/* * This code implements a game of ping pong (table tennis) between 2 players, with * a slight twist: each player puts a ball into play at the same time. There can * be an arbitrary, but finite, delay from the time one player hits a ball until * the time that the other player returns it. If both balls are in play, then * both players always hit each ball at the same instant. * * While both balls are in play, exactly one player may choose not to return his * ball. This leaves one ball in play. If just one ball is in play, the ball * should remain in play forever. * */ typedef enum {HIT, WAIT_GOING, WAIT_COMING} player_status; typedef enum {HIT, IDLE} action_type; typedef enum {TO_A, TO_B, OUT_OF_PLAY} ball_status; module ping_pong(clk); input clk; /* signal declarations */ action_type wire action_A, action_B; player_status wire state_A, state_B; ball_status wire state_ball_1, state_ball_2; /* the ping pong players */ player player_A(clk, action_B, action_A, state_A); player player_B(clk, action_A, action_B, state_B); /* the balls */ ball ball_1(clk, action_A, action_B, state_ball_1, TO_A); ball ball_2(clk, action_A, action_B, state_ball_2, TO_B); endmodule /* * Three state process. If the player is waiting while the ball is going away from * him (state WAIT_GOING) and the opponent hits the ball, then go to state WAIT_COMING. * The player can remain in state WAIT_COMING an arbitrary, but finite, amount of time. * The player non-deterministically moves from state WAIT_COMING to state HIT. From * state HIT, the player immediately hits the ball. Depending on the action of the * opponent, the player either moves to state WAIT_GOING or to state WAIT_COMING. * * Note that in state WAIT_GOING, there is only one ball still in play. Also, in state * WAIT_COMING, it's possible that there is a ball going away, as well as coming towards * the player. However, in state WAIT_GOING, there cannot be a ball coming towards * the player. */ module player(clk, opponent, out, state); input clk; input opponent; output out; output state; action_type wire opponent, out; player_status reg state; player_status wire r_state; assign out = (state==HIT) ? HIT : IDLE; assign r_state = $ND(WAIT_COMING, HIT); initial state = HIT; always @(posedge clk) begin case(state) HIT: begin if (opponent == IDLE) state = WAIT_GOING; else if (opponent == HIT) state = WAIT_COMING; end WAIT_GOING: begin if (opponent == HIT) state = WAIT_COMING; end WAIT_COMING: begin state = r_state; end default:; endcase; end endmodule /* * Three state process. The ball is either going towards player A * (state TO_A) or towards B. If it's ever the case that the ball * is going towards A, and A is IDLE and B HITS another ball, then * this ball goes OUT_OF_PLAY, since two balls are now going * towards A, and the assumption is that A cannot return both balls. * The symmetic case holds when in TO_B. * * Note that this module does not produce any outputs (except for its * state, which is read only by the property). Thus, if the * property being checked just deals directly with the players, then * the balls can be safely ignored. */ module ball(clk, action_A, action_B, state, init); input clk; input action_A, action_B; input init; output state; action_type wire action_A, action_B; ball_status reg state; ball_status wire init; initial state = init; always @(posedge clk) begin case(state) TO_A: begin if (action_A == HIT) state = TO_B; else if ((action_A == IDLE) && (action_B == HIT)) state = OUT_OF_PLAY; end TO_B: begin if (action_B == HIT) state = TO_A; else if ((action_B == IDLE) && (action_A == HIT)) state = OUT_OF_PLAY; end OUT_OF_PLAY: begin state = OUT_OF_PLAY; end default:; endcase; end endmodule