_grab_test - Performs invairant checking on a flattened network with the GRAB abstraction refinement algorithm. _________________________________________________________________ _grab_test [-a ] [-c ] [-d ] [-F] [-M] [-i] [-m] [-t ] [-v ] [-f ] [-h] Performs invairant checking on a flattened network with the GRAB abstraction refinement algorithm. Before calling this command, the user should have created the flattened netowrk by calling the commands [1]flatten_hierarchy and [2]build_partition_maigs. The default BDD manager and network partition are not mandatory for calling this command, though they will be used if available. (In other words, the user doesn't have to run the commands [3]static_order and [4]build_partition_mdds before calling this command.) Regardless of the options, no 'false positive' or 'false negatives' will occurs: the result is correct for the given model. Properties to be verified should be provided as invariant formulae in the file inv_file. Node that the support of any wire referred to in a formula should consist only of latches. For the precise syntax of CTL and LTL formulas, see the [5]VIS CTL and LTL syntax manual. If a formula does not pass, a proof of failure (referred to as a counter-example) is demonstrated. Whether demostrate the proof or not can be specified (see option -d). Command options: -a Specify the refinement variable selection algorithm. refine_algorithm must be one of the following: GRAB: the GRAB refinement method (Default). -c Specify the type of abstract counter-examples used in the analysis. cex_type must be one of the following: 0: minterm state counter-example. 1: cube state counter-example. 2: synchronous onion rings (Default). -d Specify whether to demonstrate a counter-example when the system fails a formula being checked. dbg_level must be one of the following: 0: No debugging performed. dbg_level=0 is the default. 1: Generate a counter-example (a path to a fair cycle). -F Enable or disable the use of fine-grain abstraction. finegrain_flag must be one of the following: 0: disable fine-grain abstraction. 1: enable fine-grain abstraction (Default). -M Enable or disable the use of greedy refinement minimization. refinemin_flag must be one of the following: 0: disable greedy refinement minimization. 1: enable greedy refinement minimization (Default). -i Print input values causing transitions between states during debugging. Both primary and pseudo inputs are printed. -m Pipe debugger output through the UNIX utility more. -t Specify the time out period (in seconds) after which the command aborts. By default this option is set to infinity. -v Specify verbosity level. This sets the amount of feedback on CPU usage and code status. verbosity_level must be one of the following: 0: No feedback provided. This is the default. 1: Feedback on code location. 2: Feedback on code location and CPU usage. -f Specify the name of the file ot which error trace is written. -h Print the command usage. See also commands : model_check, check_invariant __________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16 References 1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/flatten_hierarchyCmd.html 2. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_maigsCmd.html 3. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/static_orderCmd.html 4. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_mddsCmd.html 5. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/ctl/ctl/ctl.html