/* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Regents of the University of California All rights reserved. Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. However, any distribution of this software or derivative works must include the above copyright notice. This software is made available AS IS, and neither the Electronics Research Laboratory or the Universify of California make any warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification. Author: Szu-Tsung Cheng, stcheng@ic.Berkeley.EDU 10/92 10/93 $Header: /projects/development/hsv/CVSRepository/vl2mv/src/parser/vl_nonblock.h,v 2001/07/09 23:22:42 fabio Exp $ */ EXTERN vl_term *write_entry_control ARGS((FILE*, lsList, char*, st_table*, int)); EXTERN vl_term *write_nond_set ARGS((FILE*, vl_id_range*, lsList)); EXTERN vl_term *write_set_accumulate ARGS((FILE*, vl_id_range*, vl_term*, vl_term*, vl_term*, vl_term**)); EXTERN void put_nblock_scalar_simple_table ARGS((FILE *file, char *dc, vl_id_range *id_sym, int non_block_wire, char *latch_name, vl_term *out_term, int n_entries, int lo, int hi, lsList ripple, vl_term *procedural_ctrl, vl_term *procedural_term)); EXTERN void put_nblock_scalar_array_table ARGS((FILE *file, char *dc, vl_id_range *id_sym, int non_block_wire, char *latch_name, vl_term *out_term, int n_entries, int lo, int hi, lsList ripple)); EXTERN void put_nblock_vector_table ARGS((FILE *file, char *dc, vl_id_range *id_sym, int non_block_wire, char *latch_name, vl_term *out_term, int n_entries, int lo, int hi, lsList *ripple, vl_term *procedural_ctrl, vl_term *procedural_term));