read_order - Read and reorder variable order from a file. _________________________________________________________________ read_order [-h] [-v] [] This command reads variable order from a file and reorder variable order according to the order. This command can be used any time after static_order command. However, the users should notice that there is a possibility to get BDD blowups during this command. Command options: -h Print the command usage. -g Specify whether to group present and next state variables or not. 0: Do not group. 1: Do group (default). -v Print debug information. A file containing names of network nodes, used to specify a variable ordering. The name of a node is the full hierarchical path name, starting from the current hierarchical node. A node should appear at most once in the file. Each node name should appear at the beginning of a new line, with no white space preceeding it. The end of a node name is marked by white space, and any other text on the rest of the line is ignored. Any line starting with "#" or white space is ignored. See write_order for a sample file. Note that the variable ordering cannot be specified at the bit-level; it can only be specified at the multi-valued variable level. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16