source: vis_dev/vis-2.1/share/help/check_invariantCmd.txt @ 11

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2  check_invariant - check all states reachable in flattened network satisfy
3  specified invariants
4     _________________________________________________________________
6   check_invariant [-c] [-d <dbg_level>] [-g <hints_file>] [-f] [-h] [-i]
7   [-m]   [-r]   [-t   <time_out_period>]   [-v   <verbosity_level>]  [-A
8   <reachability_analysis_type>] [-D] <invar_file>
10   Performs  invariant  checking  on  a flattened network. Before calling
11   this  command,  the user should have initialized the design by calling
12   the command [1]init_verify.
14   If  the  option  -A3 (abstraction refinement method GRAB) is used, the
15   command  [2]build_partition_maigs  should  also  have  been  executed.
16   However,  in  this case, the default BDD manager and network partition
17   are  not  mandatory,  though they will be used if available. (In other
18   words,  the  user  must  run  the  commands  [3]flatten_hierarchy  and
19   [4]build_partition_maigs,   but  doesn't  have  to  run  the  commands
20   [5]static_order   and   [6]build_partition_mdds  before  calling  this
21   command.)  For  extremely large networks, it is actually favorable not
22   to  build  them  for the entire concrete model, but let this procedure
23   assign bdd ids and construct the partition incrementally.
25   Option   -A4  means  abstraction  refinement  approach  using  puresat
26   algorithm, which is entirely based on SAT solver.
28   An invariant is a set of states. Checking the invariant is the process
29   of  determining  that all states reachable from the initial states lie
30   in the invariant.
32   One way of defining an invariant is through a CTL formula which has no
33   path  operators.  Such  formulas  should  be  specified  in  the  file
34   invar_file. Note that the support of any wire referred to in a formula
35   should  consist  only  of  latches.  For  the  precise  syntax  of CTL
36   formulas, see the [7]VIS CTL and LTL syntax manual.
38   check_invariant  ignores  all  fairness conditions associated with the
39   FSM.
41   check_invariant  involves reachability analysis where at every step of
42   the  reachability computation all the specified invariants are checked
43   in  the reachable states computed thus far. If some invariant does not
44   hold,  a  proof  of  failure  is demonstrated. This consists of a path
45   starting from an initial state to a state lying outside the invariant.
46   This path is made as short as possible. For the -A 0 option or default
47   -A  option,  it  is  the  shortest path leading to a state outside the
48   invariant.  If  a  set of invariants is specified, the failed formulas
49   are reported as soon as they are detected. The check is continued with
50   the remaining invariants.
52   Command options:
54   -d <dbg_level>
55          Specify the amount of debugging performed when the system fails
56          a formula being checked.
58          dbg_level must be one of the following:
60          0 : No debugging performed. This is the default.
62          1  :  Generate  a  path  from an initial state to a state lying
63          outside  the invariant. This option stores the onion rings just
64          as  specifying  -f would have. Therefore, it may take more time
65          and  memory  if the formula passes. This option is incompatible
66          with -A 2 option.
68   -f
69          Store  the set of new states (onion rings) reached at each step
70          of  invariant.  This  option  is  likely to use more memory but
71          possibly  faster  results  for invariants that fail. Therefore,
72          the debug information for a failed invariant, if requested, may
73          be  provided  faster.  This  option is not compatible with -A 2
74          options.
76   -g <hints_file>
77          Use  guided  search.  The  file hints_file contains a series of
78          hints.  A  hint is a formula that does not contain any temporal
79          operators,  so  hints_file  has  the  same  syntax as a file of
80          invariants  used for check_invariant. The hints are used in the
81          order  given  to change the transition relation. The transition
82          relation   is   conjoined   with   the   hint   to   yield   an
83          underapproximation of the transition relation. If the hints are
84          cleverly   chosen,   this   may   speed   up   the  computation
85          considerably,  because  a  search  with  the changed transition
86          relation  may  be  much  simpler  than  one  with  the original
87          transition  relation,  and  results  obtained can be reused, so
88          that  we  may  never  have  to  do an expensive search with the
89          original  relation.  See  also:  Ravi  and  Somenzi,  Hints  to
90          accelerate  symbolic  traversal.  CHARME'99;  Bloem,  Ravi, and
91          Somenzi,  Efficient  Decision  Procedures for Model Checking of
92          Linear Time Logic Properties, CAV'99; Bloem, Ravi, and Somenzi,
93          Symbolic  Guided  Search  for  CTL Model Checking, DAC'00. This
94          option  is  not compatible with -A 2 option. The description of
95          some  options  for  guided search can be found in the help page
96          for print_guided_search_options.
