/* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Regents of the University of California All rights reserved. Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. However, any distribution of this software or derivative works must include the above copyright notice. This software is made available AS IS, and neither the Electronics Research Laboratory or the Universify of California make any warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification. Author: Szu-Tsung Cheng, stcheng@ic.Berkeley.EDU 10/92 10/93 $Header: /projects/development/hsv/CVSRepository/vl2mv/src/parser/vl_defs.h,v 2001/07/09 23:22:42 fabio Exp $ */ #define EnumType 1 #define LastCellNum 142 #define None 0 #define CombPrimDecl 1 #define SeqPrimDecl 2 #define ModDecl 3 #define RealDecl 4 #define IntDecl 5 #define TimeDecl 6 #define EventDecl 7 #define InputDecl 8 #define OutputDecl 9 #define InoutDecl 10 #define RegDecl 11 #define ParamDecl 12 #define DefparamDecl 13 #define WireDecl 14 #define TriDecl 15 #define Tri0Decl 16 #define Tri1Decl 17 #define Supply0Decl 18 #define Supply1Decl 19 #define WandDecl 20 #define TriandDecl 21 #define WorDecl 22 #define TriorDecl 23 #define TriregDecl 24 #define ContAssign 25 #define TaskDecl 26 #define IntFuncDecl 27 #define RealFuncDecl 28 #define RangeFuncDecl 29 #define AndGate 30 #define NandGate 31 #define OrGate 32 #define NorGate 33 #define XorGate 34 #define XnorGate 35 #define BufGate 36 #define Bufif0Gate 37 #define Bufif1Gate 38 #define NotGate 39 #define Notif0Gate 40 #define Notif1Gate 41 #define PulldownGate 42 #define PullupGate 43 #define NmosGate 44 #define RnmosGate 45 #define PmosGate 46 #define RpmosGate 47 #define CmosGate 48 #define RcmosGate 49 #define TranGate 50 #define RtranGate 51 #define Tranif0Gate 52 #define Rtranif0Gate 53 #define Tranif1Gate 54 #define Rtranif1Gate 55 #define PrimInst 56 #define ModInst 57 #define AlwaysStmt 58 #define InitialStmt 59 #define BeginEndStmt 60 #define IfElseStmt 61 #define CaseStmt 62 #define CasexStmt 63 #define CasezStmt 64 #define ForeverStmt 65 #define RepeatStmt 66 #define WhileStmt 67 #define ForStmt 68 #define DelayControlStmt 69 #define EventControlStmt 70 #define BassignStmt 71 #define NbassignStmt 72 #define DelayBassignStmt 73 #define DelayNbassignStmt 74 #define EventBassignStmt 75 #define EventNbassignStmt 76 #define WaitStmt 77 #define ForkJoinStmt 78 #define TaskEnableStmt 79 #define SysTaskEnableStmt 80 #define DisableStmt 81 #define AssignStmt 82 #define DeassignStmt 83 #define CaseItem 84 #define DefaultItem 85 #define OrEventExpr 86 #define NegedgeEventExpr 87 #define PosedgeEventExpr 88 #define EdgeEventExpr 141 #define EventExpr 89 #define IDExpr 90 #define BitSelExpr 91 #define PartSelExpr 92 #define ConcatExpr 93 #define MinTypMaxExpr 94 #define BitExpr 138 #define IntExpr 95 #define RealExpr 96 #define StringExpr 97 #define FuncExpr 98 #define UplusExpr 99 #define UminusExpr 100 #define UnotExpr 101 #define UcomplExpr 102 #define UandExpr 103 #define UnandExpr 104 #define UorExpr 105 #define UnorExpr 106 #define UxorExpr 107 #define UxnorExpr 108 #define BplusExpr 109 #define BminusExpr 110 #define BtimesExpr 111 #define BdivExpr 112 #define BremExpr 113 #define Beq2Expr 114 #define Bneq2Expr 115 #define Beq3Expr 116 #define Bneq3Expr 117 #define BlandExpr 118 #define BlorExpr 119 #define BltExpr 120 #define BleExpr 121 #define BgtExpr 122 #define BgeExpr 123 #define BandExpr 124 #define BorExpr 125 #define BxorExpr 126 #define BxnorExpr 127 #define BlshiftExpr 128 #define BrshiftExpr 129 #define TcondExpr 130 #define NondExpr 142 #define LastPrimNum 21 #define PrimNone 0 #define Prim0 1 #define Prim1 2 #define PrimX 3 #define PrimQ 4 #define PrimR 5 #define PrimF 6 #define PrimP 7 #define PrimN 8 #define PrimS 9 #define PrimM 10 #define PrimB 18 #define Prim0X 11 #define Prim1X 12 #define PrimX0 13 #define PrimX1 14 #define PrimXB 15 #define PrimBX 16 #define PrimBB 17 #define PrimQ0 19 #define PrimQ1 20 #define PrimQB 21 #define Supply0Supply1 3 #define Supply0Strong1 4 #define Supply0Pull1 5 #define Supply0Weak1 6 #define Supply0HighZ1 7 #define Strong0Supply1 8 #define Strong0Strong1 9 #define Strong0Pull1 10 #define Strong0Weak1 11 #define Strong0HighZ1 12 #define Pull0Supply1 13 #define Pull0Strong1 14 #define Pull0Pull1 15 #define Pull0Weak1 16 #define Pull0HighZ1 17 #define Weak0Supply1 18 #define Weak0Strong1 19 #define Weak0Pull1 20 #define Weak0Weak1 21 #define Weak0HighZ1 22 #define HighZ0Supply1 23 #define HighZ0Strong1 24 #define HighZ0Pull1 25 #define HighZ0Weak1 26 #define HighZ0HighZ1 27 #define Supply1Supply0 28 #define Supply1Strong0 29 #define Supply1Pull0 30 #define Supply1Weak0 31 #define Supply1HighZ0 32 #define Strong1Supply0 33 #define Strong1Strong0 34 #define Strong1Pull0 35 #define Strong1Weak0 36 #define Strong1HighZ0 37 #define Pull1Supply0 38 #define Pull1Strong0 39 #define Pull1Pull0 40 #define Pull1Weak0 41 #define Pull1HighZ0 42 #define Weak1Supply0 43 #define Weak1Strong0 44 #define Weak1Pull0 45 #define Weak1Weak0 46 #define Weak1HighZ0 47 #define HighZ1Supply0 48 #define HighZ1Strong0 49 #define HighZ1Pull0 50 #define HighZ1Weak0 51 #define HighZ1HighZ0 52 #define Small 53 #define Medium 54 #define Large 55 #define Range_Dcl 131 #define Integer_Dcl 132 #define Real_Dcl 133 #define MOST_SB (1>>31) #define LEAST_SB 1 #define ModulePort 134 #define NamedPort 135 #define ModuleConnect 136 #define NamedConnect 137 #define SendEventStmt 139 #define SWireDecl 140 #define MVar (1) #define InPort (1<<1) #define OutPort (1<<2) #define RegVar (1<<3) #define WireVar (1<<4) #define HiddenLatch (1<<5) #define UninitializeVar (1<<10) #define AccessedVar (1<<11) #define EdgeDetector (1<<12) #define AutoDeclared (1<<13) #define EventVar (1<<8) #define TautologyTrue (1<<14) #define ConflictFalse (1<<15) #define EdgeSignal (1<<6) #define AlwaysTouched (1<<6) #define WithInitial (1<<7) #define WithSyncho (1) #define PseudoAlways (1<<1) #define TimedInitStmt (1<<2) #define NBASSIGN_IN_INITIAL (1) #define NBASSIGN_IN_ALWAYS (1<<1) #define DF_UninitVar (1) #define DFLOW_Always (1) #define DFLOW_Initial (1<<1) #define LIBuand UandExpr #define LIBunand UnandExpr #define LIBuor UorExpr #define LIBunor UnorExpr #define LIBuxor UxorExpr #define LIBuxnor UxnorExpr #define LIBplus BplusExpr #define LIBminus BminusExpr #define LIBtimes BtimesExpr #define LIBdiv BdivExpr #define LIBrem BremExpr #define LIBeq2 Beq2Expr #define LIBneq2 Bneq2Expr #define LIBeq3 Beq3Expr #define LIBneq3 Bneq3Expr #define LIBland BlandExpr #define LIBlor BlorExpr #define LIBlt BltExpr #define LIBle BlorExpr #define LIBgt BgtExpr #define LIBge BgeExpr #define LIBand BandExpr #define LIBor BorExpr #define LIBxor BxorExpr #define LIBxnor BxnorExpr #define LIBlshift BlshiftExpr #define LIBrshift BrshiftExpr #define LIBmux (LastCellNum+1) #define LIBopen (LastCellNum+2) #define LIBconst (LastCellNum+3) #define LIBconnect (LastCellNum+4) #define LIBint (LastCellNum+5) #define LIBconflict (LastCellNum+6) #define LIBnblock (LastCellNum+7) #define LIBiconnect (LastCellNum+8) #define LIBexpand (LastCellNum+9) #define LIBshrink (LastCellNum+10) #define LIBsubrange (LastCellNum+11) #define LIBindex (LastCellNum+12) #define TeslaTimerGate (LastCellNum+13) #define LIB_NAME(type) (type==LIBmux)? "__mux" : \ (type==LIBopen)? "__open" : \ (type==LIBconst)? "__const" : \ (type==LIBconnect)?"