// Testbench for the gcd circuit. module testGcd(clock,x,y,s); parameter N = 8; parameter logN = 3; input clock; input [N-1:0] x,y; input s; reg [N-1:0] a,b; reg start; wire busy; wire [N-1:0] o; // Unit under test. gcd #(N,logN) g(clock,start,a,b,busy,o); initial begin a = 0; b = 0; start = 0; end always @ (posedge clock) begin a = x; b = y; start = s; end // always @ (posedge clock) endmodule // testGcd // GCD circuit for unsigned N-bit numbers // a[0], b[0], and o[0] are the least significant bits // // Author: Fabio Somenzi module gcd(clock,start,a,b,busy,o); parameter N = 8; parameter logN = 3; input clock; input start; input [N-1:0] a; input [N-1:0] b; output busy; output [N-1:0] o; reg [logN-1:0] lsb; reg [N-1:0] x; reg [N-1:0] y; wire done; wire load; reg busy; reg [N-1:0] o; reg [logN:0] cpt; wire [1:0] xy_lsb; wire [N-1:0] diff; function select; input [N-1:0] z; input [logN-1:0] lsb; begin: _select if (lsb == 3'd0) select = z[0]; else if (lsb == 3'd1) select = z[1]; else if (lsb == 3'd2) select = z[2]; else if (lsb == 3'd3) select = z[3]; else if (lsb == 3'd4) select = z[4]; else if (lsb == 3'd5) select = z[5]; else if (lsb == 3'd6) select = z[6]; else select = z[7]; end // block: _select endfunction // select assign xy_lsb[1] = select(x,lsb); assign xy_lsb[0] = select(y,lsb); assign diff = x < y ? y - x : x - y; assign done = ((x == y) | (x == 0) | (y == 0) | (cpt > 13)) & busy; assign load = start & ~busy; initial begin busy = 0; x = 0; y = 0; o = 0; lsb = 0; cpt=0; end // initial begin // Data path. always @(posedge clock) begin if (load) begin x = a; y = b; lsb = 0; cpt=0; end // if (load) else if (busy & ~done) begin cpt = cpt+1 ; case (xy_lsb) 2'b00: if (lsb<7) begin lsb = lsb + 1; end 2'b01: begin x[N-2:0] = x[N-1:1]; x[N-1] = 0; end 2'b10: begin y[N-2:0] = y[N-1:1]; y[N-1] = 0; end 2'b11: begin if (x < y) begin y[N-2:0] = diff[N-1:1]; y[N-1] = 0; end // if (x < y) else begin x[N-2:0] = diff[N-1:1]; x[N-1] = 0; end // else: !if(x < y) end // case: 2b'11 endcase // case (xy_lsb) end // if (~done) else if (done) begin o = (x < y) ? x : y; end // else: !if(~done) end // always @ (posedge clock) // Controller. always @(posedge clock) begin if (~busy) begin if (start) begin busy = 1; end // if (start) end // if (~busy) else begin if (done) begin busy = 0; end end // else: !if(~busy) end // always @ (posedge clock) endmodule // gcd