98   -h
99          Print the command usage.
101   -c
102          Use  the  formula tree so that subformulae are not shared among
103          the  CTL  formulae  in the input file. This option is useful in
104          the  following scenario - formulae A, B and C are being checked
105          in  order  and there is sub-formula sharing between A and C. If
106          the  BDDs  corresponding to the shared sub-formula is huge then
107          computation  for  B  might  not be able to finish without using
108          this option.
110   -i
111          Print  input  values  causing transitions between states during
112          debugging. Both primary and pseudo inputs are printed.
114   -m
115          Pipe debugger output through the UNIX utility more.
117   -r
118          Reduce  the FSM derived from the flattened network with respect
119          to  each  of  the invariants in the input file. By default, the
120          FSM   is  reduced  with  respect  to  the  conjunction  of  the
121          invariants  in the input file. If this option is used and don't
122          cares  are  being  used  for  simplification,  then  subformula
123          sharing is disabled (result might be incorrect otherwise).
125          The  truth  of  an invariant may be independant of parts of the
126          network   (such   as  when  wires  have  been  abstracted;  see
127          [8]flatten_hierarchy). These parts are effectively removed when
128          this  option  is  invoked;  this  may  result in more efficient
129          invariant checking.
131   -t <timeOutPeriod>
132          Specify  the  time  out  period  (in  seconds)  after which the
133          command aborts. By default this option is set to infinity.
135   -v <verbosity_level>
136          Specify  verbosity  level.  This sets the amount of feedback on
137          CPU usage and code status.
139          verbosity_level must be one of the following:
141          0 : No feedback provided. This is the default.
143          1 : Feedback on code location.
145          2 : Feedback on code location and CPU usage.
147   -A <reachability_analysis_type>
148          This  option  allows  specification of the type of reachability
149          computation.
151          0:  (default) Breadth First Search. No approximate reachability
152          computation.
154          1:  High Density Reachability Analysis (HD). Computes reachable
155          states  in  a manner that keeps BDD sizes under control. May be
156          faster than BFS in some cases. For larger circuits, this option
157          could  compute  more  reachable states than the -A 0 option for
158          the  same  memory  constraints,  consequently  may  prove  more
159          invariants  false. For help on controlling options for HD, look
160          up  help  on the command: print_hd_options [9]print_hd_options.
161          Refer  Ravi & Somenzi, ICCAD95. The path generated for a failed
162          invariant  using this method may not be the shortest path. This
163          option is available only when compiled with the CUDD package.
165          2.   Approximate   Reachability   Don't  Cares(ARDC).  Computes
166          over-approximated reachable states in the reachability analysis
167          step.  This may be faster than the -A 0 option . The invariants
168          are  checked  in the over-approximation. This may produce false
169          negatives,  but  these  are resolved internally using the exact
170          reachable  states.  The  final results produced are the same as
171          those  for  exact  reachable  states.  For  help on controlling
172          options    for   ARDC,   look   up   help   on   the   command:
173          print_ardc_options.  [10]print_ardc_options  Refer  2 papers in
174          TCAD96 Dec. Cho et al, one is for State Space Decomposition and
175          the  other  is  for  Approximate  FSM Traversal. This option is
176          incompatible with -d 1 and -g options.