__connect" : \ (type==LIBiconnect)?"__iconnect" : \ (type==LIBexpand)? "__expand" : \ (type==LIBshrink)? "__shrink" : \ (type==LIBint)? "__int" : \ (type==LIBconflict)?"__conflict" : \ (type==LIBnblock)? "__nblock" : \ (type==LIBuand)? "__uand" : \ (type==LIBunand)? "__unand" : \ (type==LIBuor)? "__uor" : \ (type==LIBunor)? "__unor" : \ (type==LIBuxor)? "__uxor" : \ (type==LIBuxnor)? "__uxnor" : \ (type==LIBplus)? "__plus" : \ (type==LIBminus)? "__minus" : \ (type==LIBtimes)? "__times" : \ (type==LIBdiv)? "__div" : \ (type==LIBrem)? "__rem" : \ (type==LIBeq2)? "__eq2" : \ (type==LIBneq2)? "__neq2" : \ (type==LIBeq3)? "__eq3" : \ (type==LIBneq3)? "__neq3" : \ (type==LIBland)? "__land" : \ (type==LIBlor)? "__lor" : \ (type==LIBlt)? "__lt" : \ (type==LIBle)? "__le" : \ (type==LIBgt)? "__gt" : \ (type==LIBge)? "__ge" : \ (type==LIBand)? "__and" : \ (type==LIBor)? "__or" : \ (type==LIBxor)? "__xor" : \ (type==LIBxnor)? "__xnor" : \ (type==LIBlshift)? "__lshift" : \ (type==LIBsubrange)?"__subrange" : \ (type==LIBindex)? "__index" : \ (type==LIBrshift)? "__rshift" : "__????" #define HSIS_LIB_HEADER "_hsis_" #define SYS_LIB_NAME(type) \ (type==LIBmux)? "mux" : \ (type==LIBopen)? "open" : \ (type==LIBconst)? "const" : \ (type==LIBconnect)?"connect" : \ (type==LIBiconnect)?"iconnect" : \ (type==LIBexpand)? "expand" : \ (type==LIBshrink)? "shrink" : \ (type==LIBint)? "int" : \ (type==LIBconflict)?"conflict" : \ (type==LIBnblock)? "nblock" : \ (type==LIBuand)? "uand" : \ (type==LIBunand)? "unand" : \ (type==LIBuor)? "uor" : \ (type==LIBunor)? "unor" : \ (type==LIBuxor)? "uxor" : \ (type==LIBuxnor)? "uxnor" : \ (type==LIBplus)? "add" : \ (type==LIBminus)? "minus" : \ (type==LIBtimes)? "times" : \ (type==LIBdiv)? "div" : \ (type==LIBrem)? "rem" : \ (type==LIBeq2)? "eq2" : \ (type==LIBneq2)? "neq2" : \ (type==LIBeq3)? "eq3" : \ (type==LIBneq3)? "neq3" : \ (type==LIBland)? "and" : \ (type==LIBlor)? "or" : \ (type==LIBlt)? "lt" : \ (type==LIBle)? "le" : \ (type==LIBgt)? "gt" : \ (type==LIBge)? "ge" : \ (type==LIBand)? "and" : \ (type==LIBor)? "or" : \ (type==LIBxor)? "xor" : \ (type==LIBxnor)? "xnor" : \ (type==LIBlshift)? "lshift" : \ (type==LIBsubrange)?"subrange" : \ (type==LIBindex)? "index" : \ (type==LIBrshift)? "rshift" : "????" #define GATE_NAME(type) (type==AndGate)? "and" : \ (type==NandGate)? "nand" : \ (type==OrGate)? "or" : \ (type==NorGate)? "nor" : \ (type==XorGate)? "xor" : \ (type==XnorGate)? "xnor" : \ (type==BufGate)? "buf" : \ (type==Bufif0Gate)?"bufif0" : \ (type==Bufif1Gate)?"bufif1" : \ (type==NotGate)? "not" : \ (type==Notif0Gate)?"notif0" : \ (type==Notif1Gate)?"notif1" : \ (type==PulldownGate)?"pulldown" : \ (type==PullupGate)?"pullup" : \ (type==NmosGate)? "nmos" : \ (type==RnmosGate)? "rnmos" : \ (type==PmosGate)? "pmos" : \ (type==RpmosGate)? "rpmos" : \ (type==CmosGate)? "cmos" : \ (type==RcmosGate)? "rcmos" : \ (type==TranGate)? "tran" : \ (type==RtranGate)? "rtran" : \ (type==Tranif0Gate)?"tranif0" : \ (type==Tranif1Gate)?"tranif1" : \ (type==Rtranif0Gate)?"rtranif0" : \ (type==Rtranif1Gate)?"rtranif1" : "????"