set - set an environment variable _________________________________________________________________ set [-h] [] [] A variable environment is maintained by the command interpreter. The "set" command sets a variable to a particular value, and the "unset" command removes the definition of a variable. If "set" is given no arguments, it prints the current value of all variables. Command options: -h Print the command usage. Variable name Value to be assigned to the variable. Interpolation of variables is allowed when using the set command. The variables are referred to with the prefix of '$'. So for example, the following can be done to check the value of a set variable: vis> set foo bar vis> echo $foo bar The last line "bar" will the output produced by vis. Variables can be extended by using the character ':' to concatenate values. For example : vis> set foo bar vis> set foo $foo:foobar vis> echo $foo bar:foobar The variable foo is extended with the value foobar . Whitespace characters may be present within quotes. However, variable interpolation lays the restriction that the characters ':' and '/' may not be used within quotes. This is to allow for recursive interpolation. So for example, the following is allowed vis> set "foo bar" this vis> echo $"foo bar" this The last line will be the output produced by vis. But in the following, the value of the variable foo/bar will not be interpreted correctly: vis> set "foo/bar" this vis> echo $"foo/bar" foo/bar If a variable is not set by the "set" command, then the variable is returned unchanged. Different commands use environment information for different purposes. The command interpreter makes use of the following parameters: autoexec Defines a command string to be automatically executed after every command processed by the command interpreter. This is useful for things like timing commands, or tracing the progress of optimization. open_path "open_path" (in analogy to the shell-variable PATH) is a list of colon-separated strings giving directories to be searched whenever a file is opened for read. Typically the current directory (.) is first in this list. The standard system library (typically $VIS_LIBRARY_PATH) is always implicitly appended to the current path. This provides a convenient short-hand mechanism for reaching standard library files. vis_stderr Standard error (normally stderr) can be re-directed to a file by setting the variable vis_stderr. vis_stdout Standard output (normally stdout) can be re-directed to a file by setting the variable vis_stdout. Building MDDs for the network makes use of following setting: partition_method This parameter is used to select the method for creating the partition. The vertices of a partition correspond to the combinational inputs, combinational outputs, and any intermediate nodes used. Each vertex has a multi-valued function (represented by MDDs) expressing the function of the corresponding network node in terms of the partition vertices in its transitive fanin. Hence, the MDDs of the partition represent a partial collapsing of the network. The possible values of partition_method are: inout Expresses the combinational outputs in terms of the combinational inputs. This is the default partitioning method. total The partition built is isomorphic to the combinational part of the network. The function of each node is expressed in terms of its immediate fanins. frontier The partition built contains the combinational part of the network as well as vertices corresponding to some intermediate nodes. These vertices are generated to control the MDD sizes of the combinational outputs. The number of intermediate variables can be controlled by the parameter "partition_threshold". The method "inout" and "total" are special cases of this method (corresponding to a partition_threshold of infinity and 0 respectively). partition_threshold This parameter is used in conjuction with the selection of "frontier" as partition method. This determines the threshold at which a new MDD variable is created in the partition. Image computation makes use of following settings: image_method The "image_method" parameter is used to control the image method used in various symbolic analysis techniques. Currently, two image methods are implemented. Use "set image_method " to choose the appropriate method. monolithic This is the most naive approach possible. However, this method is not suitable for circuits with more than 20 latches. tfm This is the pure transition function method. This method is supposed not to be used in general fixpoint computations. Approximate traversal is an application of this method. Basically this method is made as a part of hybrid method. For more detailed options, see the help of print_tfm_options command. hybrid This is a hybrid method combining transition relation and function methods. Transition relation method is based on conjunction of partitioned transition relation, whereas transition function method is based on splitting on an input or output variable recursively. The hybrid method choose either splitting or conjunction at each recursion dynamically using the dependence matrix. For details, refer to the paper "To split or to Conjoin: The Question in Image Computation" by In-Ho Moon, James Kukula, Kavita Ravi, and Fabio Somenzi, DAC'00. Also for more detailed options, see the help of print_hybrid_options command. iwls95 This technique is based on the early variable quantification and related heuristics of Ranjan, et al. "Efficient BDD Algorithms for FSM Synthesis and Verification", IWLS 1995. First, from the given multivalued functions, bit level relations are created. These relations are then clustered based on the value of threshold value controlled by image_cluster_size parameter. Next the relations are ordered for early variable quantification. This ordering is controlled by the parameters image_W1, image_W2, image_W3, and image_W4. mlp This technique is based on minimizing the variable lifetime in the conjunctions of the partitioned transition relation. The method is called MLP (Minimal Lifetime Permutation). For details, refer to the paper "Border-Block Triangular Form and Conjunction Schedule in Image Computation" by In-Ho Moon, Gary Hachtel, and Fabio Somenzi, FMCAD'00. Also for more detailed options, see the help of print_mlp_options command. image_farside_method This parameter is used in conjunction with the selection of iwls95, mlp, orlinear as the image_method. When the value is 1, the compositional far side image computation approach is enabled; when the value is 0, this feature is disabled (default). image_cluster_size This parameter is used in conjunction with the selection of iwls95 as the image_method. The value of this parameter is used as threshold value for creating clusters. The default value of this parameter is 5000 which has been empirically proved to be an optimal value. image_W1, image_W2, image_W3, image_W4 These parameters are used in conjunction with the selection of iwls95 as the image_method. They control the weights associated with various factors in ordering the clusters. The default values are 6, 1, 1, and 2 respectively. For a detailed description of these parameters, please refer to the paper in IWLS'95 proceedings. image_verbosity Sets the verbosity mode (0 minimum to 4 maximum), for the image method iwls95. image_minimize_method Sets a minimization method to minimize the transition relation or an image/preimage computaion with a set of dont-care states. Methods: 0 : restrict (default). 1 : constrain 2 : compact (currently supported by only CUDD) 3 : squeeze (currently supported by only CUDD) scc_method Sets the symbolic method to enumerate strongly connected components (SCCs). Symbolic SCC enumeration is the core computation in LTL and fair-CTL model checking. Methods: lockstep : the O(nlogn) time LockStep algorithm (default). Methods: linearstep : the linear time symbolic algorithm (default). _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16