178          3.   The  GRAB  Abstraction  Refinement  Method.  Conducts  the
179          reachability  analysis  on an abstract model. If the invariants
180          are  true  in  the  abstract  model,  they are also true in the
181          original  model.  If  the  invariants  are  false, the abstract
182          counter-examples  are  used to refine the abstract model (since
183          it  is  still  inconclusive).  This  procedure iterates until a
184          conclusive  result  is  reached.  Note  that, with this option,
185          "build_partitioned_mdds" and "static_order" does not have to be
186          executed  before calling "check_invariants," though the default
187          BDD  partition  and  order  will  be reused if available. (When
188          checking  extremely  large  models,  skipping  either  or  both
189          "static_order"  and "build_partitioned_mdds" can often make the
190          verification  much  faster.)  The  grainularity  of abstraction
191          refinement also depends on the parameter "partition_threshold",
192          which  by  default  is  5000;  one can use the VIS command "set
193          partition_threshold  1000" to change its value. For experienced
194          users  who  want to fine-tune the different parameters of GRAB,
195          please  try  the  test  command  "_grab_test"  ("_grab_test -h"
196          prints  out  its  usage  information).  Refer  to  Wang et al.,
197          ICCAD2003  and  ICCD2004  for  more  information about the GRAB
198          algorithm.  Note  that this option is incompatible with the "-d
199          1" and "-g" options.
201          4.  Abstraction  refinement  approach  using puresat algorithm,
202          which  is entirely based on SAT solver. It has several parts: *
203          Localization  base Abstraction * K-induction to prove the truth
204          of  a  property  *  Bounded  Model  Checking  to  find  bugs  *
205          Incremental  concretization  based  methods  to verify abstract
206          bugs  *  UNSAT  proof  based  method  to  obtain  refinement  *
207          Refinement  minization  to  guarrantee a minimal refinement For
208          more  information, please check the BMC'03 and STTT'05 paper of
209          Li  et  al.,  "A  satisfiability-based  appraoch to abstraction
210          refinement  in  model  checking", and " Abstraction in symbolic
211          model  checking  using  satisfiability  as  the  only  decision
212          procedure"
214   -D
215          First  compute  an  overapproximation  to the reachable states.
216          Minimize  the transition relation using this approximation, and
217          then  compute  the  set  of  reachable states exactly. This may
218          accelerate reachability analysis. Refer to the paper by Moon et
219          al,  ICCAD98.  The BDD minimizing method can be chosen by using
220          "set   image_minimize_method   "   [11]set.   This   option  is
221          incompatible with -g.
223   -F <dbg_file>
224          Write the debugger output to dbg_file.
226   <invarFile>
227          File containing invariants to be checked.
229   Related "set" options:
231   rch_simulate <#>
232   The  set  option  can be used to set this flag rch_simulate to specify
233   the  number  of random vectors to be simulated. Default value for this
234   number is 0.
236   ctl_change_bracket <yes/no>
237   Vl2mv automatically converts "[]" to "<>" in node names, therefore CTL
238   parser  does  the  same  thing. However, in some cases a user does not
239   want to change node names in CTL parsing. Then, use this set option by
240   giving "no". Default is "yes".
242   See also command : compute_reach
244   -w <node_file> This option invoked the algorithm to generate an error
245   trace divided into fated and free segements. Fate represents the
246   inevitability and free is asserted when there is no inevitability.
247   This can be formulated as a two-player concurrent reachability game.
248   The two players are the environment and the system. The node_file is
249   given To specify the variables the are controlled by the system.
251   -W
252   This option represents the case that all input variables are
253   controlled by system.
255   -G
256   We proposed two algorithm to generate segemented counter example. They
257   are general and restrcited algorithm. Bu default we use restricted
258   algorithm. We can invoke general algorithm with -G option. For more
259   information, please check the STTT'04 paper of Jin et al., "Fate and
260   Free Will in Error Traces"
261     _________________________________________________________________
263   Last updated on 20050519 10h16
267   1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/init_verifyCmd.html
268   2. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_maigsCmd.html
269   3. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/flatten_hierarchyCmd.html
270   4. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_maigsCmd.html
271   5. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/static_orderCmd.html
272   6. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_mddsCmd.html
273   7. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/ctl/ctl/ctl.html
274   8. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/flatten_hierarchyCmd.html
275   9. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/print_hd_optionsCmd.html
276  10. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/print_ardc_optionsCmd.html
277  11. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/setCmd.html
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