{tabular} |
113 | |
114 | \caption{\label{TabVCI_PI} Results on the VCI-PI platform } |
115 | \end{table} |
116 | |
117 | %\medskip |
118 | |
119 | \begin{table} [h] |
120 | %\hspace*{-8mm} |
121 | \begin{tabular}{lcccc} |
122 | |
123 | \toprule |
124 | \emph{Global} & \emph{Verification} & \emph{Refinement} & \emph{Verif.} \\ |
125 | \emph{Property} & \emph{Technique} & \emph{Iteration} & \emph{Time (s)} \\ |
126 | \midrule |
127 | \midrule |
128 | & Prop. Selection & xxx & xxx \\ |
129 | $\phi_3$ & Incremental & N/A & >1 day \\ |
130 | & Standard MC & - & 51.9 \\ |
131 | \midrule |
132 | & Prop. Selection & xxx & xxx \\ |
133 | $\phi_4$ & Incremental & 0 & 57.3 \\ |
134 | & Standard MC & - & 2.2 \\ |
135 | \bottomrule |
136 | |
137 | \end{tabular} |
138 | |
139 | \caption{\label{TabCANBus} Results on the CAN Bus platform } |
140 | \end{table} |
141 | |
142 | \medskip |
143 | |
144 | Table 1 shows the... |
145 | \TODO{Comments about Table 1, Table 2 and conclusion of Experimental Results} |
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