1 | FSM depth = 7 |
2 | reachable states = 20 |
3 | --Total states covered by formula<1> = 6 , new = 6 |
4 | ---States covered w.r.t. farm_light = 6, new = 6 |
5 | ---States covered w.r.t. hwy_light = 0, new = 0 |
6 | # MC: formula passed --- AG(!((farm_light=GREEN * hwy_light=GREEN))) |
7 | --Total states covered by formula<2> = 5 , new = 4 |
8 | ---States covered w.r.t. car_present = 1, new = 1 |
9 | ---States covered w.r.t. timer.state = 0, new = 0 |
10 | ---States covered w.r.t. farm_light = 4, new = 4 |
11 | # MC: formula passed --- AG(((car_present=YES * timer.state=LONG) -> AF(farm_light=GREEN))) |
12 | --Total states covered by formula<3> = 6 , new = 0 |
13 | ---States covered w.r.t. hwy_light = 6, new = 6 |
14 | # MC: formula passed --- AG(AF(hwy_light=GREEN)) |
15 | --Total states covered by formula<4> = 0 , new = 0 |
16 | ---States covered w.r.t. car_present = 0, new = 0 |
17 | ---States covered w.r.t. farm_light = 0, new = 0 |
18 | # MC: formula passed --- !(AG((car_present=YES -> AF(farm_light=GREEN)))) |
19 | # MC: formula failed --- AG((car_present=YES -> AF(farm_light=GREEN))) |
20 | # States covered w.r.t. Neither Primary output nor input(farm_light) = 10, Percentage of Coverage = 50.000000 |
21 | # States covered w.r.t. Neither Primary output nor input(hwy_light) = 6, Percentage of Coverage = 30.000000 |
22 | # States covered w.r.t. Neither Primary output nor input(car_present) = 1, Percentage of Coverage = 5.000000 |
23 | # States covered w.r.t. Neither Primary output nor input(timer.state) = 0, Percentage of Coverage = 0.000000 |
24 | --There are 10 covered states (using improved coverage implementation) |
25 | --0 states covered by Primary Input Signals |
26 | --0 states covered by Primary Ouput Signals |
27 | --17 states covered by signals which are neither Primary input nor output Signals |
28 | Percentage of coverage (using improved coverage implementation)= 50.000000 |
29 | Average Percentage of coverage = 21.250000 |
30 | Average Percentage of coverage for signals which are not primary = 21.250000 |