flatten_hierarchy - create a flattened network _________________________________________________________________ flatten_hierarchy [-a ] [-b] [-h] [-s] [-v #] Creates a flattened network from a hierarchical description. The flattened network encompasses everything from the current node of the hierarchy (reached by the command cd), down to and including the leaves. It creates a view with the hierarchy removed, but retains the multi-level logic structure. The resulting flattened network is stored with the current node. Every table in the flattened network is checked whether it is completely specified and deterministic. This is the starting point for verification related commands. A limited form of abstraction can be done by providing a list of variables to treat as primary inputs. See the information under below. The verification part of VIS requires the functions specified by the BLIF-MV tables to be completely specified and deterministic. These conditions are checked during the flattening process; if a table is found that is incompletely specified or is nondeterministic, then an error message is written and a flattened network is not created. The exception to this rule is tables specifying "pseudo inputs"; these are tables with no inputs, and a single output that can take more than one value. Such tables are generated by vl2mv to model the "$ND" construct in Verilog. If this command is invoked a second time from the same point in the hierarchy, the previous network is deleted and a new one is created. This is the tactic to follow if you want to change some aspect of the current network, such as MDD variable ordering or image_method. Command options: -a A file containing names of variables, used to specify which variables to abstract. The name of a variable is the full hierarchical path name, starting from just after the current hierarchy node (i.e., if the current node is foo, and you want to refer to variable x in foo, then just use x). A variable should appear at most once in the file. Each variable name should appear at the beginning of a new line, with no white space preceding it. The end of a variable name is marked by white space, and any other text on the rest of the line is ignored. Any line starting with "#" or white space is ignored. A sample file is shown here. # variables to abstract to model check liveness property choosing0 p0.pc For each variable x appearing in the file, a new primary input node named x$ABS is created to drive all the nodes that were previously driven by x. Hence, the node x will not have any fanouts; however, x and its transitive fanins will remain in the network. Abstracting a net effectively allows it to take any value in its range, at every clock cycle. This mechanism can be used to perform manual abstractions. The variables to abstract should not affect the correctness of the property being checked. This usually simplifies the network, and permits some verification tasks to complete that would not otherwise. Note, however, that by increasing the behavior of the system, false negatives are possible when checking universal properties, and false positives are possible when checking existential properties. A convenient way of generating the hierarchical variable names is by using the write_order command. Note that abstracting next state variables has no effect. -b This option has no effect any longer. -h Print the command usage. -s Do not perform a sweep. -v # Print debug information. 0: (default) Nothing is printed out. >= 2: Prints the variables read from the input file. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16